View Full Version : Edge Dies - Coming Along

01-24-2012, 08:53 AM
Hello everyone, i posted a couple of months ago about starting a swage die business. I wanted to let everyone know that im well on my way to start production. I have built a set of .308 dies for a corbin H-Press, a .458 paper patch die, once again for the H-Press, and a set of .224 dies for fired .22 LR brass for a standard 7/8-14 press. They have been coming together quite well, and i have done some test shooting with the bullets. I have a website that is online, but not findable in google or anything yet. I made the site myself, so it may seem fairly crude, and i have no listed many products on there, but ill give you guys a link down at the bottom so you can check it out, and give me some constructive criticism. Ill post a few pics if i can figure out how to do so.

I built, and heat treaded the reamers for the dies myself, which has really been a learning process. I can now make any shaped reamer, all designed in autocad. In the future, if you would like a set of dies, all you will need to do is send me a DXF (autocad) file and i will build you a set of dies to build the exact bullet you want.

As you can see, there are some blemishes (like gnurling, and i used threading on the ejection pins instead of rod, but the finished product is very nice in my opinion. I will be selling dies within a few weeks. Thanks for looking! PS, BT Sniper, how do you get those damn grurls so nice? Seems like im using an extreme amout of pressure, and my tool just wont cut!!! Haha, thanks

Here is the set of .308 dies.

Here is the 458 die, i didnt have a bullet to take a pic of... but ill upload one tomorrow when i swage it.
Edit - Here is a 458 bullet, came out to .44325" for paper patching

Here is a picture of the group shot with the .308 bullets, the group was shot at 150 yards out of my buddy's accurized ar-15. It was a seven shot group, Used 44 gr. of varget, and the bullets came in at 141 grains (LIGHT!) Post must be too long, group picture will be in next post

WEBSITE - http://www.edgedies.com

01-24-2012, 09:15 AM

01-24-2012, 09:53 AM
Very nice! I'll be anxiously watching to see how things develop, because I need to get off my butt and buy some dies!

01-24-2012, 11:43 AM

nice work so far. On the knurling, what type of tool are you using? The scissor type might work better for you. Also make sure that you are using cutting oil when knurling also.. And a third idea is to leave a small area that is slightly larger in diameter to knurl. And last make sure you have good knurling wheels in the tool, they need to be sharp also.

Would you make and sell a reamer?

01-24-2012, 12:05 PM
Yes I'll build you a reamer, I'm having some brittleness issues with the reamers that's I'm building so if you would rather heat treat it be my guest. If you send me the dimensions or even better a dxf file and a description, I'll build you one for say... 40 bucks. PayPal is edgedies@gmail.com if you wanna get the ball rolling.

01-24-2012, 12:08 PM
The type of tool I'm using is 2 rollers on a pivoting lathe tool. They aren't "sharp feeling". It was borrowed from an old machinest friend

01-24-2012, 12:48 PM
Morning coltac, I happened to notice from your pictures that the knurl looks like it tappered off so one thing I would look at is are the wheels square with the work? From my little experance with knurling tools is it does take a lot of pressure to get a good knurl. I think diameter has someting to do with it also as sometimes I can get a great looking knurl and other times, on a different diameter, it looks like it keeps running over itself at a slightly different point. Maybe I'm just lucky like that. Other than that the work looks great. I look forward to hearing more about your work.

01-24-2012, 01:38 PM
Another thing is to make sure your tool is running on center and perpendicular as best you can.

I have similar problems as you have shown and have been advised that knurling is second only to parting as to where people have issues learning and doing.

Are you making full fluted reamer or using d style reamers? I am having fits trying to get a good d-reamer made to finish cavities in a set of dies for 401 caliber pistol dies.

Utah Shooter
01-24-2012, 02:02 PM
So the .224 dies do not come with a squirt die? Looks like from the site they would need a modified ram as well. Nive group with the .308 by the way.

01-24-2012, 02:19 PM
What press types will you be building these dies for? I do not have a "H" press. Will there be sets for a standard press, "Mighty Mite" "BSSP" or the the Corbin "S" press?

01-24-2012, 07:14 PM
Looks good coltac!

Some suggestions for the product pictures. Maybe you could add a picture of the actual product instead of the same picture for all die sets, plus more description of all dies included with the set.

01-24-2012, 08:00 PM
I will add better pictures for sure. I just don't have them

01-25-2012, 12:43 AM
Coltac, looked at your site and am interested in the .224 from .22lr brass dies. Would these work in an RCBS o-type press? Need an all in one package to take me from brass to bullet.

