View Full Version : T/C Hawken help

02-23-2012, 08:00 AM
Yesterday I was visiting with my arrowhead hunting buddy and gave him a couple points that I had made of a style he didn't have. We had been talked last sat, and he told me he had a couple side locks that I could have if I wanted them. Yesterday when I took him his arrow heads he gave me one of the side locks, it was a TC Hawken. Over all it is not in bad shape, but it had the nipple replaced with an ignition system that takes regular Large Rifle primers. Steve told me it had a charge in it and I could see the fired LR primer.

When I got it home, I pulled the ball and dumped the powder out. I swabbed it real good with PB Blaster and soaked the ignition system. I finally got the spent primer out but for the life of me can't get the ignition system out. I left it soak in PB Blaster and I am going to try an easy out on it later today. The bore on the old gun looks pretty good. If I can get that ignition system out and a new nipple in without damaging anything I will have another really nice front stuffer. Worse case I will just order a GM barrel for it and be done with it, or grind everything off on the side of that one, drill and tap it for a touch hole liner, and order a new lock assembly that holds a rock in the cock. There are lots of ways to skin this cat, but I am looking for suggestions that will make things the easiest and least expensive way to get it shooting.

I was thinking about putting a bit of heat on that ignition system and then running an easy out in it, now that I have all of the powder out of it. If I can get that *** ignition system out, or what is left of it out I should say, and get a nipple back in that is the quickest and easiest fix there is. Let me here your thoughts.

Thanks in advance fellas because I know you will come up with some great idea's.


02-23-2012, 08:11 AM
Give it a good shot of Kroil and let it sit for awhile... the stuff seems to get into places where no other penetrating stuff can..

02-23-2012, 03:21 PM
Looks like you got it fixed onthe other thread With a tad bit of force.

02-23-2012, 06:38 PM
Looks like you got it fixed onthe other thread With a tad bit of force.

I played nice with it for a good long while, and finally decided that it was no good to me the way it was, so if I damaged anything important getting it out, I was still not out much. As it turned out all it took was gitting a bit rough, but everything cleaned up nice and the nipple threads in good and snugs up nicely, so no worries here.

02-23-2012, 07:22 PM
Sometimes you really do just need a bigger hammer.

10 ga
02-23-2012, 08:37 PM
Vicegrips, channel locks, hammers and cold chisels. All in lots of different sizes. What can't you fix! 10 ga

02-23-2012, 08:51 PM
Of course the #11 nipple works just fine and is all you need to have that rifle working as it should. Because I hunt in the cold and my old, fat fingers weren't made for the tiny #11's, I put a musket cap nipple in there and it has served me well.

02-23-2012, 10:58 PM
The only thing I don't like about the TC is that the half cock sits too close to the nipple for my taste. Unless you pull the hammer back a bit it is impossible to put a cap on the nipple with your fingers. Now using an inline capper works great, and is fast for capping it. I guess this spring when I go up to VA hospital for my ortho appointment, I will swing by Graf's there in Mexico and pick up a case of No 11 caps, and just be done with it, then I will have a life time supply... maybe...

Best wishes,


02-23-2012, 11:57 PM
Inline capper is a must for guys with big fingers. I use the quick loaders. They have the spot for the caps. A tad easier than the inlines.

02-24-2012, 12:04 AM
Of course the #11 nipple works just fine and is all you need to have that rifle working as it should. Because I hunt in the cold and my old, fat fingers weren't made for the tiny #11's, I put a musket cap nipple in there and it has served me well.

that's why i also prefer musket caps.


DIRT Farmer
02-24-2012, 02:22 AM
Check out the Ted Cash capper, It holds enough for most of an afternoons shooting.

About buying a case of caps, might as well get a spare case, just in case you run out.

02-24-2012, 08:04 AM
About buying a case of caps, might as well get a spare case, just in case you run out.

That is a good idea. I have spare cases of center fire primers, so why not a spare case of caps. I have and can make my own powder, so I would be pretty much set for life for sure.

Best wishes,


DIRT Farmer
02-24-2012, 10:29 AM
I thought that the first time I bought the 5K package considering I shoot mainly flint. I bought another 10K two years ago and am 62. They don't go away as fast as they did when the boys were still home though.

02-24-2012, 11:50 AM
I know that if I decide to shoot the old '61 Colt Navy I can go through a tin in no time. They last a bit longer in the single shots. I love muzzleloaders but I am more of a lever gun guy at heart, so for most of my shooting pleasures the Mod 92's are generally my shooters of choice. I only shoot the muzzleloaders on nice days where I have a long time to actually enjoy shooting them. It is no fun to just shoot one a half a dozen times and then have to clean it and put it up.

Best wishes,


MT Gianni
02-24-2012, 11:57 AM
I have a system on my Hawken to shoot sr primers instead of caps. When I bought it primers were 1/3 the cost of #11 caps. That could have been the motivating factor.

02-24-2012, 08:15 PM
i hope you have better luck with you're Hawken than i've had with mine. the inline capper is the only way to go if you use #11 caps. i've been thinkin' that a case of cap's is a good ideal, cause in my area they only have them around deer season, and they don't last long. there's one place in town that keep's some in stock, if you want to pay $7.99 per 100!!!

02-25-2012, 11:15 AM
Last month I cleaned out every store in town that carried No 11 caps at around $8 per 100. I bought 200 caps, that was all that was to be had, and no one knew when they were going to get more. I ran out of 452 dia RBs so I won't be shooting the revolver anytime soon. That will help save on caps right there. I have about 125 so that should get me buy for a month or so, until I can get to Grafs. If I run out I will go buy those red ring caps for they make for cap guns. I have used those before in a pinch. They will set off real black powder quite reliably, but not pyrodex. I use to use them all the time with light loads in my 50 cal Ky pistol. I have yet to try the red caps on a rifle but don't see why they wouldn't work. I have shot hundreds of them on the nipple of my 50 cal Ky pistol with 40 gr of 3FG. It is a cheap way to enjoy shooting.

Best wishes,


02-25-2012, 11:44 AM
I have thought about using those toy caps also but never had. I did play with the tap o caps though. I now use those to dry fire before I start shooting. I might have to make them up again as I am low and I now have real black to play with. Before I made up a bunch and used the with pyro. They worked but not always.