View Full Version : 1"

white eagle
01-12-2012, 03:23 PM
how much difference does 1" in barrel make for a handgun
I want a 4"S&W and can get a 3"barrel so does the 1"make that big a diff?
Now this would be for CC and hunting/woods carry
mainly the latter [smilie=s: :cbpour:

Love Life
01-12-2012, 04:16 PM
Sight radius and velocity changes. I haven't found much difference between the two sizes except for group size which was due to the shorter sight radius of the 3 inch. Velocity difference didn't really concern me, but then again not much does. I take 44 man's tack on that accuracy first, everything else second.

If you plan to use it for primarily woods bumming then I would go with the 4 inch. If a 50/50 cc/woods bumming then I would take the 3 inch.

01-12-2012, 06:00 PM
Not a 3" fan. 4" carries just as well if not even better in a holster because it's not as top heavy and the barrel against your leg tucks the grip into your side better. 3" is too long to fit in a pocket (especially a .44 framed gun). Not sure what good a 3" barrel is or why they even make that length. <2" or >4" for me thanks.

01-12-2012, 07:09 PM
Naw, go to my post about .45 ACP, that is the barrel you need! :bigsmyl2::bigsmyl2:

01-12-2012, 07:48 PM
I have 3 and 4" N frames. I don't know why, but the 3" feels a lot more than an inch shorter. Balance I suppose. I can shoot this particular M24-3 as well, if not better, than my M28 4". But, I would prefer a 4". However, this was the only Smith 44 Special I've ever actually seen in the flesh, and it was at a great price, so it's mine. As far as woods carry, I use a 3", but it's a 3" Charter Bull Dog.

01-12-2012, 07:56 PM
I love the three inch guns and own many. Four always felt a little cumbersome. Velocity changes? Damn Little!

Rick Hodges
01-12-2012, 08:30 PM
I'm a little different I guess. The 4" just feels right, on my hip and in my hand. I think there would be more velocity difference between individual guns than the 1' difference in bbl. length.

MT Gianni
01-13-2012, 12:15 AM
3" in a K frame allow full ejection of magnum cases. 2 1/2" bbls allow partial ejection of magnum cases with a quick shake and momentum usually providing full extraction with no problems. That is why I like 3" bbls.

Snapping Twig
01-13-2012, 02:20 AM
1" = 50fps +/- as a general guideline.

I carry a 3" 44 mag in the woods and I find it perfect for the job. Ancillary to a rifle, always there when you set the rifle down for calls of nature, skinning game, etc.

Cross draw works for me, doesn't get in the way of a rifle or anything else.

Recently got a 4" 44Spl, and it appears to be very nice indeed, so the jury is out at this point, but I can highly recommend 3" for woods carry.

Word of advice - practice with it. The shorter sight radius takes a bit of acclimation, but once you get it, you're golden.

Idaho Sharpshooter
01-13-2012, 03:22 AM
Depends on the best aspect of the cartridge. For smaller calibers, under .40" that extra inch will help a lot with muzzle blast and velocity.

I had a 2" nickle plated M19 snubby for awhile. Until I shot it, I thought it was the coolest thing out there. I've seen Hornets kick in the afterburners and not make as much of a fireball...

I have a 4" Colt Anaconda in 45LC, and it is about perfect for packing. My M27 has a 5" bbl, and I really like that extra inch. 357's are all about velocity.


Larry Gibson
01-13-2012, 03:48 AM
+1 on the 4" Colt Anaconda....mines a .44:bigsmyl2:

Actually I have carried numerous "subbies" with 1 7/8 - 3" barrels over the years. The 3" J frame M34 S&W .32S&WL seems about right but my 2 1/2" M19 is to short and unbalanced for me. I never found much difference betwe barrels of 3 - 6.5" if a good high ride holster on a solid and stout belt is worn. Although most revolvers with barrels over 4" are difficult to conceal for CCWs. I would suggest to the OP to hold out for the 4" revolver which is his choice. If you "settle" for something you may not end up happy with 2nd choice.

Larry Gibson

01-13-2012, 06:58 AM
:) 3"


01-13-2012, 08:19 AM
I am quite fond of my Lew Horton Model 29.......good barrel length.


Beau Cassidy
01-13-2012, 08:44 AM
I have found the difference in shooting between 3" to 4" to be much more noticeable than going from 4" to 5". But that is just me. For a general carry gun in the woods it is gonna be a 4 inch every time.

Lefty SRH
01-13-2012, 10:02 AM
I really enjoy my 2 1/2" .44mag Ruger Alaskan snubby. Its my secondary gun when I'm hunting. I can honestly say I wish the barrel was 4" instead of 2 1/2". Personally I like a 4" gun for the woods.

01-13-2012, 10:19 AM
I think it's a matter of preference.

Personally I'd choose 4" over 3" on general principle. Actually my preference is 4 3/4" to 5 1/2 " You tend to loose too much velocity with really short barrels, and the blast can become tiring. Better sight radius with longer barrels too.

01-13-2012, 10:39 AM
how much difference does 1" in barrel make for a handgun
I want a 4"S&W and can get a 3"barrel so does the 1"make that big a diff?
Now this would be for CC and hunting/woods carry
mainly the latter [smilie=s: :cbpour:

Some states have a minimum bbl length of 4" for hunting purposes.

Dan Cash
01-13-2012, 10:56 AM
Now we see why gun makers make different barrel lengths. As an observation, I have found a 3 inch .38 Spl to have significantly more power than a 2 in gun shooting the identical ammo. The difference between 2 1/2 or 3 inch and 4 does not seem as great.

01-13-2012, 11:13 AM
Remember, for every 100 fps increase requires an increase in BH of 1.


01-13-2012, 06:18 PM
Remember, for every 100 fps increase requires an increase in BH of 1.



01-13-2012, 07:52 PM
Wacked a 6" 19-5 to 3.5" and have no regrets. Considered 4" & 3" and both sounded like a winner as I have both lengths up north there. So I decided upon 3.5"( plus that is where the previous owner bulged the barrel ). Makes a very handy car tool and carries in a shoulder rig just like a 3"...
Have a 3" 13-3 that I carry off & on. The only big difference I see between the 3" & the 3.5" is when I want to put my hip grip on either. The 3" definately fits down into the waistband bettter.
Mike in Peru

01-13-2012, 09:18 PM

Originally Posted by Frank
Remember, for every 100 fps increase requires an increase in BH of 1.

Huh? :veryconfu

Veral Smith

In my experience, an increase in hardness of 1 BHN will allow a cast bullet to be driven at roughly 100 fps higher velocity with a 30-06 rifle.

From Jacketed Performance With Cast Bullets by Veral Smith, 2003 Edition

01-14-2012, 01:03 AM
I for one would take the 4 " in a hearts beat. The least enjoyable revolver I ever fired was one of the Jovino 3 inch 44 Mags with a stoutly loaded 240 grainer. 3 shots hurt. I have a 4 in Taurus Tracker which is much more user friendly.