View Full Version : PatMarlin Checkmaker Dies

01-22-2012, 01:37 PM
[smilie=s: Anyone know what's going on with Pat? I ordered a 40 PB Checkmaker die on July 13th, 2011. I haven't heard anything. He cashed my check on July 22nd 2011. I used to email Pat once a month and he would reply as to the status of my order. The last two emails have gone unanswered. I am concerned he may not be getting my emails.
Pat: I know you check out this forum from time to time. If your not getting my emails please respond here. Thank you. Gil J H.

01-23-2012, 10:28 AM
I just tried to place an order this morning and I got the email back. Some sore of domain error. Any info would be appropriated.

01-23-2012, 11:33 AM
I talked with pat on 1-18-2012 and he had been out with the flu for 2 weeks

01-23-2012, 12:46 PM
I got a PM from Pat a couple of weeks ago letting me know that my 45PB check maker will be ready soon. I ordered it last Jan 15. So it has been over a year now. He also said he was down with the flu. Just have to be patient, he is a one man operation.

max range
02-07-2012, 10:41 PM
A year? Did you type; "So its been over a year now"? You are kidding right?

It took one year and 45 days to build the Empire State Building. They averaged four floors per day. A year is 8,760 hours.


02-08-2012, 01:46 AM
There was more than one person working on the Empire State Building.

Pat is a one man shop, and he's doing all the designing, programing and manual labor himself. He's also off the grid, producing his own electricity and converting his machines to work on it. And that doesn't count his day to day chores, which include providing all the wood to keep him warm up there in the mountains where he lives, and everything else that goes with subsistance living.

Unless you've tried what he's doing, don't put him down.


02-08-2012, 10:53 AM
Pat will have you your order gentlemen. I sent in payment for a checkmaker die and it took over a year and that was when he only had one machine going and was in the beginning stages of CNC start up. Did I once complain, NO. I knew it would take time, end of story! If you are not willing to wait and understand the situation involved then don't order.

The good side is not too long ago Pat plunged in and got himself another CNC machine so if one goes down he has the ability to keep on moving with orders unlike in the past. He's an honest man; you'll receive what you ordered as soon as he is humanly possible.

02-08-2012, 10:59 AM
well you could order one from Corbin MFG wait over 2 years and give 200 dollars more. See you have options.

02-08-2012, 02:11 PM
"A year is 8,760 hours."

And just so you'll know for future reference, a work year is 2,020 hours for budgeting purposes. Even serfs are allowed a meal break and a little sleep time...........

I have Pat's .35 caliber and .35 caliber Plain Base die sets. They were not only worth the small wait, they are well worth the money. When he gets my .44 caliber Plain Base done, that will even be better, but he's just starting work on those.


02-08-2012, 09:26 PM
Ya know. I'm almost 60 yrs. old. I'd like to stick around for a long time but who knows how many shopping days I have left until Christmas. A year to wait for an order is a little much . . . by anyones standards. Unless of course you have been informed of that kind of wait time which obviously hasn't happened. It's a very wonderful & noble gesture to show not only loyalty but support for Pat & his craftsmanship. I personally don't have that kind of time. If Tom at Accurate molds can have a custom made mold to my doorstep in a matter of a weeks time, then Pat can surely have a checkmaker done in less than a year . . . or six months . . . or one month. There's more going on than just the "Flu" here. Let's get real here.
I'm an "Old Dog". I been around, ya know? I know some things. I'm going to order a Freechex III. No ill will meant towards Pat, but I don't have a years time to wait.
I guess what I don't understand is that many are going to bat for Pat . . . but Pat. Where is he in response to the tardiness? As a responsible vendor he needs to chime in and stand accountable for his complacency. I have no doubt that Pat is a skilled craftsman. But, if one is going to be in "business" then be in "business"! His noble followers are an asset to his credibility as a craftsman. He needs to let his customers know, in advance, of the wait time. It's called "being responsible".

02-08-2012, 10:46 PM
Pat may have a hand up,,,,

In going to youtube to compare Pat's vs. (Charlie?) Freechex, Charlie's content has been pulled, and there are zero for sale on evilbay.

Wish I knew how to run a lathe, I smell an opportunity to make a couple bucks. The market for checkmaking can't do *anything* but get bigger, and I don't care how many guy's get in to making them, it won't hurt Pat.

