View Full Version : M dies arrived :-(

01-11-2012, 09:05 AM
After waiting a few weeks my M dies and expander plugs have arrived. The trouble is I didn't know you have to order the "top thing" to connect the expander plug to the die body.

I'm waiting for Lyman to open so I can order the part. :-(

Regarding plugs, I think I may need a custom plug made or one modified to seat .316 boolits. Am I best to have a larger plug turned down or have a machinist do one from scratch?

Thanks :-?

01-11-2012, 09:27 AM
You ordered just the body and some plugs? Usually you would order a complete die (comes with body, "top thing", plug) and whatever extra plugs you need.

I get my custom plugs from Buckshot.

01-11-2012, 09:45 AM
Thanks, I'll send buckshot a PM to see what they cost and what his turn around time will be. Are buckshot's custom plugs marked like the Lyman ones to identify which are which?

I guess I'll still have to wait on the top thing from Lyman though.

01-11-2012, 11:29 AM
No he doesn't mark them. When not using a plug, put it in a small zip lock bag with a tag in it with size and purpose. It's easy enough to just measure 'em though.

They're about 12 bucks each plus 2 for mailing. I mail him a check with a sketch of what I want, so the biggest delay is the mailing process to and from. He's pretty darned quick about making them.

01-11-2012, 11:58 AM
When you order the stems, don't forget to order the lock nuts.