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03-08-2007, 09:50 AM
What would be a good hunting CB for this out to 150 yards?

Forgot, 14" Contender barrel.

03-08-2007, 12:47 PM
My first choice would be something like the RCBS 30-180-GCFP.

03-08-2007, 02:19 PM
I would also be looking at Lee soupcans and their 150 & 170gr FP's. (You can get a set of Lee moulds for what one of another brand costs, cheap to experiment.) What it comes right down to is which one is most accurate with your barrel? I have a bunch of .30cal moulds and whenever I get something new in that caliber, I just test them one at a time to find out. Every barrel is different. You slug it to be sure of the size, you test different boolits/powders to see what it likes best, then you play with different alloys/hardnesses/lubes until you have yourself a workable combination. Do some boolits work well in more than one barrel? Yes. But, just because boolit "A" is a tack driver in my barrrel, does that mean it will be in yours? Maybe, maybe not. Only your barrel can answer that. As you are looking for a hunting boolit, try all the flat point designs that you can get your hands on and see if you can get one that is acceptably accurate and leading-free with ACWW or soft-point technique. Expansion (or lack of it) is the potential problem with smaller bore boolits, and reducing velocity even more with a handgun increases the challenge. FWIW, so far, the Lee 150 (sized .310) works well in my .30 Herrett 14" Contender, but I have not shot anything with it except targets and still have about ten more different boolits to test.....