View Full Version : Best melting pot

02-04-2012, 05:10 PM
what is the BEST available melting pot right now, my RCBS went t###s up and I need a new one that will last until I die...

02-04-2012, 05:19 PM
Magma Master Caster 40# IMHO.

Built like a tank, it takes about 10 minutes longer to heat up 40 pounds than the RCBS does 20.


Alley Cat
02-04-2012, 08:03 PM
The "best" pot can mean different things to different people. My idea of best is the biggest bang for my buck (value). The best value pot, in my opinion, is the Lee 4-20. It has some well discussed limitations but you can buy 10 of them for the cost of one Magma pot and I've never burned up my first Lee pot.

If you value having a heavily built machine and few minor annoyances over high cost, you will more than likely want the Magma.

Le Loup Solitaire
02-04-2012, 08:21 PM
The RCBS Pro Melt doesn't usually fail, but anything can happen. They come with a warranty and RCBS customer service is known to help and make things right. You should give them a call and see what they can do or are willing to do to help you. I have had a pro-melt since 1978 and never had a problem....which doesn't mean that one can't happen, but the unit is generally known for being sound and is still in production with all parts available. If you have your heart set on getting rid of it you should have no problem as many folks would love to get their hands on it. A magma is a sturdy rig, but needs a few extra coins to bring it home. Its your call. LLS

02-06-2012, 01:50 PM
If cash Flush, the Magma unit. For me it is the LEE 4-20. Isuues with it?? Yes. I can live with the drips. With experience and a rhythm, one can cast great boolits with it.


02-07-2012, 11:21 AM
I'm sorry, but I have it on good authority that RCBS pots do not drip, or fail, even when they do.

I guess, if I had the money, I'd buy a Magma, or build my own using a Lee Pro 4 20 as the starting point. Maybe replace the valve and temp control with parts from the RCBS. Just a thought.

02-07-2012, 11:37 AM
The "best" pot can mean different things to different people. My idea of best is the biggest bang for my buck (value). The best value pot, in my opinion, is the Lee 4-20. It has some well discussed limitations but you can buy 10 of them for the cost of one Magma pot and I've never burned up my first Lee pot.

You are absolutely correct that "best" means different things to different people. For me "best" does not mean what can I put up with and regret spending my money on. "best means just that, what is the best one there is.

Next point is that the OP didn't ask what is the cheapest made, or what can I get that will cause me grief, what he asked was:

what is the BEST available melting pot right now, I need a new one that will last until I die... catmasher

That doesn't sound anything like . . . What is the cheapest made pot there is.


02-07-2012, 11:43 AM
The best least expensive most reliable is the good ole cast iron pot. if you want electric your on your own. they all die. As long as you can find some wood and a way to light a fire with a cast iron your in business LOL. not the answer you were looking for is it.

02-07-2012, 01:01 PM
Shiloh, how dare you post your opinion. Just who do you think you are? *** is wrong with you? Shame shame shame!!!!

I guess spending all that money on a ***, was quit satisfying for the OP.

Get the Magma, and a Lee with a ladle. The Lee is for backup.