View Full Version : Would you buy just a Ruger #1 or 10/22 action?

02-20-2012, 12:54 PM
If Ruger offered the actions plus internal parts, trigger, etc. Basically an action that was ready to be stocked and barreled would you buy one? Provided it was at a reasonable price of course.

02-20-2012, 02:14 PM
I would buy both if funds allowed. The #1 would be a definite. The 10/22 would be very likely, but if it was sold as a "virgin" receiver like many AR receivers, in order to allow building a pistol or rifle, that would make it a definite. I have a 10/22 and have done a lot of work to it, so am very familiar with the action, but would like to build a pistol on the action, and buying a "Charger" just to throw away most of the parts doesn't make much sense to me as I dont like the design as it is, but have a few ideas floating around in my head.

02-20-2012, 02:49 PM
Don't know if you still can, but Brownell's offered Ruger #1 actions for a long long time...can't find them online with Brownells right now though...........

Hang Fire
02-20-2012, 08:44 PM
There is nothing reasonable about prices when one buys a car one part at a time.

02-20-2012, 09:56 PM
There is nothing reasonable about prices when one buys a car one part at a time.

I totally agree with you. I was just thinking I have seen 10/22 actions for about $50 in the past but didnt think to get them. And if I could get a virgin receiver, even for double that, it would be cheaper for my pistol project than buying a Charger for over $300 (around here) and then stripping most of the parts off to replace with others. I probably wont do this due to the costs involved, but kinda had a wild hair to attempt to build a pistol based on the 10/22 design action that would be somewhat similar cosmetically (stock wise) to the XP-100 pistols that I still see on occasion (but ALWAYS way out of my price range).

6.5 mike
02-21-2012, 05:19 AM
I would buy a no 1 action if priced right, just don't know what it would become, [smilie=l:.

02-21-2012, 06:01 AM
I would buy a #1 action again.

02-21-2012, 07:49 AM
Yes to the #1. No to the 10/22.


02-21-2012, 10:21 PM
I would buy a #1 action but it would have to be really cheap. A stock set and barrel blank by themselves is getting close to the cost of a used #1 whole rifle.

02-21-2012, 10:27 PM
i have been looking for a ruger 10 22 action for awhile as i have the original parts off my first ruger (stock, and barrell) and want a second "stock" ruger 10 22 for plinking and would do custom work to factor stock...perhaps finger grooves in pistol grip, adjustable cheek piece and rotatable and length adjustment butt pad

02-24-2012, 08:10 AM
There is nothing reasonable about prices when one buys a car one part at a time.

Building ones dream #1 a single part at a time would most certainly result in a rifle that costs more than the factory available ones, yet would still be way cheaper then buying a full#1 rifle stripping it down to the action putting your desired barrel and stock on it and then trying to sell off the left over parts to recoup some of the loss.

People do this all the time when building ARs, you might spend about the same building one as buying one off the rack, but the end result is "your" AR and not just one off the rack.

02-24-2012, 12:08 PM
Not only that, but if you build your own, you can be ticked off if your rifle wont shoot less than an inch because you have a good quality barrel on it that has some sort of guarantee. Unlike the factory toiletry they put on these $1000 rifles, which ruger promises will shoot less than 4" at 100 yards. Rugers accuracy standards are laughable. If I ever buy another Ruger, the first thing I will do is open up the action, clean out all the metal shavings, deburr all the razor sharp edges, and re-barrel it, Then and only then will I try to shoot it. All this for a single shot rifle, Hmmmm. I could get a CZ that will shoot dime sized groups right out of the box for that kind of money, or I could have two Savage's that will perform in similar fashion.
Ruger makes some of the most beautiful rifles I have ever seen, but all I care about is accuracy, if it doesn't have that, then its just a polished turd.

02-26-2012, 01:12 AM
I have a handful of 10/22 actions. I have no #1 actions. I would get the #1.

02-26-2012, 10:08 PM
I voted NO, I have found that the price of actions or barreled actions for that matter are very cost prohibitive. I would really like to know the reason why?? I have bought entire rifles on the used market, used the action or barreld action, and at a very cost efficient substitute. A different means to the same end.

