View Full Version : The Prodigal Daughter

01-18-2012, 02:22 PM
As some of you know, the wife and I took in a sixteen-year-old girl almost five years ago. Her bio-dad is little more than a sperm donor, and her bio-mom little more than an egg and zygote incubator, although the bio-mom had strong emotional control over the young lady.

I won't bore you with the circumstances of how she came to be in our lives, only that I loved her then, and now, like my own child.

The wife and I have no children of our own.

The young lady and I had our final falling-out around this time last year, over a number of things, but sheer and total financial and personal responsibility was at the forefront. I took away her car--which I'd been making the payments on for the past year--and stopped the money flow. She had been down to just working a few days a week and partying, having fun with questionable friends, etc etc.

She walked out on us and for almost all of 2011, I heard nothing from her. No texts, no e-mails, no phone calls, nothing. Her old friends (good kids, now good young adults) would keep me filled in on occasion.

I did learn of some difficulties (self-induced, as always) her bio-mom had encountered, and, as usual, trying to pressure her daughter to come to me for the money, of which the kid refused.

And apparently, that was the final straw. The kid moved out from her mom's place.

So for almost an entire year, I'm wondering and worrying what this young lady is doing. The only thing I knew for certain was where she worked.

On December 23, I couldn't take it any longer. I bought a modest gift card to her favorite restaurant and had it couriered to her work place.

On December 24, Christmas Eve, she found me at a social function. I was dressed up, she was in her dirty work clothes, exhausted. . . but with something different about her.

The room got really quiet. Everyone present knew the situation. It was awkward for the first few moments as we tried to "catch up." A half-hour later, she had to go--and I gave my daughter a hug for the first time in almost a year.

I had to excuse myself from the others for a few moments to compose myself.

She's doing fine and she is actually living with her boyfriend, who is an outstanding young man--college educated, good job, no baggage, no drugs, pro-gun/hunting, very light social drinker and has an outstanding work ethic.

He dotes on her. She told me *I* was the benchmark she set for having a man in her life. She's been dating this guy now for over nine months, moved in with him in September, and it's THE longest relationship she's ever had with a guy in her life, let alone a guy who I'd be proud to call a son-in-law.

She still hasn't introduced me to him, which tells me she's serious about him (translation: scared that I'll scare him or intimidate him) and it also tells me that her and I are now on a new journey, a new path into the future.

She's finally breaking the anchor chains from her bio-mom, the dependency-chains from me and the wife, and forging her way. It scares me, but it excites me. Most of all, it fills me with hope.

I have no idea what the future may hold for her or her and this young man. Only God knows that.

But what I do know is that God gave me the best Christmas present I've had in decades.

This is a picture of me and her on one of our flying trips a couple of years ago.

http://s19.postimage.org/7ecx9owtb/Bethany_at_KGLE_2_Lo_Res.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/7ecx9owtb/)

We've talked a few times since and she's come by to see me twice since Christmas. She's grown up a lot, matured tremendously.

I've only done this for five years. I have no idea how those of you have done it for a lifetime, and with more than one child did it.

My hat's off to you.


01-18-2012, 02:27 PM
As hard as that was for you tell us, I am glad you got the chance to tell us. I am glad for you is your wife as lucky and as happy about the situation?

01-18-2012, 02:30 PM
The seeds of decency, morals and integrity that you sowed in this young lady have brought forth a blessing to you both. That's a win-win in my book.


01-18-2012, 02:32 PM
FYI, I started crying as I remember that time you were going through this. You dear Sir are really a model. I enjoy your post and disagree with some. But your input on a varied range of subjects has allowed me to see you're a great Dad. Thanks, my prayers are going out to you and wife, your daughter and her BF.
This is written from the perspective of having my daughters hand asked for by her Fiance and parents on the 25th of December past. Oh no, now I am getting sentimental again;)

01-18-2012, 03:06 PM
Good for you!
Sticking to your standards, giving her time to figure it out, things should get better yet.

01-18-2012, 03:07 PM
Loving your kids enough to be hard on them when you have to be is the test of every parent. I am happy it worked out for you. God bless.

01-18-2012, 03:09 PM
I have been hoping and praying that your difficulties would work themselves out, and it looks like they are going to. Thank God, and my best wishes for your family.

01-18-2012, 03:24 PM

The best is yet to come. Just wait till you are a grandpa.

01-18-2012, 03:35 PM
If you love someone set them free,if they come back then they are yours.

01-18-2012, 03:41 PM
The youthful mistakes we make are often our most painful. It sounds as if she has done a great deal of growing this past year. She seems to be headed in the right direction. Hope you can stay in her life and continue to provide a good example of what she can achieve.

01-18-2012, 03:45 PM
Recluse :

That's a great story, The Lord truly works in mysterious ways.


01-18-2012, 04:54 PM
Good for all of you. Some people can't imagine a life different from the way they grew up, and when they see it it can sometimes seem too much and too different and they run from it. I'm glad she's found her way to a better life. Raising a kid is hard; turning loose so they can become an independent, responsible adult is even harder.

Good job on being a good man.

01-18-2012, 05:21 PM
Ya done good!

01-18-2012, 05:33 PM
Everybody goes through wanting to be independent. I didn't get along with my dad much in may late teens, but once I got my own career going we became really good friends.

I hope this relationship works out the same for both of you.

MT Gianni
01-18-2012, 06:18 PM
Life has it road bumps. I am glad it also has it's high points.

01-18-2012, 06:31 PM
Glad to hear that you reconciled Recluse. As she matures your daughter will recognize the traits that you instilled in her.

