View Full Version : Ben's Red , wow !

01-02-2012, 02:34 PM
While back chimed in on a thread on Ben's mix and how well it was doing for me .....
Accuracy is good and cleanup with a brush was all that was needed .
Been using 38's in my 586 lately with 3.2 gr of Wst for a load , been real nice ... bumped it up to 3.5.... just a little more stout as expected and tried it out yesterday .
Put fifty rounds thru , fun, range was busy ....
this morning , packing up for another trip out and looked down the bore as I haven't cleaned it yet ..Wow ! , the bore is spotless .... not a grain of powder nor a speck of lead with the mirror finish glowing with the light .
Cylinder is covered with the usual film of gray , slightly sticky film of blow back off of the cone .. crown has the star pattern of lube residual ............. Love it !
The combo to match the gun is great , now to start working on the 357 mag s .....[smilie=w:

Should have mentioned been using Miha's 158 gr hp mold in this process also , very nice so far...

Forrest r
01-04-2012, 06:37 AM
That's good to here, what bullet/bullets are you shooting in your 586? I read about Ben's red awhile back & made a batch of it also. So far I've only used it in a 45acp. It's about to get a test when I cast some 429421's for the 44mag. I planned on doing test loads for a 629 & a contender in 44mag & loading the bullets from mild towild.

I'm a huge 586 fan!!! Bought one nib back in 1987 & never looked back. I sent it back to s&w a couple of years ago to be rebuilt, I basically shot the timing out of the pistol. I shoot 3 differet bullets out of my 586, lymans 358311 & 358495 and the lee 158g rf bullet. It seems these 586's will stack any bullet I can feed them in the same hole.http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t242/forrestr-photo/586receipt.jpg

keep um in the black

01-04-2012, 09:44 AM
Digger :

Glad that you and Ben's Red are doing fine with each other.
By the way, did you make any minor adjustments to the orig. recipe in order for the lube to suit
your needs ?

Good Shooting,


01-04-2012, 10:36 AM
Ben, I made some of your recipe last weekend. My measurements were country boy close using the graduations in a Pyrex measure and a portable electric burner for heat source. It seems to have come out okay. Kinda creamy when molten. It does have an odor about it (but so does my Sta-Lube recipe), that while not especially offensive, I would not want to smell all the time - I'm sure from the grease and STP. I've got some 230 gr RN boolits ready to load in 45 acp. This loob goes through a Ly 450 very nicely, fills the grooves easily, and leaves a very slick finish on the boolit. It appears to stick well, also. I'll post a range report after testing, if I remember....

I'm curious, how did you come up with the recipe?

01-04-2012, 10:47 AM
Sundog :

I'm curious, how did you come up with the recipe?

Glad the lube came out fine for you Sundog. As to how I came up with the recipe, I did
some reading about Lucas Red and Tacky grease, it looked appealing to me as a component
in cast bullet lube. Only time would tell if there was any truth to my preliminary opinions.

I found some in my local auto parts store, I made small batches ( less than 8 oz. of lube ) for
" field trials "...........Each batch had a slightly different combination of ingredients.

After about the 4th " field trial " mixture, I landed ( by happen chance ) on the current Ben's Red mixture. So, I'd have to answer you question by saying .... Pure trial and error . The same way that a lot of scientific progress moves forward. A lot of people would tell you it is skill in landing on something like this lube formula....the real truth is that it is often times poker luck ( at least for me ).

I've shot a lot of Ben's Red, I've never been disappointed so far. You're correct, it does have a distinctive smell, but for me ...I , like you, don't find it particularly offensive.

01-04-2012, 10:54 AM
Forrest r :

I'd be happy to give you your money back on that 586 ! !


01-04-2012, 11:40 PM
Welcome to the boolit crowd here Forrestr , love the 586 ....seems when you get a decent load it can be very accurate revolver.
Currently shooting a 125 gr hp and a 158 gr hp that I picked up in the group buys from Mihec , one of our sponsors here , beautiful molds as I am using them both in the 38's at the moment
The 586 likes them a lot ...;)
Hey there Ben ...back when I mixed your concoction together I tried to be as accurate as possible with a measuring cup and it came out more of a tan color ( Ben's tan) ....
consistency is on par with other brands ... tad sticky .
using it in my lyman 45 with a heater plate at about 75 degrees or so ...
My loading is just occasional these days as my work has picked up these last couple months so it comes and goes ....just sneak out to the man cave when nobody is looking when I can ...[smilie=1:

thanks guys ...... digger

Forrest r
01-04-2012, 11:52 PM
That was alot of money to me back then, had young children & worked 2 jobs to get by. It took me a year of scraping together nickles & dimes to buy that pistol.

