View Full Version : Amazing stop!

01-31-2012, 06:55 PM
Found this posted over on singleactions and thought I'd post it here as well. Seems like the lil ol 454 worked well :)


01-31-2012, 07:00 PM
WOW! That dude has got some steel nerves and a quick thinking brain.

01-31-2012, 07:12 PM
What an Idiot!
I guess he hasn't read up o, or had any experience, around buffalo's.
Why didn't he toss a dirt clod? It would have been as effective as that "Girly" toss of the spear.

01-31-2012, 07:17 PM
What an Idiot!
I guess he hasn't read up o, or had any experience, around buffalo's.
Why didn't he toss a dirt clod? It would have been as effective as that "Girly" toss of the spear.

I'm in complete agreement.

white eagle
01-31-2012, 07:20 PM
no comment

01-31-2012, 07:28 PM
I can't believe he actually figured he could spear a buffalo at such close range with a pool cue sized tiny little spear and mortally wound it. The spear bounced off the boss of the horn, and you can hear it clank in the video.

A lucky guy escaped from a very dumb stunt. Which makes it dummy luck. An overweight middle aged guy shouldn't be trying to pull something like this off. And as the video proved, he can't.

But then, he proselytizes for Cold Steel knives, so I guess he figured a dumb stunt with a pointed object was demanded on video. Good thing he didn't have only a Cold Steel Kukri for a backup, or this might have been posted as a "stupidest stunt" video.

David LaPell
01-31-2012, 07:39 PM
This is about as smart as wearing a rump roast around your neck and jumping into a pit of lions.

01-31-2012, 07:41 PM
Paleo people used sticks and stone against alot larger meals than that or went hungry.


01-31-2012, 07:51 PM
Paleo people used sticks and stone against alot larger meals than that or went hungry.


But they were in MUCH better shape and in greater numbers...

01-31-2012, 08:04 PM
Paleo people used sticks and stone against alot larger meals than that or went hungry.


BUT, they usually used an atlatl or threw the spear with a lot more authority.

01-31-2012, 08:06 PM
Something isn't right with this ??????????????

01-31-2012, 08:41 PM
The suspicious side of me made me watch it several times. I thought at first the camera shook and panned away from the blast of an unseen man with a rifle as backup on that first shot. After watching it several times, I am not sure one way or the other.

I am not so sure it was a "gurly toss" either. Looks to me like the bull stopped it on purpose with his horn, rather than it just being dumb luck.

01-31-2012, 08:49 PM
I'm thinking I wouldn't take on any large horned animal "head on" with a spear.

01-31-2012, 08:57 PM
Why in the hell is this so polarizing? Lynn Thompson's company, Cold Steel, produces those spears. He wanted to use one on a water buffalo. The throw wasn't girlie, the buffalo moved, the shot blocked, and from a mere few feet away, it came for him. In the interim, he managed to draw that rifle-like 7 1/2-inch SRH, and hit the buff in the head with the first shot. It was reflexive, and it stopped the charge. He emptied the revolver reflexively -- as I would have after soiling myself. Lynn is one of the best revolver shots I have ever seen. What is so controversial about it? As soon as it hits the internet, all of the critics who "would have done it differently" -- for sure, come out of the woodwork. No offense meant to anyone here, but look at the masterful reaction to the screw up -- and it was a screw up even according to Lynn (and I have talked to him about this), but his shooting and training successfully took over. He stopped the buff from running his backside over.

01-31-2012, 08:59 PM
The suspicious side of me made me watch it several times. I thought at first the camera shook and panned away from the blast of an unseen man with a rifle as backup on that first shot. After watching it several times, I am not sure one way or the other.

I am not so sure it was a "gurly toss" either. Looks to me like the bull stopped it on purpose with his horn, rather than it just being dumb luck.


I have a Sony PD170 video camera and sometimes do editing.
It appers they slowed the clip down some and upped the audio when the spear hit the horn.

We had a Jersey bull when I was a kid. He would sometimes attack us just as that buffalo did.