02-29-2012, 09:22 PM
Hangfire said "There is nothing reasonable about prices when one buys a car one part at a time."

Worse than that what I have a hard time figuring out is guys that'll buy a 10/22 then throw everything away, (take off and not use) the stock, trigger group and barrel and replace all that stuff with aftermarket. Next stop $1200 10/22 with all the stock pieces left laying around.

02-29-2012, 09:27 PM
Oh and just as a side note, "MOA" sells a CNC'd stainless 10/22 receiver with an extra mounting lug on the rear for (last time I checked) $179. If someone were going to do a 10/22 build that would definitely be the place to start. As a matter of fact I believe it would make a better weapon, and cost much less, to get a factory 10/22, work over the trigger group then replace the factory receiver with that MOA receiver. I'd bet you dollars to donuts I could produce as much of a tack driver or better in that manner.

02-29-2012, 09:41 PM
Volquartsen makes all the parts you need to build a custom 10/22. I'd rather spend more money and have a tack driver than use a factory action.

Brought to you by TapaTalk.

03-01-2012, 12:02 AM
There are so mant things that can be done to either rifle, i said yes but only if it actually was cheaper than buying a new rifle. There is something to be said for either starting with a new action, and also buying a used gun to work over.

03-01-2012, 11:08 PM
Bealzybub- I did the same thing to my ruger 10 22, cant really explain why but ended up dropping around 1100 but its my favorite rifle so the price doesn't matter

03-02-2012, 01:38 AM
I have never seen the actions only at prices that make it practical. From what I have seen as an individual ( and not a dealer or FFL holder) you can buy the complete rifle cheaper than you can buy just the action. The same applies to the Remington 700 action.
Plus you can sell the replaced items: barrel ,stock trigger or what ever else you do not use in your build.

Four Fingers of Death
03-20-2012, 06:19 AM
A lot of manafacturers offer barrelled actions, but not just actions. I remember a gunsmith telling me why they were reluctant to sell just actions, but I can't remember.

He used to build middle and high end custom rifles on MkX Mauser actions, but found it was easier to pull the barrels and sell them than it was to get the actions. They had no qualms about selling single shot actions for target rifles though, which was odd considering their stance of the normal actions.

03-20-2012, 07:43 AM
I'd check into building a pistol from a rifle action. An action from a rifle is still a rifle no matter what the barrel length is. The only thing that matters is what it left the factory as. Get the barrel too short and you have an illegal weapon, even if it's a 22.

03-20-2012, 12:30 PM
If the price was right, I'd buy an action for some future project. In fact, I've done it twice--one is a Mauser 93 that resides in the safe Awaiting Inspiration, the other is a $65 complete 10/22. The Ruger is kind of a beater on the outside, but VERY nice internally. After a range trip--and seeing its decent accuracy--it stayed "as found" and is ugly enough to discourage my rotten kids and nephews from taking it.

03-21-2012, 10:30 AM
IME used guns are less expensive than new actions . as far as the 10/22 actions, there are several after market brands avalible with advanced features .

03-21-2012, 10:54 AM
The 10-22 because they are a simpler build for a guy like me with limited experience.

04-03-2012, 12:12 PM
I seen a $150 Ruger carbine at the Gunshow last week. Sometimes you can find them for $100 or so. Spend $200 for a barrel and a hundred for the stock and you get a good shooter.

Idaho Sharpshooter
04-03-2012, 01:46 PM
I'd buy a #1 action. My PH wants one to build a 9,3x62 with a 28" barrel.


04-09-2012, 02:52 PM
I've seen a custom handgun that appeared to be built on a 10/22 action, but I think the receiver itself was purpose made for use in building handguns.

I've also seen an antigue handgun of the same sort built from a pump action .22 , I think these were a very limited production gun built as a handgun , mainly for use in dispatching hogs on a farm.

It was configured as a pistol, not like a sawn off rifle.

white eagle
08-09-2012, 07:37 AM
I agree with post #11 in while making your own rifle is fun and it can get pricey but the satisfaction of building one is a great thing
I do not agree with post #12
I just bought two new Rugers a Bisley Blackhawk in 44 special and a 77/44 that will shoot exceptionally good and if I was a better shot would do better now..I may have some exceptions but I think not