View Full Version : grip customizing

02-17-2012, 11:30 AM
Anybody here used a material to make a pistol grip fit their hand better?

I recently purchased a Ruger polymer framed .22 cal semi auto MKIII. It was priced very well for a Ruger target sighted, bull barrel rimfire (brand new in box for $279.00)

I am very pleased with the gun and it has proved to be very accurate, but the thin grip frame does not come close to being comfortable in my rather large hands.

This gun has a molded grip integral to the synthetic frame, so changing out grips is not an option.

There used to be a product on the market which was a clay like wood substance which could be molded to any shape, had a pretty good working window and hardened with contact with air....I'm thinking it was called wood putty? I used it to build up several target grade Hi Standard pistol grips years ago.

Is there a more modern product that has been touted for this use in the thirty odd years since I was shooting weekly matches?

Don't care what it looks like, but it would need to weld to the 'grip' material on the pistol and be pretty durable.

Any ideas?

02-17-2012, 10:32 PM
Bondo! Don't laugh I've used it to build up my target grips for years.

02-18-2012, 08:31 AM
What kind of working window do you get with bondo? Can it be shaped then left to set, or does it have to be worked (shaved and sanded) after setting?