01-31-2012, 09:18 PM
Why in the hell is this so polarizing? Lynn Thompson's company, Cold Steel, produces those spears. He wanted to use one on a water buffalo. The throw wasn't girlie, the buffalo moved, the shot blocked, and from a mere few feet away, it came for him. In the interim, he managed to draw that rifle-like 7 1/2-inch SRH, and hit the buff in the head with the first shot. It was reflexive, and it stopped the charge. He emptied the revolver reflexively -- as I would have after soiling myself. Lynn is one of the best revolver shots I have ever seen. What is so controversial about it? As soon as it hits the internet, all of the critics who "would have done it differently" -- for sure, come out of the woodwork. No offense meant to anyone here, but look at the masterful reaction to the screw up -- and it was a screw up even according to Lynn (and I have talked to him about this), but his shooting and training successfully took over. He stopped the buff from running his backside over.

My appologies to your buddy.
One problem with editing to make a clip look better is sometimes it can look bad.
I believe they edited the clips so people would see the reason for the miss with the spear better. In real time, the horn strike would more than likely look to many like a miss.
In my opinion,, which is like many, pretty much worthless. Unfortunately, the editing is probubly what made his toss look pretty wimpy.

01-31-2012, 09:26 PM
:I thought I noticed brown spots in his pants after that.:bigsmyl2:

01-31-2012, 09:31 PM
It doesn't surprise me the buff caught the spear on a horn. I used to work long horn cattle, and learned that they knew EXACTLY where the tip of their horns are.
Had he a good side throw, he may have been successful.

01-31-2012, 09:49 PM
I am surprised at the criticism. I still think it is an amazing video and have to say wow every time I see it.

01-31-2012, 09:50 PM
The suspicious side of me made me watch it several times. I thought at first the camera shook and panned away from the blast of an unseen man with a rifle as backup on that first shot. After watching it several times, I am not sure one way or the other.

But I am pretty skeptical. It just seems counterintuitive to take the camera OFF the action.

I have no doubt Lynn *could* do it.

I pay a lot of attention to the man behind the curtain.

01-31-2012, 09:59 PM
What an Idiot!
I guess he hasn't read up o, or had any experience, around buffalo's.
Why didn't he toss a dirt clod? It would have been as effective as that "Girly" toss of the spear.

+100. Feel sorry for the bull. Too derned bad the guy didn't end up in competition - or maybe WIN - the Darwin award!!!

01-31-2012, 10:48 PM
I will give him one thing, he's got a set of big uns.

02-01-2012, 12:02 AM
If you ain't walkin' on the edge yer takin' up too much room!!!!!

Way to go Lynn! :drinks:


02-01-2012, 12:10 AM
The Buffalo KNEW what it was doing! It blocked the spear! Lynn simply used the tool he had for backup, and it worked.

Enough said.


02-09-2012, 04:07 AM
While I do have to give the guy credit for being willing to do this, I have to wonder how much hunting experience he has with non-firearms, such as archery for example. ANY archer knows that the bone structure of most animals starting from deer on up to include elk and even cattle-like game such as this buffalo make the frontal shot a horrible choice unless perfect shotplacement is used. This is due to the rib cage acting like he was attempting to pour something into the small end of a funnel instead of the large open end, and quite possibly deflecting an arrow, or in this case spear. I'm not saying it can't be done, just saying the hunter has to use his head and be very proficient. In this case, I think he would have taken the buffalo if he had snuck around to allow himself a broadside shot, or possibly one slightly quartering from the rear to access the heart/lungs while avoiding the ribs. Instead, I looks like he's standing in front of and just slightly to the side of the animal. All of us who hunt have had to at one time or another wait for a better angle, or even pass up a shot. This video makes it look like he is too impatient to do that, which, to me at least, means he has no business hunting anything with a spear, regardless of size. Dont get me wrong, I'm glad he lived through his blunder, but I also hope he learned from it and will never do that again without at least putting a lot more thought and practice into it beforehand.

02-09-2012, 08:28 AM
While I do have to give the guy credit for being willing to do this, I have to wonder how much hunting experience he has with non-firearms, such as archery for example. ANY archer knows that the bone structure of most animals starting from deer on up to include elk and even cattle-like game such as this buffalo make the frontal shot a horrible choice unless perfect shotplacement is used. This is due to the rib cage acting like he was attempting to pour something into the small end of a funnel instead of the large open end, and quite possibly deflecting an arrow, or in this case spear. I'm not saying it can't be done, just saying the hunter has to use his head and be very proficient. In this case, I think he would have taken the buffalo if he had snuck around to allow himself a broadside shot, or possibly one slightly quartering from the rear to access the heart/lungs while avoiding the ribs. Instead, I looks like he's standing in front of and just slightly to the side of the animal. All of us who hunt have had to at one time or another wait for a better angle, or even pass up a shot. This video makes it look like he is too impatient to do that, which, to me at least, means he has no business hunting anything with a spear, regardless of size. Dont get me wrong, I'm glad he lived through his blunder, but I also hope he learned from it and will never do that again without at least putting a lot more thought and practice into it beforehand.

