View Full Version : Redneck wax meister alternative

02-20-2012, 08:12 AM
Got tired of tumble lube mess on my cast bullets so started dipping them as shown on the ranch dog site. Better but still had to clean each bullet as seating and crimping them pushed some lube up onto the bullet (wanted them clean for semi autos).
Went to several home stores and a hardware store trying to find a tube(like $25 wax meister) the size of a 45 acp bullet to push them through to skim off excess. No luck. I showed the problem to my wife and she said try a plastic kitchen funnel. I checked some of the small plastic kitchen funnels and found one that would let a 45 just squeeze through. Set the bullets on the work bench held the funnel up right and pushed down on the bullet then the next and so on till they started comming out the flared section of the funnel. This also acted as a bullet reservoir and you can just dump the cleaned bullets into another container.
Just in the plastic funnels laying around the work shop found one that perfectly fits 38,40 and 45 caliber cast bullets. Cheap, easy and works great.

02-20-2012, 08:30 AM
Would of never thought of that. Good Tip man.

02-20-2012, 01:15 PM
Great idea !

Reloaders and their spouses are some of the most ingenious people I have ever met when it comes to solving problems using ordinary things.

Tell Mrs. McGiver thanks for that one.

02-21-2012, 11:44 PM
45-45-10 makes no mess on boolits.

02-22-2012, 12:00 AM
Thats just a great idea!Thanks for sharing this!

02-22-2012, 01:36 AM
45-45-10 makes no mess on boolits.

how fast can you take your 45-45-10?

02-22-2012, 02:24 AM
Dipping LLA is, for all of my shooting, a waste of material.
I find a simply tumble lube of LLA is adequate for all shooting up to about 1600 fps.
I have found that in one case of commercial cast bullets that were "too small," that two light coats of LLA with the "Blue Crayon lube from Hell" was adequate to eliminate the leading.
If you chamfer the bottom of the funnel a bit, you might have a great pan lube tool and then you could use some of White Labels harder lubes.
PS: applying LLA on the "undersized" commercial bullets did not improve accuracy--just eliminated the leading.