01-25-2012, 07:07 AM
Coltac, looked at your site and am interested in the .224 from .22lr brass dies. Would these work in an RCBS o-type press? Need an all in one package to take me from brass to bullet.

Me too, please post price.

01-25-2012, 11:54 AM

I will try get my penny's saved and get a drawing worked up. Then I will get with you on a reamer.

Are they multi flute reamers or are you making spoon/D-reamer?

01-25-2012, 12:30 PM

I will try get my penny's saved and get a drawing worked up. Then I will get with you on a reamer.

Are they multi flute reamers or are you making spoon/D-reamer?

Hey, i have to go to work in texas in a few days, and ill be gone for a couple of weeks. just get me a drawing asap, and ill send you a reamer. You can pay me when you feel like you can, im not too worried about it. The reamers are multifluted. Im not going to heat treat it, but ill send you a reamer that you, or maybe a "knowledgeable friend" can harden and temper... let me know today, and ill get it shipped in the AM

01-25-2012, 12:32 PM
Coltac, looked at your site and am interested in the .224 from .22lr brass dies. Would these work in an RCBS o-type press? Need an all in one package to take me from brass to bullet.

Yah, i can make them to work in a 7/8x14 press, no problem. If you would like to buy some for a RCBS style press, ill work up a product on my website to purchase. Let me know! Thanks for your interest.

01-25-2012, 12:37 PM

will get you some info via pm. Sorry to hijack the thread. I can try my hand at heat treating if you tell what steel you are using. I have been working with A-2 and O-2 types.

Pm will be coming.

in edit: Oops should have said 0-1 and 0-2, based on last order notes. I have been trying to make d-reamers, and need more practice but in the meantime I would like to be making something to shoot also!

01-25-2012, 12:39 PM
I currently have .375 A-2 Tool Steel, .250 O-1 Tool Steel, and some .875 O-1 Tool Steel. Pretty straight forward to heat treat, im just out of Stainless Steel Foil, so if i do it, they will not be very pretty!

01-25-2012, 02:32 PM

yep as you say not bad to do once you know what material you are using. Just let me know what you make it out of and I will be glad to try my hand at the heat treat.

Thanks for the correspondence and help.

01-25-2012, 02:47 PM
Here is your reamer, i will ship it in a few mins. Should have it tomorrow mabye? Im in oregon, so not too far from you.

Autocad Drawing
Setting up turning profiles

Finished Cutting Reamer Blank


01-25-2012, 02:49 PM
Cutting Flutes

Sharpened Reamer (NOT HEAT TREATED) http://castboolits.gunloads.com/images/smilies/violin.gif


01-25-2012, 03:05 PM
Cool beans. I will let you know when it gets here and then try to update everyone on my progress.

Yep things shipped form your area get to me quickly, things coming from the other coast take a while longer most times.

Thanks a bunch, this will get me more time learning on this topic.

Did you end up making it out of O-1?

01-25-2012, 03:22 PM
Yeso1 steel

01-25-2012, 03:49 PM
PS i left the nose of your reamber pointy so it would cut into the cavity for your extraction punch. your extraction punch can be any shape (flat or rounded, whatver) to shape the nose of your bullet.

01-25-2012, 04:56 PM

I figured as much and the cutting tip will follow the pilot hole a little better than the d-reamer. That is why I wanted to try a multi flute reamer.

01-25-2012, 06:48 PM
You could probably make a good sideline just making reamers!! I will keep you in mind!! Nice work

01-25-2012, 08:32 PM
This is timely. Right before coming to this forum, I did a google search for Edge Dies.

01-31-2012, 01:06 AM
What are you making your die bodies out of?

Website and everything look good! keep up the good work!

02-02-2012, 07:33 AM
it depends what someone wants the dies to be made out of. 4140 or Tool steel is what i have been using. All the punches are made from tool steel, and the ejection pins are made from hardened and tempered drill rod.

02-03-2012, 02:03 AM
What is the ogive of the 308 and .264? And do you make them to fit any other press?

02-03-2012, 12:41 PM
it depends what someone wants the dies to be made out of. 4140 or Tool steel is what i have been using. All the punches are made from tool steel, and the ejection pins are made from hardened and tempered drill rod.

I'm working on a set of swage dies for .375 and was planning on using W-1 or 0-1 drill rod for the die bodies themselves any pitfalls with going that route?

Does anybody know by chance what corbins or CH4D dies are made of and if they treat them at all?

02-03-2012, 12:52 PM
Corbin uses 41L40 and CH4d uses 12lL14 Corbin dies are heat treated and quenched then tempered .. CH4D is case hardened. IF properly tempered O-1 and W-1 will make good dies and punches.

