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View Full Version : Shipping pistols to Alaska?

02-03-2012, 09:57 PM
My wife and I are planning to drive to Alaska this summer. Leave So. Cal. about Memorial Day and head south sometime after Labor Day, earlier if we feel like it. We are both retired and have no fixed schedule. I would like to have a revolver with me while fishing on salmon streams. Talked an official in Canada who explained their regulations that cause me some timing problems or suggested that I ship the pistol(s) to myself, both going and coming. ATF says this is legal if I don't use USPS, i.e. FedEx or UPS. The problem is that everyone I have talked to at UPS and FedEx says I must have a dealer ship it for me and ATF has a problem with me getting a background check it a state that I don't live in. I am sure some one on this board has shipped a revolver/pistol to themselves. What magic words do I use to convince UPS or FedEx that it is legal for them to do it? I am trying to do this as legal as possible so please don't suggest that I just package it up and ship as "machine parts".

02-03-2012, 11:04 PM
Is it that they think it is illegal, or is it that just their policy. I have heard that, it is their policy and they will not change it.

Another possibility is you might could borrow one while here, if you were coming to this area(which I doubt) and talked nice, I could probably round up a spare 44.

milsurp mike
02-03-2012, 11:15 PM
Its not any of their business what you are shipping as long as it is Legal.My Fedex shipping depot could give a Sh**t whats in the box when I use them,Mike

02-04-2012, 12:15 AM
Why not ship it to yourself at some address where you'll be at? via USPS. I've sent rifles to myself via USPS before. They're held there until I get there to open the package.

02-04-2012, 12:37 AM
AKMike: It is a felony to ship a handgun via USPS. Long guns are ok, so is transporting long guns through Canada.
starmac: thank you for the offer. I sort of wanted to use my own gun. We are going to be in Alaska long enough so I am sure we will get to Fairbanks. Will try to see you there.
I may have a solution. Transport through Canada on the way North and then ship to my local dealer when it is time to go south. Will have to pay for a background check when I get home .

02-04-2012, 12:41 AM
12 years ago I shipped handguns by UPS to my father when he moved to Alaska. I used one dealer in the lower 48 to ship to another dealer in Alaska. And more recently I used UPS to ship a handgun back to S&W for warranty work and they returned it to my door the same way.

02-04-2012, 01:11 AM
You can get a transport permit from Canada...you must do it ahead of time and the gun has to be a large caliber . The Paperwork is presented at the border to speed your entry in and out.
Canadian Officials should know this. It would be easier to mail a shotgun up here.
Much better for big Bears !

02-04-2012, 01:44 AM
I know about the USPS. Ship them Fedex or UPS to yourself.

If you want a rifle I'll let you use one. I'm not much on handguns.

02-04-2012, 02:00 AM
you can send any gun by USPS if a dealer does it . UPS and FEDX want it sent second day. that is about $50 have to have someone on other end sign for it .
Check with some shops in CA and see if they will do it By USPS in flat rate box.
If you are close to the border states they may do it too
The ups and Fedx ask what is in package. no problem, if they lose it your out a gun if in just any box and was listed as parts
USPS insured they dont ask and will pay amount BUT it may take 6 months
I have never {so far} lost one by USPS

02-04-2012, 02:21 AM
Only problem going dealer to dealer is I am not a resident of Alaska and can't get a background check therefor can't get the gun from an Alaskan dealer. Do not fear ,shotgun(12ga3") and rifle (.348Win.) will be it the trailer along with some bear spray. A rifle or a shotgun over my shoulder interferes with my fishing. I want the handgun for really stupid aggressive bears. I think a 71/2"SBH would be better than going into a fetal ball and hoping a bear doesn't kill you. Those bears are 1 1/2 times taller than I am, 4 to 5 times heavier than I am and have toe nails longer than my fingers. I need something to convince this animal that he or she does not want to eat me.

02-04-2012, 02:40 AM
It is a lot easier to put a sling on a pump shotgun, and take that.

02-04-2012, 03:17 AM
Those bears are 1 1/2 times taller than I am, 4 to 5 times heavier than I am and have toe nails longer than my fingers. I need something to convince this animal that he or she does not want to eat me.

I hear some of those bears run 2000 lbs, you must me a big-un.:kidding: So you still haven't got it all sorted out yet are you ready to [smilie=b:. It would be great for your peace of mind if you can get it worked out. The invite still stands should you travel N or S via central BC.

square butte
02-04-2012, 09:03 AM
Unless you really want the drive through Canada going north - How about putting the whole outfit on the ferry to Alaska in Seattle. Get off in Alaska and do some fishin and have some fun. Then ship your handgun home to your self Then you can see Canada on the drive south - minus the handgun.

