View Full Version : Trimming brass or jackets??

01-03-2012, 09:22 PM
I was wondering what methods you guys use to trim your brass or jackets.

01-03-2012, 09:31 PM
I use one of three:

1. Pinch trim die
2. Regular case trimmer
3. Collet on the lathe

01-03-2012, 09:32 PM
I use a harbor freight chop saw then clean them up with a case trimmer i modified.

01-03-2012, 09:57 PM
You need to make some kind of jig to properly hold the case but that little Harbor Freight Chop Saw is one slick little package. Any after deburring is minimal.


01-03-2012, 10:04 PM
Lizard look at my review thers a picture in there but my numbers are off, last week it came out at just under 300 per hour.

01-03-2012, 10:37 PM
Lizard look at my review thers a picture in there but my numbers are off, last week it came out at just under 300 per hour.

I don't understand. How do I look at your review. I'm sure it's obvious but I'm not seeing it.

01-03-2012, 11:31 PM
Harbor Freight chop saw or chuck them in a lathe.

01-04-2012, 08:31 AM
I have a dillon case trimmer that is caliber specific. It looks like they only make rifle caliber trimmers. Has anyone thought to make a die that would work with this trimmer?? I don't have the skills or the tools to make one, but I think this would be a very accurate way to trim brass and quick.

01-04-2012, 09:48 AM
Lizard click on that http://castboolits.gunloads.com/showthread.php?t=132183

BT Sniper
01-05-2012, 10:01 PM
This is my set up for triming brass. In the short video I did 13 in a minute. Even at only 10/min that is 600 an hour, makes a nice cut too. Keep the cut offs, they make nice bullets too!

Click on pic for video!
http://i636.photobucket.com/albums/uu87/BTSniper/th_45calstarttofinish001-1.jpg (http://s636.photobucket.com/albums/uu87/BTSniper/?action=view&current=45calstarttofinish001-1.mp4)




01-06-2012, 12:13 AM
Now I finally have a use for my rcbs trimmer again! I assume you got that cutter from harbor freight??

BT Sniper
01-06-2012, 07:27 PM
Yep HF mini chop saw. Has worked wonderfuly for me. Others have had hit and miss results but for under $30 it is a good gamble. Mine has made thousands of cuts. Keep a bit of lube on teh theeth of teh wheel every once in a while helps make better cuts and speed things up.


01-06-2012, 08:21 PM
What do you use to lube the blade??

BT Sniper
01-07-2012, 02:55 AM
Anything! Swage lube, special cutting lube, wax, boolit lube, I'm sure anything will work. Not critical just helps to keep balde from sticking to brass during cut and makes better cut.


01-07-2012, 09:38 AM
candle wax is a great saw lube.

01-07-2012, 10:27 AM
I'll be heading to harbor freight today. Dont have my dies or press yet, but I have to start with something.

01-23-2012, 12:27 AM
I went a little different route with mine. I got my Harbor freight mini chop saw in the mail and got everything set up for trimming the necks off from 223 brass so I could re form it to 300 AAC Blackout.

I wanted a jig of some sorts too speed things up so I had a buddy of mine that has quite an extensive wood shop make me one. It works fantastic and I can trim about 8 to 10 per minute with it.

I'ts nothing more than a scrap piece of maple with a flat bottom hole bored for the brass to sit in. We sawed it down the middle of the hole lengthwise and added hinges so it would flip open to make brass insertion and removal easier.


The first step buts up against the built in vise on the base. The small piece added to the front hangs over the edge and buts up against the front of the base. Having 2 contact points makes it real quick and easy to locate the jig each time to trim the brass. The middle step is for blade clearance and the top step is to clear the body of the saw.


Brass is inserted and then the lid is closed. Once closed push in the brass lightly to bottom it in the hole and it's ready to trim.


And a pic of the final product. It cuts clean enough that no duburring is needed to run it through the sizing die, another nice time saving measure.


I made a short video of it in action if you want to click the link and watch it. I went quite a bit slower while trimming so it was easier to see what is going on.


02-13-2012, 05:51 PM
Brilliant,just what I have been looking for.
Thanks for the vids and pics.

02-13-2012, 07:10 PM
you can send your measurments to LEE Precision Reloading and they will make a custom trimmer for $15.00. Just go to custom services under the help tab. They have made a few for me and they work great.

