View Full Version : Gas Checks for a NOE316299 Boolits

02-20-2012, 01:02 AM
Thank You Pat

Got a 316-299 NOE group buy mold and a patmarlin 30 cal check maker. The inside of the check cup was a little too small for the fat 316 boolit. I honed out the female part of the die but the .014 Al still was a little tight and would not seat square on the boolit. I sent a note to Pat asking what I could do. He replied back asking what the GC shank was. I sent the size to him with the melt that I was using. Last Thursday I received a package from him with a new male die. Today I had a chance to punch out some GC and try on the 316-299 boolits that I had cast. Snapped right on square and hard to pry off before I sized them.
#1 groupie of patmarlin

02-28-2012, 09:53 PM
You can't beat Pat ! ! !