He has plenty of experience. He rushed the shot. But he did sort it out.

02-17-2012, 12:44 AM
First of... Happy side: I use an atlatl myself, and have watched alot of Relentless Pursuit and totally understand the power of the spear in trained hands, it is an incredibly powerful weaponthat can cause tremendous damage. Lynn reacted perfectly under the situation and was lucky to have his own portable extraction tool to get himself out of the situation. My lifetime of working with cattle tells me that he likely had more time than he thought at the moment, and also could have likely gotten away if he didn't have his SRH, however he made the choice to carry a sidearm and also proved he could use it properly without endangering the lives of the rest of the crew, which wouldn't be the case more than we would like to think among those who carry a gun of any type for such purpose.
Second half... My personal opinion and evaluation: I saw this on the full episode of the show and it was pretty clear that these Asiatic buffalo were not very impressed by the RP crew or their spears. One bull speared in the neck with no effect after he deflected with his horn, and another able to "jump the string" so to speak at the throw. I've seen them use these same srears and tactics to great effect on big hogs, bison and other game, however the water buffalo seem to have their number. I understand they have to make a show, but it would seem pretty obvious to me that what they were doing wasn't working, and they were asking for trouble. This makes all of us that hunt with spears look pretty bad, not only to non-hunters but now apparently hardcore hunters, based on some opinions voiced here. Relentless Pursuit remains my favorite show but that episode didn't do us any good. Lynn, good shooting, your throw was far from girly, but i seriously doubt the effectivness of a forward quartering shot buffalo like that. No bow would be able to pull that off, only a very heavy rifle should have even attempted that stunt, you got lucky man.

02-17-2012, 01:20 AM
Not to take anything away from the size of his kahonas.
But in the last replay the first shot was clearly fired while the sidearm was still in the holster.
Am I the only one that caught that?

02-17-2012, 01:21 AM
that's not the 1st foolish stunt lynn thompson has pulled and it will not be his last

02-17-2012, 02:25 AM
2, i put it in full screen and watched it a couple times and he had already cleared leather (nylon wth? i would be wearing a serious holster) by the time the bull had made it level with the termite mound and was still a half second from turning on him. I do cast some doubt on the whole shaky camera deal... although a don't see what there would be to hide and couldn't care less if the bull was covered with a rifle we couldn't see. The buffalo clearly won that game and it shouldn't have taken this little poodlescoot to figure that out.

02-17-2012, 06:16 AM
There is something seriously wrong with this guy. I watched his Cold Steel video and I was really less than impressed. He is a legend in his own mind.

02-17-2012, 03:53 PM
I downloaded it with real player then watched it frame by frame with the VLC player and it it clear that the buffalo simply began a normal charge when he saw the sudden movement.
The deflection with the horn was dumb animal luck.
The first shot was fired from a different gun of a much smaller caliber or one that was quite a ways from the camera.
Or,,, If he fired the first shot, the gun was stll in the holster with his hand on it. The audio may have been enhanced later in the clip to sound like he did not fire it.
If he touched one off with the gun in the holster I would think we could see the muzzle blast and possibly pieces of holster departing.
Too many weeds in the way to really be 100 percent.
I will say one positive thing though. For a fat out of shape dude. He can move pretty fast when he is terrified.

02-17-2012, 06:04 PM
I think if I was going to impersonate Shaka Zulu I'd pick a less onery target...

02-17-2012, 09:29 PM
It's polarizing because the spear he was using and the angle of throw he was attempting was inadequate for the job, horn hit or not.

A serious lack of heft is evident to the spear, and as was said before, a frontal toss of a spear at an animal facing the "hunter" has a poor likelihood of actually penetrating anything vital with enough wherewithal to prevent the animal from becoming seriously annoyed and trying to run over the spear tosser. For that matter, approaching a buff at such close range before "shooting" with an implement that has a high likelihood of failure is not something a wise fella does.

