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View Full Version : Bliss

01-04-2012, 07:08 PM
The house is quiet, the wife and all the kids are gone. The pot is heating up and I am about ready to start casting. I have a feeling it is going to be a great evening.

Best wishes,


01-04-2012, 07:17 PM
Isn't it a great feeling?
The only problem is that it goes by too fast. 1000 boolits in about an hour and your biggest worry is "where can I find more lead to melt?"

01-04-2012, 07:19 PM
Is there a better way to start the new year?

01-04-2012, 08:19 PM
Best wishes to you too, Joe! Have a good time for me, my equipment is all down until I finish my new casting/loading/gun room, which hopefully won't be much longer.

BTW, your handiwork was a big hit at Christmas, thanks again.


01-04-2012, 09:31 PM
Well fellas, about 200 boolits was all I could get out before I had to quit because my hand went numb, but that is a lot of movement considering all I was using was a little 2 banger. I let them cool slightly and tumbled them in JPW, then I set them up on my drying board to dry. I finally found a load in my little Marlin 1894 Carbine that will shoot that 158 gr TL .357 boolit quite well. I don't size them and put 5 grains of Unique behind it. I know that is a 38 special load, but it shoots quarter size groups at 50 yards for 3 quick shots. I am thinking about going to that Ranch dog mold for that rifle and see if I can bump up the powder charge some. Out of that 18 inch barrel I am sure I am at least 1,200 fps at the muzzle with that load, because it gives a nice loud "crack" when fired. I also know that has got to have the pressure jacked up because the bore is 356 and the boolits are 361. I just kept bumping the bullets up in size when changing powders and powder charges didn't work. I am glad it works there, because any larger and they wouldn't chamber.

Best wishes,
