View Full Version : canning spuds today

Lloyd Smale
01-10-2012, 04:28 PM
Stopped by the farm i do crop damage shooting at in the fall and the loaded me up with a 150lbs of potatoes. I dont have a good place to store them so fired up the canner. Got the first 50lbs done today. My wifes shaking her head as i allready have about 200lbs canned from last year.

Old Goat Keeper
01-11-2012, 12:02 AM
Well iffen the bottom falls out this year like some are predicting Lloyd you an the Mrs. will have atleast taters to eat.


MT Gianni
01-12-2012, 12:16 AM
Boil some frozen corn,peas and carrots then add one pint venison and one pint taters and you got soup or stew.

Lloyd Smale
01-12-2012, 06:13 AM
we could easily live a year on the taters, beans and venison ive got canned! Ive got enough dried rice and other canned vegatables so that it may even stretch to two. My buddy ran into a deal a couple years back where a guy delivers food boxes to old folks. He always is given 10-15 extra boxes and rather then bring the back he drops them off at the buddys house and he gives the driver a bottle of booze for his overnight stay in the motel. I end up with 3 of the boxes every month. they have beans, rice, juice, cereal oatmeat and canned meat, salmon and vegatables and a 2lb block of cheese in them. Ive got stuff stashed in about every crack and crevis on the property. What i really need to do is dig a good root cellar. its getting to the point where i have to give away about half of it anymore because im running out of space.
Well iffen the bottom falls out this year like some are predicting Lloyd you an the Mrs. will have atleast taters to eat.


01-12-2012, 11:34 AM
We planted lotsa taters this year.
Ate about have of them thru the summer and still dug up about 4 bushels this fall.
I'm going to dig a root celler before next year, but aint had the chance yet.
We canned up 51 1/2 quarts last week. I sure love having a big full pantry.

When I outgrew the reloading room and moved to a bigger one, the wife said it was going to be her pantry.
Now the room is overflowing again, but this time with food.:bigsmyl2:

01-12-2012, 11:46 AM
What i really need to do is dig a good root cellar. its getting to the point where i have to give away about half of it anymore because im running out of space.

All it takes is a hole in the ground, line it with straw, put in your taters and cover with more straw then some kind of "lid". Those taters will last for quite a long time and be as fresh as just dug. Same with apples, pears, carrots, beets, etc. My Grandfather had several of these "caches" around his farm. Whenever he was working a field and needed something to munch on he would reach in and grab a quick snack. Just make it deep enough to keep from freezing and you're all set.

01-12-2012, 11:54 AM
I never canned any taters that wasn't in soup. My grandpa used to dig a hole in the ground line it with straw and keep turnips and taters in it all winter.

01-16-2012, 05:37 AM
Lloyd, what kind of spuds are you canning??? Seems like all the commercially canned 'tatoes are waxy, and stiff.... pro'lly cuz they'd fall apart like russets if they were canned...

Just wonderin'....

Lloyd Smale
01-16-2012, 05:53 AM
im no expert on taters. The farm grows about 6 differnt variitys. Some are baking potatoes some french fry potatoes and some are for mashed. Dont really know what kind these are other then there not red. I just asked the farmer for potatoes that would work well for canning. these ones even after canning for an hour are firm enough to make fried spuds out of. he said that these ones are the ones they sell for french fries. Bottom line is that for me any potatoe looses something in canning. they just dont taste the same so most of mine are fried with onion and garlic to kind of hide that "canned taste" Actually my favorite way to eat them is to fry them in butter onion and garlic then dump sausage gravy or canned venison with gravy over the top. another kind of strange (at least my wife thinks so) way i eat them is to fry them and dump homemade pork and beans on them. Now that i finally fine tuned the pork and bean recipe ill be eating them like that often. By the way i detest store bought canned potatoes. When i was a kid i refused to eat them and even got sick once when they forced me. These are gormet potatoes by a long shot but there much better then the **** they can for the stores.
Lloyd, what kind of spuds are you canning??? Seems like all the commercially canned 'tatoes are waxy, and stiff.... pro'lly cuz they'd fall apart like russets if they were canned...

Just wonderin'....

01-16-2012, 12:34 PM
Root cellar -- gramps had a hole where they had taken out a big old tree stump. Hole went down about 3 or 4 feet. He took some old fencing to put around the edges about 6x8, to about 6 feet high, then pushed dirt around, then some old tin roofing over the top and an old door on one side (got a friend to hang the door. Then dirt over the tin roof and plenty of grass seed. Us kids thought grandpa was a genius.