02-08-2012, 10:49 PM
Pat has clearly stated that some of his dies hadn't been developed yet, but that he would take pre-production orders for a place in line. I've done that 3 times now, and I've received 2 of my dies. They were worth the wait. I guess no one here ever ordered a Shiloh Sharps rifle and waited 4 1/2 years for it to be made..........

There have been many threads on this very issue concerning Pat, and I'm sure he's tired of posting in his defense. Besides, it takes away from production time to answer the same question over and over.

Some who complain didn't read Pat's posts before they ordered, and didn't understand that some of his products were in the development stage, and wouldn't be in production for a period of months, or even longer. Those who did understand that. In this business there are many one man shops, some with what some would call "big names". I could name a few, but it would serve no purpose.

I'm almost 10 years older than you, and I don't mind waiting for a good product, along with helping a guy start a new business. If you don't choose to wait, that's great, and a vital part of the free enterprise system.

In every life there are distractions and things that are beyond a person's control. If you're implying that Pat is a flake, I can tell you he's not. At least he hasn't been in my dealings with him, which is what I base my opinions on.

Hope this helps.


02-08-2012, 10:54 PM
i guess the thing is alot of people are wondering why it takes 1 year though. i guess they didnt' know they was instore for that.

02-09-2012, 12:40 AM
Better take another look, only one on evilbay is Pat himself. Have a look at gunbroker.com or freechex.net. He quit evilbay around 1000 sales , or about a year ago.

02-09-2012, 01:18 AM
Better take another look, only one on evilbay is Pat himself. Have a look at gunbroker.com or freechex.net. He quit evilbay around 1000 sales , or about a year ago.

Charlie is selling more dies now than when he was on Fleabay. No hazzle from the righteous Fleabay. Being retired, it is a hobby that has greatly served the handloading community. To expensive you say! Go out and buy the tooling to make such a great product. He makes the dies himself now. The shop that once produced the dies is out of business! You and I get more than we pay for!

02-09-2012, 03:32 AM
I own a machine shop, I make opdds and ends parts for a select few rifle and only for a couple of places. I don't need to be married to my Lathe and Knee Mill for a living. I have other things to do, but many types of work take a long time to do and when orders stack you, work backs up.


02-09-2012, 06:15 AM
i guess the thing is alot of people are wondering why it takes 1 year though. i guess they didnt' know they was instore for that.

My point exactly. Thank you.
When I ordered my mold from Accurate Tom made it clear that there was a 3 week turn around. That was clear. I ordered with that knowledge on board. I got my order in a week. I'm going to have a bent bolt conversion done on my Mosin. The vendor made it clear that there was a three month wait . . . period. With that knowledge in hand I am sending it to a different vendor. You see, I've been given a choice.

02-09-2012, 09:10 PM
has any one heard from Pat Marlin in a while?? on anything?

02-09-2012, 09:46 PM
Yes, I got an e-mail from him just yesterday. He's plodding along, trying to catch up.


02-10-2012, 01:29 PM
RE: Complaints about PAT. First of all, I am 20 years older than the almost 60 year old person with some concerns.
Pat has made it clear that he is:
1: A one-man shop
2: Some dies are still in developmen
3: He has had a very nasty viral infection that has precluded him from an heavy work load.

Lighten up! These is another type on the market, and if one is not content to wait for Pat then go to the other. It is that simple.
For some reason, we in America today have become very impatient and overly demanding. Lighten up, for life is too short.


02-10-2012, 01:38 PM
I second that DrBill33...
Anyone that has a complaint with Pat SHOULD buy one of the other
check makers.... Pat is in a league of his own.. period

02-10-2012, 01:41 PM
Am I alone in this opinion or is this thread title a bit missleading and alaming?

02-10-2012, 07:34 PM
I am with pigslayer on this one. if you are going to run a business, you need to have all your ducks in a row.

02-10-2012, 07:44 PM
RE: Complaints about PAT. First of all, I am 20 years older than the almost 60 year old person with some concerns.
Pat has made it clear that he is:
1: A one-man shop
2: Some dies are still in developmen
3: He has had a very nasty viral infection that has precluded him from an heavy work load.

Lighten up! These is another type on the market, and if one is not content to wait for Pat then go to the other. It is that simple.
For some reason, we in America today have become very impatient and overly demanding. Lighten up, for life is too short.


