View Full Version : New mold

02-03-2012, 12:48 AM
A little while back when I saw Erik's new Lee 2 cavity HP conversions, I began to think about buying one. Then, being the small caliber addict that I am, I remembered a 2 cavity Bator mold that was still brand new on my shelf. I shot Erik an e-mail, and he agreed to do the conversion on my mold. I shipped it out to him last week, and got it back today!

I scrubbed the mold down with some very hot water and some Dawn dishsoap and a toothbrush. Set the mold on the hotplate to heat up and turned on the pot. I guess I didn't get it hot enough the first time, or didn't get it clean enough. I cast about a hundred and most all had some wrinkles or flaws. So, it had cooled down on the concrete floor, and I cleaned it with some acetone. I turned up the hotplate a little more, fluxed the melt real well, and 15 minutes later, began casting. In about 30-35 minutes I had cast about 200 good boolits.

They cast so easy it was unreal. Merely turning over and opening the mold, and the boolits fell right out. I cut the sprues with a gloved hand, and I could cast these faster than any HP I have ever cast. They weigh 50.9 gr, bands measure at .226 and the nose is at .220. They are pretty round, and I look forward to testing them in my hornet that has a bit of a large throat. The mold closes and cast so well, and it's so light to use, it's not like a Lee mold anymore. If it had a bit thicker sprue plate, it would be perfect. Had just a little bit of flash on some of the bases. Just my observations. Thanks, Billy


02-03-2012, 01:51 AM
Good looking boolits. I never had good luck with the bator mold, either the base was too big for the GC or the nose was too big for the chamber.

02-03-2012, 01:59 AM
Erik does good work, doesn't he?

Bullplate or similar substitute will help your sprue plate issues a lot by preventing galling of lead on the top of the blocks, especially around the pivot screw area, that tends to keep the plate from sitting square and flat on the blocks. You might need to dress the blocks and bottom of the plate with 400-grit wet sandpaper and a FLAT surface to remove any burrs, then treat with sprue plate lube during the next session.


02-04-2012, 11:29 AM
Can you post a picture of the mould? Did he do his original style inset bar, or the inset bar v2 like he does on the Lee 2 cavity moulds he sells?

white eagle
02-04-2012, 07:48 PM
you can't miss with Erik
he does real FINE work

02-06-2012, 01:19 AM
Can you post a picture of the mould? Did he do his original style inset bar, or the inset bar v2 like he does on the Lee 2 cavity moulds he sells?

He only does the v2's on the Lee 2 cavities

02-06-2012, 01:20 AM
Billy you have to add Lee Bator HP version to your list now.

02-06-2012, 08:00 AM
He only does the v2's on the Lee 2 cavities

Yea, if I'd have thought for a moment before posting that I would have realized it had to be the v2!

02-07-2012, 01:41 AM
Billy you have to add Lee Bator HP version to your list now.

:grin: I think I'm gonna have to do an inventory, might be a few more as well.