As he found out, firsthand. Better to forget the spear at that angle of approach and simply shoot it with something that had a better chance of working, rather than a desperation shot with a pistol that became necessary to retrieve a situation from a serious lack of judgement.

Smart? Absolutely not. That much speaks for itself. To film the whole scene and then expect approving huzzahs about his judgement in the situation is asking for too much.

02-18-2012, 01:22 PM
just crazy!

02-18-2012, 01:31 PM
It's polarizing because the spear he was using and the angle of throw he was attempting was inadequate for the job, horn hit or not.

A serious lack of heft is evident to the spear, and as was said before, a frontal toss of a spear at an animal facing the "hunter" has a poor likelihood of actually penetrating anything vital with enough wherewithal to prevent the animal from becoming seriously annoyed and trying to run over the spear tosser. For that matter, approaching a buff at such close range before "shooting" with an implement that has a high likelihood of failure is not something a wise fella does.

As he found out, firsthand. Better to forget the spear at that angle of approach and simply shoot it with something that had a better chance of working, rather than a desperation shot with a pistol that became necessary to retrieve a situation from a serious lack of judgement.

Smart? Absolutely not. That much speaks for itself. To film the whole scene and then expect approving huzzahs about his judgement in the situation is asking for too much.

Are you a spear hunter if I may ask? That same type of spear was used on that same trip to dispatch a couple of water buffalo prior to this incident, and they worked as designed.

02-18-2012, 02:07 PM
It's polarizing because the spear he was using and the angle of throw he was attempting was inadequate for the job, horn hit or not.

A serious lack of heft is evident to the spear, and as was said before, a frontal toss of a spear at an animal facing the "hunter" has a poor likelihood of actually penetrating anything vital with enough wherewithal to prevent the animal from becoming seriously annoyed and trying to run over the spear tosser. For that matter, approaching a buff at such close range before "shooting" with an implement that has a high likelihood of failure is not something a wise fella does.

As he found out, firsthand. Better to forget the spear at that angle of approach and simply shoot it with something that had a better chance of working, rather than a desperation shot with a pistol that became necessary to retrieve a situation from a serious lack of judgement.

Smart? Absolutely not. That much speaks for itself. To film the whole scene and then expect approving huzzahs about his judgement in the situation is asking for too much.

Are you a spear hunter if I may ask? That same type of spear was used on that same trip to dispatch a couple of water buffalo prior to this incident, and they worked as designed.

That spear would have landed in a perfect location had the buff not moved his head thus causing the spear to hit the horn.

I was amazed that the spear actually stuck in the horn, horn on buff are very hard and dense

If someone wants to go back in time and hunt buff with a spear as our ancesters did, no problem IMHO

02-18-2012, 02:41 PM
Whitworth, you're saying a frontal toss was good judgement?

It was not.

Putting the whole thing on film underlined that most emphatically.

"Dispatch" a couple of buffalo?

Speared, dropped, no incidental gunfire and a quick kill? Show me. No anecdotal evidence, please.

After that video I'm not willing to take his word for it.

There is a reason only starving humans attempt this sort of thing, and for a fat middle aged guy to try it, well, if it's that viable an idea, maybe he should leave the pistol at home and go native.

Contact him and see if he's willing to give that a go. Or is the pistol and human backup there because a high likelihood of failure is possible? I'd say that's the case.

If an action has a high likelihood of failure, it should not be attempted. Simple common sense.

02-18-2012, 02:52 PM
Whitworth, you're saying a frontal toss was good judgement?

It was not.

Putting the whole thing on film underlined that most emphatically.

"Dispatch" a couple of buffalo?

Speared, dropped, no incidental gunfire and a quick kill? Show me. No anecdotal evidence, please.

After that video I'm not willing to take his word for it.

There is a reason only starving humans attempt this sort of thing, and for a fat middle aged guy to try it, well, if it's that viable an idea, maybe he should leave the pistol at home and go native.

Contact him and see if he's willing to give that a go. Or is the pistol and human backup there because a high likelihood of failure is possible? I'd say that's the case.

If an action has a high likelihood of failure, it should not be attempted. Simple common sense.

