View Full Version : Lyman/Ideal 358156 Hollow point

David LaPell
01-16-2012, 07:25 PM
I was wondering why it is that I never see a 358156 hollowpoint mould and when I do see them they cost a fortune? I wanted to try one of these out on coyotes and maybe whitetails if I can ever find one in my .38-44 Outdoorsman. Does anyone use one of these before I go spending the money on it?

01-16-2012, 07:31 PM
I have a factory 358156. If you could see it shoot, you'd also know why it hasn't been posted here " For Sale."
I can only attempt to answer your question by saying, " If they shoot like mine, I know why people don't sell them."



01-16-2012, 07:51 PM
I have had buckshot convert standard single cavity molds (358311 & 429421) to hollow point molds.
I can highly reccomend his work, he is a member here and a good guy.
Standard single cavity Lyman 358156 molds are not that hard to come by (new ones that drop to spec can be tougher to find). buckshot charges a really reasonable rate for converting a mold to hollow point. When I get time and a little spending money I am going to see if he will convert one cavity of a dual cavity 311008 to hollow point configuration.
Good luck, jmsj

01-16-2012, 11:24 PM
Buy a 358156 mold and send it to Buckshot. He will do a good job. He will change 1 cavity per mold to HP with a HP pin (or more than one pin if you want to try different styles). He was very helpful explaining the work and guiding me to what I wanted to order. His work was excellent.

01-17-2012, 08:37 AM
David, I picked up a 358156HP new in the box out of the bargin bin at Nemecs in Warrensburg many years back. The sticker says $22.50 marked down to $11.99! That was back before the big expansion, or maybe before the first big expansion! It's a great mould, it does take some time to learn how to use them. It's well worth it IMO. Get Buck or Eric to do one up for you.

01-17-2012, 11:20 PM
Go to active group buys and look for MIHEC's group buy in BRASS 4 cavity solid or HP. Miha doesn't give his moulds away, but he does superb work. AND once you get that bad boy mould up to temperature, you can be knocking out the hollow points of your dreams as fast as solids.

If that don't suit, see if Swede Nelson at NOE has any extras of his RG hollow point moulds from his 360160 (clone of 358156) that was just delivered....I have 4 plain base and 1 gas check cavity in my mould..."don't need no steenkin' gas checks" for most of my pistol shooting.

You COULD buy a multi-cavity LYMAN and have Eric at hollowpoints convert it with his lower priced system.

A one cavity mould is like water torture and the LYMAN system looks like it's slower than grandma! You'll spend a few yankee dollars on MIHEC or NOE multi cavity moulds, but a lot less time.

With moulds, as with everything else, you can get d*** near anything you want if you get out enough yankee dollars!


01-18-2012, 01:45 AM
How `bout some with no GC shank (removed by Buckshot)


Or maybe some 358446s , mold HPed by Buckshot ???
