View Full Version : Corbin Handbook & Cat. 1. & or 2. Anybody ??

01-13-2012, 11:15 PM
Hey Everyone,,,,

Just wondering if there are any surviving copies of Corbins Handbook & Catalog
Num. 1. and or Num. 2. out there in swageland ????

Would be interested in locating an old copy or copies ???

Thanks in advance :coffeecom

Utah Shooter
01-13-2012, 11:30 PM
I know I did at one point. Not sure if I still have one or not. I will look and see though.

01-13-2012, 11:57 PM
Hey thanks REALLy that would be great if YOU found something !!

01-14-2012, 08:23 AM
I have copies.

I don't want to infringe on any copyright info, or become the source for lots of mailings.

I'll contact Corbin, and ask them for permission to scan as a pdf file, and will post in a proper place, with all due references to the materials being their original works.

01-14-2012, 10:29 AM
Well Mr. DukeInMaine,,,

That would be mighty nice of you to do so :-)

I have never laid eyes on a copy of either one of Num. 1. or 2.

Nore have I ever seen them for sale,,,maybe there to old for most folks
to think about bothering with putting up for sale or maybe only a few copies even survive !!

It would be REAL interesting to see what the EARLY Corbin days looked like in print . :-)

I hope YOU get a green light on your inquiry,,,,and if not maybe I can BEG somebody out there to
part with there "originals" for some sort of reasonable $$$ compensation!!

What ever the outcome thanks for taking up the effort.

Thankyou ,,, Swageocast

01-14-2012, 12:02 PM
Are you looking for the Corbin Technical bulletins?


He still shows those on his website.

I would be interested in get a copy of his Discover Swaging or Rediscover Swaging if anyone has one they could part with.

Utah Shooter
01-14-2012, 01:29 PM
It would be REAL interesting to see what the EARLY Corbin days looked like in print . :-)

Machinists with huge mustaches and cigarettes in their mouth is what I remember from one of the books I had. If I could just find that thing.

01-15-2012, 02:28 PM
I bought the Tech Bulletins back in the 80s and NOW days i am just trying to complete my collection of Corbin information.

That way when I croke ,,those that get my swage equipment won't have any excuse NOT to use it !!

BUT in the Mean Time I HOPE " Mr. DukeInMaine" has some luck securing permission to transfer Handbook Number. 1 & 2. to a electronic medium "FOR ALL TO ENJOY" !! ;-)
My hat is off to YOU sir in YOUR quest !! And Thankyou from all of us here !!


01-15-2012, 05:01 PM
Where they are actively selling these books on line, I doubt that they would give me permission to offer them up for free.

I'm not one to cut into anyone's copyrighted material.

I'd suggest that you contact Corbin directly for a fresh copy.

01-15-2012, 05:57 PM

I understand ;-)

I don't suppose YOU "Mr DukeInMaine" would be willing to part with YOUR "ORIGINAL" copies
of said Num. 1. & 2. Handbooks and catalogs,,,,for a Price ???

If YOUR NOT selling ,,,DO YOU think YOU might Describe what the Covers LOOK like "In Text" ,,,Like what is on the cover of Num. 1. & Num. 2. ???

This WOULD be helpful in of itself,,,Thankyou in advance. :-)

I would like to find "where "ANYONE is selling an 'ORIGINAL" copy of num. 1. & num. 2. Handbook & Catalog "online" by Corbin,,,AnyWhere??

If YOU "Mr DukeInMaine" should run across where they are ARE selling said "ORIGINAL" copies ,,,would YOU mind shareing this with the group "please" ??

In the meantime I WILL just get ahold of Corbin and see if THEY have any Copies of ANYTHING old & generally unavailable laying around they might part with !!!

I am very gratefull ,,,ThankYOU ALL in advance :-}

01-17-2012, 07:25 PM
My original copies of the books look just like the images on this page:

My understanding is that you should call Corbin, and ask them to sell YOU a copy of what you want.

They even offer a complete set, as follows, plus extras on CD/DVD :
Corbin Manufacturing offers a multi-media library of swaging for $69.50. Ask for BP-7. The book package includes four print books and three e-Books on CD-ROM, including the Bullet Swage Manual, Technical Bulletins I, II, and III, and eBooks Power Swaging, Corbin Handbook of Swaging No.9, and the World Directory of Custom Bullet Makers.

Their telephone number is:
Phone: (541)-826-5211
9am-5pm Mon-Thurs

Fax: (541)-826-8669
24/7 always on
www.Swage.com: Document server
www.Corbins.com: Main site

Casting Timmy
01-17-2012, 09:41 PM
If you're looking for the technical manuals, I have I, II, III for sale and also the Ted Smith book.


Shoot me a price, if you;re looking for catalogs, sorry this is all I have. PM me an offer and which ones you want.

Let me check the other books I have down stairs later tonight.

01-18-2012, 02:15 PM
The books that Tim has are in good shape. The Ted Smith book is the second limited edition printed by Corbin and is dated 1976. I already had the ones he just mentioned or I would have got all four for my collection. If I had had the extra cash I would have bought all and donated to the ARTCA literature archive, but it was not in the cards at the moment.

Tim if you come across other swaging books I would be interested also.

01-18-2012, 05:22 PM
Thankyou ,,,Mr. DukeInMaine,,,thats alot of good info and I'm sure It will help me find what I'm lookin for.

Agane thankyou for the effort sir !!

01-25-2012, 03:44 PM

Do you have the Ted Smith book printed by Corbin? I have not seen the first edition that I know of. I too would like to know what it looks like.

01-26-2012, 12:56 PM
Thankyou "Casting Timmy" I already own "originals " of all the Tech Bullitens you listed above,,,,,,

Still Looking for "ORIGINAL" volumes of Corbins Number 1. & Num. 2. Handbook & Catalog,,,these would have been the first two catalogs Corbin released when he started his business back in the 1970s & maybe early 1980s !!

01-26-2012, 03:01 PM

I too would like to see Number 1 and 2. I often wondered if these are actually the Ted Smith manuals noted as first and second editions. I have not seen an actual Corbin 1 or 2.

Hope someone has one to show us what the cover looks like.

If you find one will you post a picture of the cover? I will if I find them.

01-27-2012, 06:07 PM
YEP will keep my eyes open,,,,,

Thanks ;-)

01-28-2012, 09:16 AM
Repeating for the sake of clarity:

Call Corbin, and BUY a spanking new copy of each manual that you want.

Oh.. you were looking for the free, or almost free copy.......

good luck.

01-28-2012, 05:04 PM
You know what they say about wishing "good Luck" and being insincere ! ;-}

01-28-2012, 06:02 PM
For Alittle More clarity,,,,,Here is a fair cover copy of Catalog & Handbook Num. 3.

I am Looking for the Original TWO "Handbooks & Catalogs" BEFOR THIS ONE !!!

I just found out that Catalog & Handbook Num. 1. Might have a Picture of Ted Smith on it!

And Catalog & Handbook Num. 2. Might have had Richard Corbin on the cover.

CATALOG & HANDBOOKS Num. 1. & or 2. ,,, YES, YES, YES !!!

NO ,,,NOT a Tech Bulliten, no ,no, no ;-}

Probably from the mid to late 1970s

Thanks in Advance Everyone ;-)