Maybe I need to rephrase. There were two hunters on that trip. The other gentleman KILLED two buffalo with that same type of spear a day or two before this particular incident. Lynn told me that he rushed the throw and should have been more patient, and he has never given me reason to doubt him. I agree, but I also give him credit for sorting it out.

He backed himself up. If you ever hunt with a guide or a PH in Africa, you will always have someone backing you up and usually with a large rifle -- despite the caliber of weapon you may be using. I think this is just a lot of Monday morning quarterbacking.

02-18-2012, 03:17 PM
Watch anyone 'Seriously' throw anyting that know what they are doing, (except for darts), and it will look nothing like his attempt at delivering a killing blow with the spear.
Spear, tomahawk, knife, rock, anything.
I would have been very impressed if he had stood his ground and snuffed the buff with a well placed shot instead of stumbling around and finally gettiing off enough lucky shots.
One little trip over some of that brush, and he would have had a horn in a very uncomfortable place.

02-18-2012, 03:21 PM
Longwood, you need to pay more attention. Notice that the buffalo went down after the first shot. I would say he did a fine job with shot placement as he was able to get CNS (on the first shot).

02-18-2012, 03:29 PM
"Killed" two buffalo? With a spear?

No doubt after hazing it around for a while before it finally succumbed, or having been shot previously and finishing it off. If the spear was like Lynn's, the point shape and heft mean the animal will live a great while after being struck, even vitally.

A stunt? Certainly. For a starving native, necessary. For a fat white guy, a stunt exhibiting poor judgement.

The criticism is heartily deserved and appropriate. This should hardly be surprising to anyone.

02-18-2012, 03:47 PM
"Killed" two buffalo? With a spear?

No doubt after hazing it around for a while before it finally succumbed, or having been shot previously and finishing it off. If the spear was like Lynn's, the point shape and heft mean the animal will live a great while after being struck, even vitally.

A stunt? Certainly. For a starving native, necessary. For a fat white guy, a stunt exhibiting poor judgement.

The criticism is heartily deserved and appropriate. This should hardly be surprising to anyone.

Yes, killed two buff with a spear -- that is what they were hunting with in Australia. Like hunting with a stick and string, or any other weapon, sometimes animals succomb quickly, sometimes not so much. But, since we weren't there.....

Again, do you hunt with a spear? Just curious.

One man's opinion, nothing more, nothing less, and worth what we paid for it (as well as mine). We can agree to disagree.

Yet more Monday morning quarterbacking, and sniping from your armchair.

02-18-2012, 03:48 PM
The spear has enough power to stick in a very hard horn so it probably would have gotten to the vitals if it hit in the right spot.
He did the right thing IMO by circling the termite mound and firing his revolver. He did not freeze or fire wildly so he has some big ones.

Not something I would do anymore, but maybe in my younger, impulsive days. I guess this is what makes life exciting for some people.

02-18-2012, 03:52 PM
The spear has enough power to stick in a very hard horn so it probably would have gotten to the vitals if it hit in the right spot.
He did the right thing IMO by circling the termite mound and firing his revolver. He did not freeze or fire wildly so he has some big ones.

Not something I would do anymore, but maybe in my younger, impulsive days. I guess this is what makes life exciting for some people.

Exactly. Everyone picks everything apart from the comfort of their own homes.

Von Dingo
02-18-2012, 03:55 PM
Paleo people used sticks and stone against alot larger meals than that or went hungry.


And hunted in packs, and suffered a LOT of rodeo clown type injuries

02-18-2012, 05:22 PM
Those of you who have never seen or used a spear for anything NEED to understand that a spear packs tremndous kinetic energy any has more than enough force to punch though a buff like that, with the proper throw in the proper place. The design of these spears does not usually permit a pass-through. However if you compare the force and cutting area of one of these spears to a modern broadhead on a skinny little carbon arrow that weighs next to nothing you may be supprised at how effective a spear is compared to a modern and archery rig that is commonly accepted to ethicly take game. I might add that i do not own a Cold Steel spear, i use what i have made myself because i can't afford it (not because of some macho trip about making it myself)
That said, I stand by the fact that it was poor judgement to take that throw, and give a millon armchair experts ammo against spears.
And come on guys, this isn't a moon landing/ JFK conspirasy theory, as near as i can tell he shot the bull himself and had an instant kill with his first shot. He made a few excuses but he got himself out of the situation with no outside help and used his big bore in a totally safe mannor.
I am 19 and i weigh 145 lb's but you don't hear me calling anybody fat or out of shape, he moved when he had to and was good with his backup.
Not smart, didn't make those of us who hunt with spears look good, but he made the best of it.

