View Full Version : Want TX hog hunting place/info

01-26-2012, 02:54 AM
Any of you TX hog hunters who can steer me in the direction of someone (guide) or individual who can assist me in securing a TX hog hunt would be appreciated. I'm planning a trip in March or April to TX specifically to hunt hogs with cast rifle. Please send me a PM here or email to shastaboat@yahoo.com I'm not rich and have never paid to hunt before I guess it's time...I'm in good shape, 62 years old and can do my own guting and skining. Haven't decided to drive or fly out from Reno, NV. Thanks for your assistance. Brent

01-26-2012, 09:18 AM
PM replied to. Thanks.

01-27-2012, 01:19 PM
Pm'd its a good 1.

01-27-2012, 11:40 PM
My longtime outfitter is semi-retired, I generally book a hunt anytime I call to visit. This time he didn't even try. I may be looking for a place myself.