View Full Version : is canvas-lined case a problem?

02-16-2012, 11:23 PM
I just got George Nonte's book (Black Powder Guide) from the library tonight, and he has a Do's and Don'ts section in the Appendix.

"Don't store or carry your gun in an unlined canvas case if you value the finish on it. Canvas will deface finishes."

I recently bought a nice Indian-pattern horse blanket case with a canvas lining. I really liked it until I read that.

Does he mean the wood finish or the metal? Anyone have the same or similar case or experience with canvas?

02-16-2012, 11:58 PM
Canvas in and of itself is slightly abrasive, but due to the nature of the material it is bad to collect grit, unlike the imitation wool lining, and as the gun moves about inside it it will abrade off the finish, also canvas tends to draw moisture and that alone will kill a beautiful blue job in short order. Before the hard plastic foam lined cases with aluminum hinges and hardware, my gun cases were old cotton quilts that I would wrap 2 or 3 guns in to haul in the truck on hunting trips. I have seen too many finishes on nice guns ruined because they were stored in the old cloth and zipper cases. If you like your case and only use it to transport your gun to and from the range, you will be fine as long as you don't step on it or let the wind blow grit in it, but do not store your gun in it, or one day you will open it to only find rust, especially since you live in RI and have all of that salty air around.

Best wishes,


451 Pete
02-17-2012, 08:58 AM
Joe said it and explained it very well. I have several rifles that will not easily break down or fit in a hard case. For these a soft sided case is used to transport to and from the range or hunting grounds but never to store them in. When the cleaned rifle is brought home it is removed from the soft case and everything is again wiped down with an oiled cloth and stored in either a gun cabinette, or better yet, in a safe. When I was a kid I once had a shotgun barrel rust in just a couple of days by not taking it out of a soft case that I didnt realize had gathered moisture and I swore that would never happen again.

take care .... Pete

02-17-2012, 10:35 AM
I appreciate your time, and experience. Thanks for the help. I am hoping my son will inherit something of some value, and not just junk. He's 13, and not very interested so far. Nintendo DS, Wii, and Yu-gi-oh cards is all he cares about right now.

02-17-2012, 10:58 AM
... Nintendo DS, Wii, and Yu-gi-oh cards is all he cares about right now.

I know the feeling. Out of my 5 kids I only have 2 that will put down the video games and such the minute I say I am going to go shoot, my youngest daughter and middle son. Cait is 11 and Preston is 8, and both love to hunt and shoot. Preston is already starting to become some what of a professional squirrel hunter, and I am taking Cait to a shooting match tomorrow at the local gun club. It is a rim fire match at 25 yards off hand, so she has just as good a chance to win as anyone.

Best wishes,