02-13-2012, 07:26 PM
Ogotz, what does the trimming die look like?? How does it work??

02-16-2012, 05:59 AM
Jailer, nice jig!
Looks like the hole depth is critical, for pistol cases (40S&W) I'm thinking
a long screw through the right end for length adjustment.
Might need a bracket for it.

I got a HF chopsaw and a Lyman case trimmer, the Lyman chuck diameter is
too large, they just don't work together.
Been using the power adapter for the Lyman with an electric drill,
it's not bad but your setup is a lot faster.

05-19-2012, 03:13 AM
Took a while to find this thread again.
BT and Jailer, you got me convinced the HF chopsaw was the way to go.
And I couldn't stand having it sit there unused.
So I made a crude jig, it's adjustable, and pretty consistent:


Just hold the case in the corner of the angle iron with my thumb.

That saw is kinda noisy, wonder if it's worth opening it up to lube it?

BT Sniper
05-19-2012, 03:29 AM
Looks pretty decent to me. I don't let my HF saw run constantly. I turn it off and on for each cut. Only lube I have ever applied was to the blade to make smoother cuts.


05-19-2012, 01:00 PM
Took a while to find this thread again.
BT and Jailer, you got me convinced the HF chopsaw was the way to go.
And I couldn't stand having it sit there unused.
So I made a crude jig, it's adjustable, and pretty consistent:


Just hold the case in the corner of the angle iron with my thumb.

That saw is kinda noisy, wonder if it's worth opening it up to lube it?

Be careful with your digits so close to that blade. If it catches or slips it could create a very bad situation. That's the reason I made my block as big as I did to keep my fingers away from the blade.

05-19-2012, 03:36 PM
Was thinking about a spring clip or something
to hold the case. It was a little scary at first!

Started to whittle the corner of the wood for clearance
for the blade. Realized the saw will make it's own path.

05-20-2012, 08:01 AM
Looks pretty decent to me. I don't let my HF saw run constantly. I turn it off and on for each cut. Only lube I have ever applied was to the blade to make smoother cuts.


Yeah, that's what you think. Take your blade cover off and see how much of your saw you lubed. :bigsmyl2::bigsmyl2::bigsmyl2:

To Squibload

The only problem I ever had my with little saw was the blade was not tight enough. I put a washer behind it and have not had a problem since.

I made a jig similar to Jailer's. Mine is very crude since I have limited woodworking equipment. The jig cuts at a very slight angle but it is almost non existent once swaged.

05-20-2012, 11:19 PM
Me too, just the basics, I'm no artist when it comes to wood!
Wife bought herself a garage sale router, will learn how to use it
one of these days...

05-21-2012, 05:17 AM
Now, I wish HF will send their mini chop saw to me!

05-21-2012, 07:31 AM
Now, I wish HF will send their mini chop saw to me!

As I stated in an earlier post. With my saw, when I first got it, every time I tried to cut a shell the blade would stop as soon as it hit the metal. If this happens call HF custormer service and complain. I did and they sent me a new saw. I asked if the wanted the old one back and they said no. I put a washer behind the blade and it has worked fine ever since. Two for the price of one. [smilie=w:

08-15-2012, 05:12 PM
As I stated in an earlier post. With my saw, when I first got it, every time I tried to cut a shell the blade would stop as soon as it hit the metal. If this happens call HF custormer service and complain. I did and they sent me a new saw. I asked if the wanted the old one back and they said no. I put a washer behind the blade and it has worked fine ever since. Two for the price of one. [smilie=w:

The same exact thing just happened to me and they want me to send it back to them then they will replace it for a 3 week turn around time not so good service for me, If I can just put washer in it to fix it I just might do that. Any particular's on the washer size?

08-15-2012, 06:15 PM
The same exact thing just happened to me and they want me to send it back to them then they will replace it for a 3 week turn around time not so good service for me, If I can just put washer in it to fix it I just might do that. Any particular's on the washer size?

They sent me a new one. I asked about returning the old one and they said keep it. Wait a couple days and call back. Maybe if you get a different person you will get a different result.

Just find a washer that will fit around the mandril to snug the blade up. I believe I put mine on the motor side of the blade. I did this and it works fine now. Just be aware that the little motor in there is not very strong and you have to kind of work it through the case. Also someone suggested lubing the blade every so often and it work great.