View Full Version : XDm 40 failure/broke?

02-18-2012, 07:57 PM
Was shooting my new XDm 40. Gun has less than 200 rounds through it. After a shot, the slide seems to have traveled farther back than it normally should, and the gun is totally locked up. Cannot figure out how or if it is possible to make the slide go back to the forward position. I have another one of these,so I am familiar with it's "normal" operation. The slide is retracted about 1/8 inch farther than it normally would for takedown, and the takedown lever cannot be lifted. Too far back for the slide catch to engage. Not sure if this is something that I can fix myself, or need to try to send it back. First I thought I was out of ammo, but my round count was too low. The magazine easily dropped out with ammo still in it. I'd say the slide is back 1/8 to 1/4 inch too far. And I purchased this for a home defense gun. Guess its time to break out Old Betsy.

02-18-2012, 08:33 PM
Were you shooting reloaded ammo? Could have been a powder overcharge/ over pressure situation.

Dennis Eugene
02-18-2012, 08:41 PM
I think I'd be kinda happy it stopped befor it got to my forehead. Dennis

02-18-2012, 09:06 PM
These were reloads, very mild. Had occasional failure to properly cycle, they were that soft. Was using lee auto disc powder measure, so I know the measure did not change on me. Have used this load many times in the past, and had no problems at all.

02-18-2012, 09:39 PM
Had occasional failure to properly cycle, they were that soft.
I would speculate there might have been a bullet lodged in the barrel before the last round. If you can see a bulge in the barrel that is a tell tale sign.

02-18-2012, 10:39 PM
Oh boy, don't I feel like a friggin very lucky idiot! Whacked the slide with a plastic hammer, and it closed. Disassembled the gun, and yep, the barrel was bulged. Been reloading for a very long time, and have never had a problem. Guess I let my guard down. Had 1 fail to fire, cartridge was still intact. About 50 rounds later, had another. Ejected it, picked it up, but I guess I picked up one that had fallen off the bench! OOPS!!!!!!!! Got a cold chill when I saw the barrel just now. And for all the people I have preached to over the years.....

02-18-2012, 10:40 PM
Instead of cussing Springfield, maybe I should write them a thank you letter.

02-19-2012, 02:18 AM
Glad it wasn't any worse than it was.

tomme boy
02-19-2012, 04:04 AM
Watched a guy today blow up a 1911 shooting 45 GAP out of his 45ACP. It misfired, so he thought! Instead of checking for a obstuction in the barrel, he racked the slide again and pulled the trigger. The mag blew out the bottom, slide stuck to the rear and a face full of powder. I asked him if he knew he was shooting the wrong ammo. He said, it says 45 on the box. Isn't all the same?[smilie=b:[smilie=b::groner:

He tells me he had 3 other bullets that did not feel right right before this. Who knows how many bullets were in that barrel?

02-21-2012, 08:33 AM
Yikes! Darwin candidates galore!

02-21-2012, 02:43 PM
That's no way to treat a 1911.... Mike

tomme boy
02-21-2012, 04:02 PM
Yesterday a XDM-45 blew a hole out the side of the lower. Half of the case was still in the chamber. Guy was asking my friend about if he would reload him some 45s for his new pistol. My friend told him no as to the liability of doing it. He said not more than 5 mins later the guy loaded up the 45 and on the first shot BANG!. He said it was really loud. Blew out right abouve his hand. Said it was reloads he bought at a local show.

02-24-2012, 12:21 PM
Those XD's seem pretty rugged. I bet if all else checks out fine, a new barrel will put you back in business. I'm glad you are OK, and good to see a man admit a mistake. I run a pistol shoot twice a month, and light/no powder loads happen fairly often. So far I've caught everyone before they could pull the trigger again, but it will happen someday.

02-28-2012, 01:05 AM
I'm glad to hear you're alright. I'm a Springfield dealer, so I'm doubly glad to hear the XDM reacted like a champ!

05-30-2012, 10:34 PM
Sent it off to Springfield. Needed a new barrel. No damage at all to the rest of the gun. I figure that $125 was a cheap price to pay for that kind of mistake!

05-30-2012, 11:09 PM
I dont mess around with light loads. If it hurts your hand that much, you need a diferent gun, and if you think you are being safe by running under pressure loads, well, think again. I knew a guy who was scared to death that he was going to make a mistake reloading, so he ran his loads extremely light. He ended up bulging the barrel on a S&W 27.
Reloading manuals give a minimum charge for a reason. It is dangerous to stray from the published data.
I'm glad you are OK!
Now go tell all your friends to follow the published data!