02-18-2012, 05:30 PM
I think I am going to get one of those spears :)

I was impressed. Reason I posted it.

02-18-2012, 05:35 PM
I think I am going to get one of those spears :)

I was impressed. Reason I posted it.


02-18-2012, 05:41 PM
Aw come on! It is nice to see someone work out of a bind with a handgun every once in a while. I know nothing of spear hunting, so I can't comment on his "technique" and weather he goofed or not. He didn't hesitate when it counted with the revolver. How many of us would have came out the same?

02-18-2012, 05:45 PM
aw come on! It is nice to see someone work out of a bind with a handgun every once in a while. I know nothing of spear hunting, so i can't comment on his "technique" and weather he goofed or not. He didn't hesitate when it counted with the revolver. How many of us would have came out the same?


02-18-2012, 11:40 PM
I have the cold steel boar spear, and it is anything but a timid wimpy weapon. Given a choice; I think I might rather be shot than have this thing in me. Hopefully I'll never find out.

The cold steel video is lots of fun with friends and beer.

02-19-2012, 05:17 PM
Why in the hell is this so polarizing? Lynn Thompson's company, Cold Steel, produces those spears. He wanted to use one on a water buffalo. The throw wasn't girlie, the buffalo moved, the shot blocked, and from a mere few feet away, it came for him. In the interim, he managed to draw that rifle-like 7 1/2-inch SRH, and hit the buff in the head with the first shot. It was reflexive, and it stopped the charge. He emptied the revolver reflexively -- as I would have after soiling myself. Lynn is one of the best revolver shots I have ever seen. What is so controversial about it? As soon as it hits the internet, all of the critics who "would have done it differently" -- for sure, come out of the woodwork. No offense meant to anyone here, but look at the masterful reaction to the screw up -- and it was a screw up even according to Lynn (and I have talked to him about this), but his shooting and training successfully took over. He stopped the buff from running his backside over.
Been watching this for a while and Whit is 100% correct.
I have one of Lynn's spears and I am going to tell you it takes extreme effort to reach a bale of hay at 10 yards.
I have his video showing him stick a spear in a foam pig from a tree stand at unreal distances.
That spear is deadly and would have no problem penetrating through the animal. The buf seen the movement and turned his head. THAT IS ALL!
I will tell you that any one of us here would throw their shoulder out of joint trying to reach 20 yards with that thing.
It is Lynn's business and he knows what he is doing.

02-19-2012, 05:20 PM
I think I am going to get one of those spears :)

I was impressed. Reason I posted it.
It is fun but you might need 10 years to build your arm up! [smilie=l:
I still shoot an 82# bow but that thing tries to ruin me.

02-19-2012, 06:07 PM
A few points from another middle-aged fat guy. First, Cold Steel sells an excellent product and I've seen their spears, I have no doubt the weapon was up to the job at hand. Second, our hero has quite the set of stones and I admire him for that. His quarry was just a little quicker and luckier than he planned on. Lastly, he had an excellent "plan B" and executed it better than most of us could have. It wasn't graceful, it wasn't pretty, but it worked and nobody got hurt.

02-22-2012, 08:36 PM
Like many of you, I've watched the video closely, a number of times. Everyone seems to be talking about the action involving the spear and of course that is very important in the video. I believe only one other poster spoke of it but if you watch and listen closely there was a mild report before the guy cleared his holster. I believe that may have come from someone with a rifle who was backing the guy up. I haven't been able to pick up any signs of a hit on the buffalo but in the next instant the guy has his .454 out and fires the first of 4 shots. The buffalo went down instantly. So the guy hit the buffalo in a seriously vital spot. That Buffalo went down from that single shot or maybe, just maybe, the combination of a rifle shot and the shot from the .454

Why the 2nd, 3rd and 4th shots were fired puzzles me. Okay, I'll give him the 2nd shot but why the 3rd and 4th, which come two or three seconds later, with no movement from the Buffalo?

