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02-09-2012, 12:37 AM
My 90 lb north american pit bull terrier "Bob" has learned to fly. Destroyed one of three screen doors around our enclosed pool. Now he has found out how to climb up to the area where it is only fiberglass mesh. Old minds are the first to go and I cannot remember the name of the galvanized steel wire mesh with 1/4" square holes in it. I know it was used by some members who made up screens to mine range lead. So if anyone knows what this stuff is called, please let me know. Stinks getting old, CRS big time. Thanks, Frank

02-09-2012, 12:50 AM
I think this what your talking about. Bill

02-09-2012, 12:57 AM
Also heard it called hail screen...but I think billyb has the name you are looking for.

02-09-2012, 01:08 AM
Thanks guys, I have some here but could not remember what it was called. Frank

02-09-2012, 01:38 AM
I thought it was hard wire, but it may be hardware. You can get it in different sizes, the bigger is generally stronger. I have had dogs chew through 1/2 in mesh to get to rabbits though.

02-09-2012, 01:53 AM
Galvanized steel mesh.

02-09-2012, 02:07 AM
Galvanized steel mesh.

That's what you want, trust me.

I've had two camper-shells on the two pickup trucks I've owned for the past couple of decades, and our German Shepherds and Dobermans would always insist on poking their noses out of the screened in windows.

I learned my lesson on the first topper shell and installed the galvanized steel mesh. Used stubby sheet metal screws to fasten it to the window framing itself. Worked like a charm!

On the present camper/topper-shell, I had it custom made by Guidon (who is apparently no longer in biz) in Kansas City so that I could longer windows on each side for better cross-ventilation. Didn't even wait for the dogs to nose through the screen--trimmed and installed that galvanized mesh the day they installed the topper.

Zero issues.

Good stuff.


02-09-2012, 02:22 AM
Hardware Cloth is what I've always heard it called. Used to make rabbit hutches out of the 1/2" variety. I don't know if it's as good as it used to be, but even the 1/4" stuff was "hot dipped" and very strong. I made more than one fencing mask out of leather and shaped 1/4" hardware cloth, lots of fun with that back in college.


02-09-2012, 08:24 AM
I made more than one fencing mask out of leather and shaped 1/4" hardware cloth, lots of fun with that back in college.


...most of us don't have to wear a mask to fix fence.;-)

Another vote for galvanized mesh...tough stuff.


02-09-2012, 10:27 AM
...most of us don't have to wear a mask to fix fence.;-)

Another vote for galvanized mesh...tough stuff.


You obviously don't have multiflora rose in your fence row. :roll:

Last time I asked for hardware cloth at the local Lawn Mower and Small Appliance Imporium (certainly can't call it a hardware store) all I got was a blank stare.

When I said galvanized mesh the light came on and he led me to........chicken wire. That was OK, the hardware cloth was in the same aisle.

"That's rabbit wire....never heard it called anything else."


02-09-2012, 01:08 PM
Hardware cloth.


02-09-2012, 04:46 PM
it's hail screen. But your dog may be able to tear it up, a coon can.
1"x1"" welded wire fencing might suit you better.

02-09-2012, 04:52 PM
When we had a dog that would climb, we built an extension back into the yard. Kind of like a ledge, that when he got hold of it and pushed against the fence, it propelled him backwards into the yard. Didn't take long for him to tire of that.

02-09-2012, 08:18 PM
I had a 80 lb Black lab that would either break the latch on a screen door or just push the bottom metal square out of the door, it got him ran over by a car!

MT Gianni
02-09-2012, 08:48 PM
I have asked for hardware cloth and got a weak window type screen. They called what I wanted 1/4" mesh.

Muddy Creek Sam
02-09-2012, 08:53 PM
Either Hardware cloth or welded wire.

Sam :D

02-10-2012, 12:17 AM
I spent about a hour looking in the home depot and lowes sites. And they didn't show what I was looking for. Even went on a manufacturer's website and looked there. They called it galvanized wire mesh. But due to your "hardware cloth" name had no trouble finding it. ain't cheap but is exactly what I'm looking for. So thanks to all of you for the info and your speedy replies. Frank

02-10-2012, 12:48 AM
Bought some at Home Depot a couple years ago. There was a hand written sign on it: Poultry screen.