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View Full Version : Ground Corn Cob Media for flux?

01-22-2012, 03:53 PM
I have a large bag of Ground Corn Cobs that was sold as animal bedding. I purchased it to use as cleaning/polishing media, but it's a little to course for anything but straight wall cases. My question is "can this be used as flux out of a bottom pour lead furnace? I have some Marvelux I was planning to use for the initial fluxing, but was wondering if the corn cobs would work to prevent oxidization on the suface while casting like sawdust does?

01-22-2012, 06:02 PM
One old man's opinion.

have no idea about using corncobs for flux.

I have a very strong opinion about Marvelux.

This stuff is bad news. Do not put it into your pot for any reason.

If you can't use the corncobs, use paraffin, old candles, beeswax, sawdust, even motor oil.

I use scrap candles 90% of the time but I use sawdust if the metal is dirty.

01-22-2012, 06:30 PM
Why not just use sawdust? I filled a half trash bag full from the local Home Depot just for the asking. I would think corn cob would work as well, but the bigger chunks may take longer to turn to ash. Both sawdust and crushed charcoal briquettes work well to form that ash layer.

01-22-2012, 06:38 PM
I use the corn cobs for fluxen my lead and alloy . I use it also fo clean my brass it is different size when a I had a farmer put it into a feed mill . But it works for me and the used one that I do not want to use to clean brass anymore I use it to flux my alloy and lead . Hope this will help.