I keep looking at the video because something just isn't right about what I am seeing vs what I am hearing but I cannot put it together. Anyway, that's just me.

02-22-2012, 10:49 PM
I just don't get the conspirisy theory ideas. What was there to hide? The buff is dead no matter how we slice it!

02-23-2012, 09:52 AM
In that situation I would be shooting until the gun was empty too.
Even a knock down can be shock and that animal could have come right back up.
I prefer doing that shooting in a video game. :drinks:

02-23-2012, 11:31 AM
I think this thread is helpful and useful, because if Obama is reelected, we will all be using those spears....

02-24-2012, 10:00 AM
Lyn is not well regarded among knife makers....

02-24-2012, 10:23 AM
Whether he is well regarded among knife makes is a moot point. His knives FOR THE MONEY are pretty good.
I have Spyderco, Benchmade, Emerson and CRKT and maybe a couple more makers and the 230 dollar Emerson i have is probably no more sturdy or overall better than his Large Voyager that costs less than half as much. I could have bought 2 Voyagers and still have money left over.
Plus he had made several challenges to at least 1 custom maker that flapped his jaws about Cold Steel and never took Thompson up on his challenge. If I have been the custom maker I would have taken him up on it if I thought my 400 dollar knife was actually better than Cold Steels knife that was around half price. Considering it would have been free advertisement by Cold Steel for my product that is.
Maybe that is why he is not well regarded.
I also heard he was arrogant. But that is okay as I know some people that are arrogant that have nothing to be arrogant about. These are people I know myself that are just like me a plain old person that is basically just an " also ran" in life
Just my take on it. Nothing more or nothing less.

02-24-2012, 10:27 AM
Like many of you, I've watched the video closely, a number of times. Everyone seems to be talking about the action involving the spear and of course that is very important in the video. I believe only one other poster spoke of it but if you watch and listen closely there was a mild report before the guy cleared his holster. I believe that may have come from someone with a rifle who was backing the guy up. I haven't been able to pick up any signs of a hit on the buffalo but in the next instant the guy has his .454 out and fires the first of 4 shots. The buffalo went down instantly. So the guy hit the buffalo in a seriously vital spot. That Buffalo went down from that single shot or maybe, just maybe, the combination of a rifle shot and the shot from the .454


The first round fired was the rifle shot fired when the buff was behind the mound which hid the hit.
The second round, from the pistol was sound enhanced and there is no way anyone can say the buff was shot in the face because the pistol had already been carried out of frame by a terified dude that was running for his life.


Why the 2nd, 3rd and 4th shots were fired puzzles me. Okay, I'll give him the 2nd shot but why the 3rd and 4th, which come two or three seconds later, with no movement from the Buffalo?

I keep looking at the video because something just isn't right about what I am seeing vs what I am hearing but I cannot put it together. Anyway, that's just me.

I watched it frame for frame with the VLC player again and it is very obvious they doctored the clip to make him look less stupid.
With the doctoring it is very possible the second shot was from the rifle also.
It is clear how terrified he was when he touvhed of the last round into an already dead but twitching animal.

02-24-2012, 02:25 PM
Why do people care so much about this video.
Again if you like it okay if you don't okay.
Why be like a flock of Vultures.
The ones that can do it better needs to to Australia and make a video of themselves doing it better.

02-24-2012, 02:31 PM
Why do people care so much about this video.
Again if you like it okay if you don't okay.
Why be like a flock of Vultures.
The ones that can do it better needs to to Australia and make a video of themselves doing it better.

Because I and most of the people I know, don't like to be duped or made a fool of! It's seem to me that this video is not exactly what it seems to be and if that's true, then I feel as if I am being scammed, duped, whatever!

