View Full Version : Review of Product: www. Stainlessmedia.com

01-26-2012, 09:35 PM
This is a product review of stainless tumbling media provided by Trevor & Cory from www.stainlesstumblingmedia.com . I have read many post of how stainless media cleans like no other and I will admit to being a little skeptical of these claims. Going to their website I found it to be very informative with a tutorial (http://www.stainlesstumblingmedia.com/tutorials) and a tips (http://www.stainlesstumblingmedia.com/tips) section. From the home page you can purchase anything from media to complete packages that include everything you need. The price seems reasonable considering you will never have to purchase brass cleaning media again. Since I already had a small rotary tumbler and Lemi-shine (citric acid) on hand I chose media only. It arrived quickly in a small USPS flat rate box. When I opened the box I found a sealed bag of stainless media (stainless pins) along with a nicely printed instruction sheet.

I now had everything on hand so I placed about 50 deprimed 45-70 cases in my rotary tumbler, added a couple pounds of pins, a squirt of Ajax liquid dish detergent, a 1/4 tablespoon of Lemi-shine, topped it off with tap water and set the timer to 4 hours. After about 1 hour curiosity got the best of me so I took a peek at the brass. The primer pockets were starting to look cleaner but the brass was not shiny yet. I turned it back on and waited out the remaining time. When the timer finally turned off I took the tumbler drum along with a bucket to the kitchen sink. I drained as much of the now dirty water as possible without losing any pins then ran more water into the drum until the overflow was clean. At this point I dumped the contents from the drum into the bucket which was now in the sink positioned directly below the faucet. I allowed the tap water to run directly into the bucket while I sifted through the contents to pick out the brass and found the media easily fell to the bottom of the bucket while rinsing the cases under the flow of clean water. I dried the brass using my compressed air nozzle as recommended on the website but feel any of the other recommended drying methods would work just as well. I finished by draining the water from the media then placing it back into the rotary drum. It was not dry but the website indicates it can be stored that way.

Final inspection proved this stuff does clean like no other. The inside of the cases as well as the primer pockets were spotlessly clean and the outside of the cases were shiny. Is it worth the cost and effort? In my eyes, yes, considering how long it takes to hand clean primer pockets which I feel is absolutely critical for some of my loads.

01-27-2012, 04:46 PM
It is more work for sure to use the wet method, but it is clean like nothing else I have tried.

01-27-2012, 09:10 PM
We're running a discount code from now til the end of Feb.

Use promo code castboolits10 for $10 off.

01-28-2012, 11:00 AM
There ya go folks! $10 off any purchase to get you started.

01-29-2012, 11:48 AM
Thanks for the $10 off. Went ahead and made the purchase. Looks like, in addition to brass, it would be useful for cleaning many types of small parts.

I received the tumbler kit, with the separator, media and machine. No complaints, except shipping seemed a tad high. The machine works just as advertised, and brass is extremely clean after running just like the directions recommend. The media is very well designed for the purpose. A few bits can get away from you if you're not careful, but it drops away from the brass very well and is pretty easy to contain. It's very small, like the width of a sewing ping and a quarter inch long. I don't know if I'd bother with the wet system every time I reload, as the water and primers would make significantly more work using a progressive press, but it really cleans up cruddy brass like new. Truthfully, I think having brass this shiny will become easy to get used to. It's much more pleasant to handle, and once I get a rinse/dry system down the little bit of extra work will probably be forgotten. Probably, for the most part, the vibratory tumblers will now get used more for straight polishing of the tumbled brass and some cleaning of slightly dirty brass for the progressive.

01-29-2012, 04:11 PM

What's the shipping on each of the two reloading kits to zip code 25071?



02-19-2012, 04:04 PM
Just ordered my pins.........Discount was applied toward the new lower price!!!


02-19-2012, 09:24 PM
I took the plunge also! No word back from Pellets when I inquired again about the prices I got in November. Thats OK, I know prices go up and they are not required to hold to them months away. But no courtesy email in return.

Anyways, STM had them for $49 minus the castboolit10 promo. Total to me was $46.
PelletsLLc is now $40 (including their $10 shipping).

It was a no brainer since STM is a vendor sponsor for the site. My money went to them.