View Full Version : Restoring my Saeco LubeSizer

Dan Jones
03-14-2007, 07:30 AM
I have just had my lubesizer returned after several years. (long story)

I need a replacement handle (just the wood), a new seal (the leather washer in my had become detached and was in the lube chamber.

Also, the lever bracket at the top had been detached. My directions say this is a factory adjustment. Has anyone any suggestion on how to reattach this bracket properly?

Also, all of my dies and top punches had been lost, so I am looking to replace them, hopefully for less than the cost of new ones.

I am new to this list. If there is info archived, that I could use, please direct me to it.

Thank you

Dan Jones

MT Gianni
03-14-2007, 08:15 AM
I would call Saeco if it is an adjustment they want to do. They repaired a mold of mine and while they don't brag about their warrenty it never hurts to ask. Gianni

03-14-2007, 07:43 PM
Hi, Dan. I personally know one of Saeco's engineers and have had dealings with them for several years. I also have one of their 'sizers. There are some fix-it-yourself types who will attempt to realign and retorque those alignment rods you refer to. My advice is to send it back to Saeco. They have the instrumentation to do it correctly and I doubt you can do it yourself and get things right. It takes special instruments to get it right. I think if you call them and then send it in they can fix anything and return it to you like new. It'd be well worth the shipping. Just give a call to Pat Ryan or Bruce Merkur at (607) 753-3331 and they'll advise you.

Dan Jones
03-15-2007, 08:30 AM
Thanks for the warning on alignment. I have just been in email contact with Redding (is this who you mean by Saeco?). They were to send me the sealing washer, but they did not address my question about alignment of the linkages. I have sent another email. (Why is it no one reads but one line of any email?)
If they don't respond I will try calling, but callling is somewhat of a problem for a working man.
Dan Jones

Dan Jones
03-15-2007, 09:55 AM
OK an update. Redding just got back to me and yes, they want me to send it in for repair.
thanks for the good advise
Dan Jones