02-24-2012, 03:37 PM
How do you KNOW you are being duped? Do you have actual proof? I don't know that any of you have actual proof. All you have is just a idea that you were duped. How would you like it if someone did that to you?
How would you like it if the cops came to your house and carted you to jail just because a neighbor thought you did something wrong?
Can you show evidence beyond the shadow of a reasonable doubt that it didn't happen the way it shows?
Can you show evidence that any cropping or editing or any other method to make the film small enough to upload was made to make him look better than he did look on the original?
Most hunting and fishing videos we watch on TV have been edited to conserve time, to get a certain result, to get the parts in the final film that they want.
Editing for whatever reason does happen on a regular basis on may documentary's that are shown even on TV.
Does that mean the documentary's are bogus?
Does that mean the person doing the editing has an agenda?
That is why I am wondering why people want to be vulture like on things like this.
So what it not like we haven't been duped before, Why is this such a big deal?
If something as insignificant as this is a big deal in your lives I would shudder to think what a significant episode in your lives would bring on.I saw this video long a go just after it was put up on cold steels site and I couldn't have cared less about it.
But I do find that others let something like this be such a burr under their saddle.
Are you that bored with life? Haven't you anything else better to do? Can't you go shooting, play with the children/grandchildren or play with the dog, cast some bullet????
Any of these things would be more constructive.
And as an added thing anyone that would use a YouTube generated video to try and prove anything is short on something. A lot of the videos don't have the sound and movement in sync with what is actually going on.
Anyone that watches anything on YouTube knows that. So first off you are in error doing that. Many of the shooting videos has the sound off sync with the guns in recoil and a myriad of other things.
So if you are using a YouTube generated video as a measure of justifying the Crucifixion of Lynn Thompson you have just failed in a grand way. If you don't believe me watch some of the videos of people talking, shooting and singing on there.
If I were going to try to convict judge and execute soneone I sure wouldn't try to use a YouTube video and it inconsistencies.

02-24-2012, 03:44 PM
Some here seem not to realize, when you are at close quarters with something that can kill you, yes, you do keep shooting if you even see the slightest twitch. Big critters can twitch for quite awhile after they are officially dead. Adrenaline, doncha know, for both the animal and the shooter.

Why did I shoot him six times?

Because I only had a six shooter.

Don't worry about someone else making a fool of you.

02-24-2012, 04:16 PM
How do you KNOW you are being duped? Do you have actual proof? I don't know that any of you have actual proof. All you have is just a idea that you were duped. How would you like it if someone did that to you?
How would you like it if the cops came to your house and carted you to jail just because a neighbor thought you did something wrong?
Can you show evidence beyond the shadow of a reasonable doubt that it didn't happen the way it shows?
Can you show evidence that any cropping or editing or any other method to make the film small enough to upload was made to make him look better than he did look on the original?
Most hunting and fishing videos we watch on TV have been edited to conserve time, to get a certain result, to get the parts in the final film that they want.
Editing for whatever reason does happen on a regular basis on may documentary's that are shown even on TV.
Does that mean the documentary's are bogus?
Does that mean the person doing the editing has an agenda?
That is why I am wondering why people want to be vulture like on things like this.
So what it not like we haven't been duped before, Why is this such a big deal?
If something as insignificant as this is a big deal in your lives I would shudder to think what a significant episode in your lives would bring on.I saw this video long a go just after it was put up on cold steels site and I couldn't have cared less about it.
But I do find that others let something like this be such a burr under their saddle.
Are you that bored with life? Haven't you anything else better to do? Can't you go shooting, play with the children/grandchildren or play with the dog, cast some bullet????
Any of these things would be more constructive.
And as an added thing anyone that would use a YouTube generated video to try and prove anything is short on something. A lot of the videos don't have the sound and movement in sync with what is actually going on.
Anyone that watches anything on YouTube knows that. So first off you are in error doing that. Many of the shooting videos has the sound off sync with the guns in recoil and a myriad of other things.
So if you are using a YouTube generated video as a measure of justifying the Crucifixion of Lynn Thompson you have just failed in a grand way. If you don't believe me watch some of the videos of people talking, shooting and singing on there.
If I were going to try to convict judge and execute soneone I sure wouldn't try to use a YouTube video and it inconsistencies.

I do not have proof of anything, negative or positive. I have spoken my opinion of the video and just like a butt hole, everyone has one! If you don't like mine, that up to you, but don't go preaching to me about what my opinion is. As far as Lynn Thompson goes, I had never heard of him until I saw this video. Personally, I don't really know who he is, nor do I care.

If your on some kind of crusade, go preach your cause to someone who cares!

I am done with this thread.

Enjoy your day!!!

02-24-2012, 05:50 PM
No more so than the Judge, Jury and Executioners on here with an attorney using evidence based on a flimsy YouTube video for conviction.

02-25-2012, 01:38 PM
But they were in MUCH better shape and in greater numbers...
And a whole bunch of them died trying...