View Full Version : One more ice fishin.....

03-10-2007, 11:26 PM
Plans were to go out with my best friend from highschool who I havent seen in a while since we graduated 2 years ago and have gone different paths, but he called me this morning at 3:30 saying he was sorry but couldnt go out, when I asked why he said "my dad had a heart attach", not something I would have expected his dad being about 140 pounds and in desent shape.

But my brother, our buddy Mike, and I went out for about 5 hours this morning. The whole time we were out we caugth 1 little perch. I didnt even have to rebait my hook. One a plus note though I found a full unopened Budwiser when walking around the bay talkin to people.:drinks:

I dont know how many more times we will get out, it was in the 40's today, we had to take a shovel and move all the slush away before we started spuddin the whole, there was still over a foot of ice though.

Maybe one more time before it melts.

03-11-2007, 12:26 AM
I went out Friday morning, and caught some nice salmon. I was fishing at 240 feet, and getting them in the 1 1/2-2 1/2 pound size. The people next to me were catching fish a lot faster at around 24-30 feet, but it took about six of thiers, to make up for one of mine.
Still a couple feet of ice on that particualr lake, at around 4500 ft. elevation. Hopefully we may get another month of fishing in. Going back bright and early in the morning. Got to count my maggots!

03-11-2007, 07:44 AM
Sure sorry to hear about your bud's father. When they're old and/or bad off, ya' kinda' expect it, though it'll still surpise you. But when people are young and healthy, it'll real knock you over to hear that.
How 'bout keep us posted on his condition/ progress, ok?
