View Full Version : Separated some lead today ?

01-29-2012, 09:37 PM
Had about a 1/2 bucket of lead I had pulled off the BP range that is used for trap sometimes . I knew it had a lot of clay bird in it .So I poured it out and pulled the lead out of the mix . Ended up with about 60 percent volume of lead . About what I end up with the mix off the pistol range after I get the jacket and dirt melted out of it . Still have to melt this but there should not be much waist in what I have left . After I finished I sat down and wondered if I could have taken the outdoor vacuum over the top of it and removed a lot of the bird . Any one ever tried ? Marvin

01-29-2012, 09:41 PM
i never thought of the extreme contamination issue with bird shot and clays. note to those who are thinking about buying swept up lead from a club, youll end up with clay and such.

01-29-2012, 10:03 PM
bet it floats, especially on salt water.
and most definately on top of melted lead.

01-29-2012, 10:13 PM
I bet you could vaccuum up a snoutful of small bullets that way, think about all the 32s going clink, clink, clink, up the sweeper! Maybe a screen of hardware fabric, the wire mesh from the lumber yard would help.

01-29-2012, 11:07 PM
bet it floats, especially on salt water.
and most definately on top of melted lead.

Clay pidgeons are made of pitch. They will melt on top of molten lead. A sticky black mess which will cover everything.

tomme boy
01-30-2012, 12:45 AM
And it gives off a lot of sulfer. Yellow smoke everywhere. Try to get it all out. I am still scraping and chiseling the mess out of a cast iron pot. I make sure all of it is out of the lead from now on. I hate it.

01-30-2012, 01:43 AM
I know that is why I hand sorted it . Do not know if I need to mine there again . But I think the vacuum might get the job done . I think it took about the same amount of time to pull the lead out of this mess as it does to remove the jackets out of the melt . No jackets to sell but no time invested in selling them either . May be some one that does not have the options I have might give it a try . Marvin

10 ga
01-30-2012, 10:01 PM
We used to shoot clay pigeons out over the creek(salty water) and the pieces don't float.