02-04-2012, 03:36 PM
Only problem going dealer to dealer is I am not a resident of Alaska and can't get a background check therefor can't get the gun from an Alaskan dealer.
If you ship it to anyone, including a dealer, being addressed to yourself and you are the one to open the package, no transfer has taken place.

02-04-2012, 05:57 PM
If you ship it to anyone, including a dealer, being addressed to yourself and you are the one to open the package, no transfer has taken place.

I would talk to the dealer up here, and make sure. I know of some that have shipped theirs outside and couldn't get them from the dealer. They had to pay to ship them back up, then mail them (illegally) to get them.

02-05-2012, 01:03 AM
I don't know if things have changed, but I shipped a handgun to myself via a dealer in
Montana to a dealer in Anchorage back in the 1970s. I had to get a local driver's license
to "transfer" the gun back to me. The good news was that I could use "General Delivery,
Anchorage, AK" as a valid address.


02-05-2012, 01:33 AM
I would talk to the dealer up here, and make sure. I know of some that have shipped theirs outside and couldn't get them from the dealer. They had to pay to ship them back up, then mail them (illegally) to get them.
This was dealt with in an ATF letter ruling several years ago. The threshold is the opening of said package containing a firearm. If it's addressed to your personally and opened by only you upon your arrival, it's not a transfer and no FFL **** is required. This was also specifically addressed with firearms being shipped to FFLs instead of hotels and the ATF said it didn't matter as long as the shipping destination wasn't a prohibited person and the package wasn't opened by anyone other than the firearm owner. Tomorrow I'll look around and see if I still have the letter which addressed this.

FWIW, I'm an 07/02 FFL/SOT and deal with this kind of thing at least once a month.

02-07-2012, 06:05 PM
Ferakshow: If you have a copy of that letter I would appreciate a copy. Thank you!
Cariboo: I my MD allows it I will be by to see you sometime in mid june.
In general anyone taking a handgun or any gun through Canada I suggest you call 1-800-731-4000. Very nice and very helpful people. I will probably transport (with permit) north and may transport or ship south. Would be so much easier if FedEx or UPS would just follow ATF rules and not make a more restrictive policy.

02-07-2012, 06:31 PM
I'm sure this falls under the title of dumb questions. I've never been any farther north than Minnesota, no farther south than Florida, no farther west than Texas. Why in the hades can't you put a pistol, unloaded in the luggage in the trunk of your car and carry it to Alaska? Is it the ride through Canada that jeopardizes the trip? It would make sense to me that if you were a citizen of the United States traveling through to another state, they(Canada) wouldn't be so concerned about what you had. Terrorist don't seem to have any trouble getting here from any other country. Somehow the laws seem to work against us. Sorry for the mini rant. Have a nice trip Duckiller and take some pics for us homebodies.

02-07-2012, 06:53 PM
Canada is not just another state, There are ways to take your pistol through, but you can't just show up at the border and declare it. They do not care if you declare it, just won't let you in with it. If you tell them you don't have one and they find it,all bets are off then they get serious.

There are reasons we will not allow a canadian in to the US and likewise reasons they won't let us into canada. We just have to abide each others laws, and it is not that hard.

02-08-2012, 01:49 AM
Ferakshow: If you have a copy of that letter I would appreciate a copy. Thank you!
I'm working on it.

Some insight is here:


Specifically this question/answer:

Q: May a nonlicensee ship firearms interstate for his or her use in hunting or other lawful activity?
Yes. A person may ship a firearm to himself or herself in care of another person in the State where he or she intends to hunt or engage in any other lawful activity. The package should be addressed to the owner. Persons other than the owner should not open the package and take possession of the firearm.

I believe the letter was referencing this on the ATF website asking if the firearm is shipped to an FFL, but addressed to the firearm owner (shipper), and the FFL held the firearm, unopened until the owner opened it themselves. The question was asked if that was a transfer because it's being shipped to an FFL. The ATF response was no, as long as the box wasn't opened that contained the firearm, even to inspect contents for damage prior to signing for the receipt of the package/firearm. If the FFL opens it, it's a transfer and such laws then apply.

The letter essentially clarified the "person" can be a non-licensee or a licensee, as long as the "do not open" rule applied.

02-08-2012, 01:03 PM
I have shipped long guns like that through the post office, but they will not let you mail a pistol.

02-08-2012, 01:58 PM
Handguns through the mail are FFL to FFL only. That's why. Only an FFL can mail a handgun through USPS.