It's quite clear that your post was directed at me. Didn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. In the first place I had monies set aside to purchase three checkmakers from Pat. A .45 cal., a .44 cal & a 30 cal. I had no doubts that Pat was a skilled craftsman & probably a very nice guy! But when I read that a customer had sent Pat a check a year ago & the check was cashed a year ago & said customer had not recieved the product nor communication from the vendor then that sent up a big red flag. Now, if Pat had in fact told said customer that it could be up to a year wait on the product and with that the order was placed with that knowledge in hand then there is no reason for the customer to complain. But, that doesen't seem to be the case.
I'm just talking simple responsible business here fellas! I've been in business for myself successfully and it's not all moonlight & roses. Sometimes it's just harrowing!! But by gosh when you put yourself out there you have to be responsible. Look, I understand hard times, probably more than most can imagine. Even with that said, decisions have to be made. One in Pat's position has a responsibility to his customers. To keep them informed.
Look, I was , for a number of years . . . a one man show. I was living in Monterey, Ca. & did one of a kind furniture & custom millwork for the major resort hotels & some very wealthy residents in Pebble Beach & Carmel. Yep, doesen't get any ritzier than that! There were many nights when both phone lines were busy & my pager was vibrating across my desk. But you know what? I lived up to my commitments! Why? 'Cause I made them! I offerred the community a service and in doing that I offerred that service in a timely fashion. I'm not talking about making a checkmaker a year behind. I'm talking about custom furniture, cabinet work & hotel furnishings that are one off & one of a kind that take hours of work and that had to be completed on time. I worked when I was sick and even when I had pneumonia(sp?). Why? Because I made a commitment! I have hired subcontractors and subcontractors. You learn who is going to be reliable & who is not . . . even though they may be fine craftsman!
I understand that Pat was down with that nasty flu/crud that was going around. I know, I had it . . . it was nasty. But you know what? I dragged my butt out of bed & went to work. Why? Because of commitment to my employer who takes real good care of me. I've watched my employer come in to work when he looked like death warmed over!
Sometimes, in life, we have to wake up, suit up, & show up! No, I don't mean that in the literal sense. It's about showing up for life & honoring our commitments to others. It's about doing the right thing!
If you take a man's money, then give him his moneys worth and in a timely fashion!! Don't take his money & then give him silence! Silence is the most abusive & violent gesture of all!!
Is this really about Pat alone? Heck no! It's about doing the right thing!! It's about being a standup guy! As the old Indian said in "The Outlaw Josie Wales". Endeavor To Persevere!

02-10-2012, 07:58 PM
I really have no dog in this fight as Pat has refunded my order quite a while ago. I was pretty much crucified after voicing my opinion. I was even told" your a trouble maker and the forum members won't tolerate that" I cannot believe this is STILL going on.. pm me

02-10-2012, 09:40 PM
Pat may have a hand up,,,,

In going to youtube to compare Pat's vs. (Charlie?) Freechex, Charlie's content has been pulled, and there are zero for sale on evilbay.

That's because Charlie is swamped right now. He pulled the sites for personal reasons.
Evilbay wanted too huge of a cut.
YouBoob invades your privacy.
So to give you an FYI, Charlie shut those down.

But hey, start any rumors you want. [smilie=1:

02-10-2012, 09:57 PM
This thread has gone far enough and isnt producing anything positive.
Im shutting it down.


02-11-2012, 12:51 AM
I see a real trend has developed here. Those who think they have a complaint, are fairly new to the forum.
When Pat began the development of this equipment, the board was kept up step by step on the progress, and on what was needed to be done. Members here that wanted this equipment, put in money as an investment to put Pat on his feet with the business, to supply us with a desired product. Once one portion of it is developed, then the next part goes into development. You don't just wave a magic wand to do this.
It may be good for those who worry about such things, to stay out of them, unless they will take the time and find out why and how things are being done.
As a curse, I will say that I wish all the complainers had went through what many of us here did, with the early Lee group buys, with year+ delays, then returning of products for corrections. All paid in advance, by the way. You may have heard of Lee, they have been in the business a lot longer than Pat.
If you don't have the stomach for dealing with custom made goods, stay away from them. Go buy your stuff off of the shelf if you can find it. I'm sure you will be perfectly happy with it, and won't have your time wasted away from your TV.