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02-09-2012, 09:56 PM
Check this out! (http://www.myfoxhouston.com/dpp/news/local/120208-mom-runs-burglars-off-with-gun)

02-09-2012, 11:06 PM
Good for her and her family!

02-09-2012, 11:40 PM
I say good for the grandpa, it sounds like if it would have been left up to her and her husband, she MIGHT have had a bb gun.
I don't know why the deputy would be shocked that it was happening. In the 70's they were dividing that country up in 1,5 and 10 acre places and people were building some fine homes. This was happening pretty frequent back then, they used moving trucks and cleaned some friends out twice when they were on vacation, 2 different years.

02-10-2012, 12:35 AM
You know, some of us Texans do have a sense of humor. With a 22, it would be easy to graze a butt cheek, peirce an ear, punch the hand touching the TV. Dont really want to kill em over property that is easily replaceable, But sure would be funny to see em running off holding their buttock. Dang I hate a thief. At least a liar you know not to trust and the lesson is usually cheap. But a thief is the worst of any lifeform and I dont mind maiming someone who steals from me. Good thinking for her. Hope next time she has a 20 gauge and some heavy #4 shot.

02-10-2012, 12:36 AM
It appears they caught up with one of them.
HOUSTON - Deputy Constables say they’ve arrested one of two burglary suspects who were run off by a very determined mother in Hoffman, Texas.

Bradley Wayne Turner, 27, is charged with burglary in connection to Wednesday’s incident, the Harris County Precinct 3 Constable’s Office says.

His brother, and suspected partner in crime, Dennis Raymond Turner, is still on the run.

Wednesday morning, a mom was getting her 10-year-old son ready for school when they heard a break-in.

Armed with her son’s gifted gun, she fired at the armed intruders and scared them off.

Deputy Constables arrested Bradley on Thursday. He is in custody at Harris County Jail.

Dennis is believed to have fled to Louisiana.

Investigators learned the brothers lived within a mile of their victim’s house.

Read more: http://www.myfoxhouston.com/dpp/news/local/120209-burglar-run-off-by-armed-mom-arrested#ixzz1lwz3MWPg

02-10-2012, 12:46 AM
It was interesting that she was honorable enough not to want to shoot the intruder in the back. I would bet that if the tables were turned he would have no such qualms.

02-10-2012, 02:12 AM
Yeah, here in Az. (Phoenix area) a bunch of low-lifes killed and robbed an elderly Dr. and his wife, then set the house on fire.They were also connected to another similar crime earlier.
Luckily they caught these animals in a short time.
They should bring back public hangings.
Thats why I pack even at home.

02-10-2012, 09:31 AM
.....Thats why I pack even at home.


02-10-2012, 10:31 AM
Her 10 year old called 911 and was disconnected several times and 25 minutes later the cops show up.

Here in Illinois the politicans are fond of saying .
"Citizens don't need guns for protection."
"Call the police and let them handle it".

02-10-2012, 11:19 AM
They should bring back public hangings.
Thats why I pack even at home.


Making a choice between my family and some dumb bastard with his head firmly secured in his pelvis ain't no choice at all. Since I am at home with the kids by myself a lot, I practice due dilligence. And they all start with ".4".

02-10-2012, 11:31 AM
Just shows how much we need to depend on ourselves to protect our lives, liberty and property. It is a known fact the cops like to clean up and incident not be part of it. Not blaming the cops as they have rules they have to follow too.
I know there are a LEO's here and No I don't think you are cause of the problems many times. But you have to admit that you can not protect everyone all the time or even most of the time if there is someone intent on harming you. Over the years I have had many LEO's that I would consider friends and have even told a few that if they needed a firearm and I am around just ask I would loan it to them to take care of business. Yes I know I might lose said firearm forever but a friend that can still talk and be there is worth more than the loss of firearm to me.
That mother needs to get a shotgun, a pistol and learn how to use them so if the baddies want to try again she can teach them real proper why that is the wrong house to pick on.
Good for you mom you did real good.

Wayne Smith
02-10-2012, 01:05 PM
We must understand that the police are, by definition, a reactive force. They cannot act proactively. Unless there is one by my side all the time I am not "protected" by them, and then they cannot act until a crime is committed, too late for me. It is unrealistic to expect the police to protect except in a general way by helping get criminals off the street.

02-10-2012, 02:40 PM
perhaps we could get her the info on a Appleseed project training day and she can improve her shooting.

i keep trying to train my own wife , she keeps resisting me maybe i show her this and she will come for a range trip and actually shoot , she hasn't shot with me since before we got married.

02-10-2012, 04:50 PM
They should bring back public hangings.
Thats why I pack even at home.[/QUOTE]

Plus 4 on packing at home and I am putting +1 on bring back PUBLIC hanging also I do not care how violent it may seem it is a deterrent to people thinking of committing a violent crime.

02-10-2012, 10:09 PM
We had a case near here a few years ago where a scumbag passing through entered a country home and shot Father, mother, son and tried to shoot daughter who fell as he fired and she had the presence of mind to play dead. The perp was eventually caught after killing some folks in another state. Our part of the country has a low crime rate and such an event was totally unexpected. Even with the cops on the phone they would have been powerless to stop him. We stay as prepared as possible and still live life. Some think we are wrong to keep aggressive dogs, but we have to live with our own conscience, live being the operative word.

6.5 mike
02-11-2012, 08:39 PM
I always did like the response time for a cop =x number of minutes
Response time for a 357=1400 fps