02-14-2012, 02:08 AM
Hey guys, dies are coming along nicely. The EDM cut point forming dies are much better than the reamed ones. Just wanted to give you guys a chance to save some money if you would like a set of dies. Ive also set up choices for press type between corbin H-Press, and a reloading press. Walnut hill press will be coming soon, as well as S-Type corbin dies. Thanks for looking!

I set up a discount code on my site

use code BOOLITS in the discount code box if you would like to order, and itll save you 50 bucks....

Utah Shooter
02-14-2012, 02:09 AM
You know. I was just looking there again today. Can you tell me the difference between the "Super Low Drag" and non? Just boat tail or not?

02-14-2012, 02:24 AM
The SLD is a secant ogive, RBT. Will look like a "Berger" but with a rebated boat tail. The reason i am making rebated boat tails is that they are well... easier. The difference ballistically between a rebated boat tail, and a standard boat tail is literally a wash... plus the RBT is inherently more accurate, so not much of a contest in my mind. The standard bullet is a spitzer type nose with a flat base.

02-14-2012, 08:10 AM
What is the warranty on your dies?

And is the core swag die, a squirt die?


02-14-2012, 08:18 AM
Do you make them for a walnut Hill press and how much are they if you do?

02-14-2012, 09:19 AM
I'll be keeping an eye on this one.

02-14-2012, 11:21 AM

are you able to get a better finish prior to lapping with the EDM die is that why you say they are turning out better? Or is it that they are quicker to machine for you that makes them better in your mind?

02-16-2012, 01:05 AM
Do you make them for a walnut Hill press and how much are they if you do?

I am trying to get a walnut hill press, i will be making them for the walnut hill press within the month

02-16-2012, 01:06 AM

are you able to get a better finish prior to lapping with the EDM die is that why you say they are turning out better? Or is it that they are quicker to machine for you that makes them better in your mind?

yes, the finish is better with the EDM than with a reamer... 10 fold. lapping is made much easier.

02-17-2012, 12:16 AM
I tried the discount on your site and it did not work.
Could you let me know how too use that option?

Thank you,

02-17-2012, 12:31 AM
Just enter boolits in the "Enter Discount Code" box and it should take $50 off your order


02-17-2012, 12:35 AM
Warranty... i havent really thought about it too much. I will post a warranty on my site in the next day or two. It will be a full replacement if a die body breaks for sure. Punches, im not too sure. It will be a small fee (10.00) or something if a punch is damaged by the customer, and needs replaced. Yes, all my die sets will come with a core swage die unless otherwise noted. These are swaging die sets after all =)

What is the warranty on your dies?

And is the core swag die, a squirt die?


02-20-2012, 11:58 PM

Does your 243 dies come with a jacket forming die that uses 22lr?

02-27-2012, 01:14 AM
I just got home from Texas last night, i will be getting those orders out that have been placed this week. Thanks again!

03-04-2012, 08:13 PM
Smoothness of you knurling may have to do with the OD of you piece vs pattern length of your knurling set. Can probably find that info formula on one of the machinist's forum. I haven't at all mastered the art but know if the OD isn't right, you run over your cuts and get small patterns and never gain on the appearance. Also I usually loosen my die till it tracks evenly around the diameter before locking it in place. Just a suggestion.
Great group on the .308

As you can see, there are some blemishes (like gnurling, and i used threading on the ejection pins instead of rod, but the finished product is very nice in my opinion. I will be selling dies within a few weeks. Thanks for looking! PS, BT Sniper, how do you get those damn grurls so nice? Seems like im using an extreme amout of pressure, and my tool just wont cut!!! Haha, thanks

Here is the set of .308 dies.

Here is the 458 die, i didnt have a bullet to take a pic of... but ill upload one tomorrow when i swage it.
Edit - Here is a 458 bullet, came out to .44325" for paper patching

Here is a picture of the group shot with the .308 bullets, the group was shot at 150 yards out of my buddy's accurized ar-15. It was a seven shot group, Used 44 gr. of varget, and the bullets came in at 141 grains (LIGHT!) Post must be too long, group picture will be in next post

WEBSITE - http://www.edgedies.com[/QUOTE]

03-05-2012, 04:18 AM
Thanks for the tip, the knurling has improved greatly with a newer tool.

To those that have ordered dies, im hard at work, and will be shipping a couple of sets out on Tuesday. Thanks for your patients

03-08-2012, 03:46 AM

Send you a PM, hope's to get your reply soon.

One more thing that I don't understand, is there a difference in your dies if I use it in Walnut Hill press? How about if I use RCBS RC press?

Sorry but I'm really in the dark here, I was thinking that maybe the dies for the other press is bigger and doesn't have the standard 7/8 x 14 threads.