01-18-2012, 07:12 PM
Good Father is the toughest, and best, job on the planet.

Congrats on the reunion.

DIRT Farmer
01-18-2012, 07:39 PM
Good Father is the toughest, and best, job on the planet.

And the only instruction manual is the Bible.

01-18-2012, 07:47 PM
That's such good news to here.

01-18-2012, 08:15 PM
Way to go, Mate. I wish the best for you and yours.

01-18-2012, 08:25 PM
Recluse, I know it's hard to make the first move and I'm very happy that worked out for you. I read your post about this last year and I'm sure it's been on your mind constantly. I pray things keep working out for your family. FB

01-18-2012, 08:25 PM
I am VERY happy to hear things are working out. I have 3 daughters (1 by birth and 3 by grace of God). They are trying some times but are as beautiful as the rising sun. I have found that difficult times matures them. My prayers will continue to be with you and yours.

Good luck my friend,


Circuit Rider
01-18-2012, 08:38 PM
Recluse, tears in my eyes as I read your post. You set a good example and she sees it now. You and your family are in my prayers. I'm really happy for you. CR

01-18-2012, 08:45 PM
An answer to my prayers for you. I'll keep it going. Better things are ahead.

smoked turkey
01-18-2012, 11:28 PM
I too was taken by your post. To truly love someone is to open yourself up to be hurt. But that is part of the journey. It is better to have loved someone than to turn inward and love no one. You are coming full circle. Scripture says we reap what we sow. You are reaping a harvest that you sowed in that girls life along the way. Good Going. I agree with the others that said the best is yet to be for you and your family.

01-19-2012, 12:11 AM
Good for you!. And for the young lady. Sometimes someone has just had enough of a present situation and decides to do something about it. Not very good with words in a case like this. I did have a sister who unfortunately took the wrong turn at a later time of her life and left us sometime back. Would that I could go back in time and show her the error of her ways and maybe she'd be with us today. Frank

Stephen Cohen
01-19-2012, 12:44 AM
Sir, I would say you have done a good job. You have learned that hard love is the toughest type of love there is. From one Father to another well done.

Bullet Caster
01-19-2012, 01:56 AM
Thanks for your post. I'm really glad for you and your daughter. God answers prayers and mine are for you and her and your wife. You've shown her the right way and now she knows the truth. May God bless and keep you and your family. BC

01-19-2012, 09:58 AM
Hello ! i remember your old post telling your story about the troubles with your daughter and was sad for you ! Im now very happy for you , that she has decided to come back into your life .
Priceless !!!!!!

01-19-2012, 10:31 AM
I have been praying for this outcome for you. wonderful to discover you have been a truly good influence on someones life and path. Regardless of the sayings, good does triumph over bad, I have faith in that.

Enjoy your relationship with your daughter, there is nothing like it, I have 5 of them.

01-19-2012, 12:21 PM
Nicely done! Here's hoping you get to meet your future SIL soon. :)

01-19-2012, 12:50 PM

01-19-2012, 02:47 PM

Shacking up with a "Boyfriend" is nothing more than needing to be "Rescued" which leads to co-dependency, pregnancy, poverty and ultimately failure.
Glad you made a reconnection, but she's in for a hard long haul if she doesn't shape up fast and learn about "Red Flags".

Here's a review of the book:

"Ten Stupid Things Women Do to Mess Up Their Lives is a summary of self-defeating behaviors women use to hide their lack of self-esteem and fear of following their dreams. By using real-life examples from her professional practice and her nartionally syndicated radio show, Dr. Laura explains the thinking (or lack of thought) behind poor decisions that have a harmful impact on women, their families, and their friends. These poor decisions are usually the easy out, and often compromise a person's integrity or plans for the future. Dr. Laura effectively demonstrates how withstanding momentary discomforts lead to a positive self-image and utlimately fulfilling life.

I read this book about a year ago (not voluntarily at first, my parents made me) and I am glad I did. Learning from the mistakes of others is always better than repeating them yourself. I don't give a
whit what mistakes Dr. Laura has made, because it's irrelevant to the merit of her message. Everything she says in her book is true; I have personally witnessed many relationships gone awry due to the behaviors Dr. Laura lists in her book. So if you want to be a happier, stronger
person, this book can point you in the right direction. But only if you are willing to *honestly* reassess your own thoughts and actions without being a spineless jellyfish."

gray wolf
01-19-2012, 03:20 PM
Well I guess you made my/our day.
Your quite the MAN my friend.
If she stays close she will be quite the Woman.
I wish I could shake your mighty hand.

Your friend


01-19-2012, 06:09 PM

There will be tough times ahead, but it sounds like she had a good role model as to what a Man should be.

I am starting my second time of doing this, have a beautiful 12yr old daughter whose Bio dad is still in her life, but last year he got DUI #2 and #3. The hard thing is that we have to let her see her Dad failing. (He is now living with his brother, while his wife and other kids are living with his mother-in-law, they have no house)

Friend told me that when you cover over for the Dad's failing or help bail him out what you are teaching your daughter that it is OK to do that. We are upset with the situation and we let her know that and let him know that. We don't want to teach her that it is OK, when a boy refuses to be a Man. Unfortnatly it seems, they have to get burned once or a few times to realize that it is NOT OK.

I remember reading your situation when it happen and I am glad to see it is improving, she seems to be a bright young lady and hopefully good days are ahead for you.

The most precious thing we can give our kids is our time, not our advice. They have to see that we live it first before they will believe what we tell them. Sounds like you have done a great job!

God Bless you.