Thank you for your formula Ben!!! My old 450 sizer loves the lube & it hangs/stays on the bullets like a tick on a hound. I don't load anything extremely hot anymore, mostly target loads. There shouldn't be any problems with your lube & mag loads, I'll run the test loads over a chrony when I test bullets in a contender to get some data to post.

Keem um in the black

01-06-2012, 08:27 AM
Is this Ben's Red similar to Carnuba Red? Anyone able to post the recipe?

01-06-2012, 10:03 AM
Lizard 333:

Here is the recipe for Ben's Red :


Your question of " Is this Ben's Red similar to Carnuba Red? "

No ,.....they are different as to hardness and their ability to flow under pressure....I have some Carnuba Red on hand for comparison , it is harder and more difficult to run through a cold lubesizer, my lube is softer and runs through lube sizers with no heat necessary at normal room temperatures.


01-06-2012, 11:36 PM
Sundog :

I'm curious, how did you come up with the recipe?

Glad the lube came out fine for you Sundog. As to how I came up with the recipe, I did
some reading about Lucas Red and Tacky grease,

Ben, you disappoint me!

We're BOOLIT CASTERS, man. This means we're WORSE than your average largemouth bass fisherman when it comes to 'splaining things.

So, as to how you came up with the lube and to answer Sundog's question, MY answer woulda gone something like this. . .

I'd just left the auto parts store where I'd traded my usual moonshine and white lightning bootleg run for some brake shoes, calibers, couple of snake belts and because the guy was a bit short on what he owed me, he tossed in a couple of tubes of that sticky, gooey Lucas grease stuff.

Well on the way home, I passed the local girls' college and wouldn't you know it? My danged ol' pickup truck blew a small hole in the radiator and overheated.

Being a resourceful fellow, I hopped out and tried plugging the hole with some Beechnut tobacco, but no joy. Steam kept a hissin' like a fighting-mad cottonmouth. I had no choice but to let the ol' truck cool down.

While it was coolin' I figured I'd try and mix up a gum type of plug, so I started rummaging around in my toolbox and while the engine was still hot, I set one of the old moonshine bottles (empty, of course) on top of the manifold and started throwing ingredients in.

A wild hair must've got a hold of me 'cause I also threw some of the gummy sticky Lucas grease in and grabbed a piece of broken off hickory and started stirring everything up real well.

But I got to thinking that I need something a bit stiffer if I was gonna plug up that danged old radiator hole, and that was when Divine Intervention happened by way of a luscious co-ed named Marla.

Marla came sashaying up to my old pickup truck wearing nothing but one of those dental floss bikinis, then, ha ha ha ha ha, asked ME if there was anything SHE could do to help.

Oh but to have been seventy years younger. . .

Told Marla I needed something waxy to make this concoction stiffen up. She winked and looked down and I got to sweating something fierce. Seeing my look of panic, Marla laughed and said, "Feel this."

I dang near fainted, just at the thought.

"No, Silly, she giggled, THESE," she said, grabbing my hand and running it over her calves. "I just got a wax job and I have some left. Stay right here, I'll be right back!"

Right directly, Marla came jiggling and gyrating back with a jar of something that said "Brazilian" on it, but I sniffed at it and it didn't smell like coffee so I figured it'd be okay. I scraped some of the wax out and dropped it in the moonshine bottle, which was starting to lose a little steam as the engine continued to cool down.

Pretty soon, that wax melted and the whole concoction kinda came together and I poured some out in a few old RC Cola bottle caps. When it had cooled, first thing I noticed was that it was slicker than an Arkansas governor's tongue. I plugged up that hole in my radiator, then told Marla to stand back while I cranked up my truck.

Lo and behold, the plug held! As Marla did a jumping cheerleader yell, I figured it was time for me and my moonshine bottle of stuff to head on down the road. I prayed the plug would hold, and sure enough, it did.

At home, I inspected the plug and it was still sticky and solid and the heat didn't seem to affect it none either.

THAT got me to thinking that this stuff might just make one fine, dandy boolit lube. So, I tried it out and here we are. "Ben's Red."

Only problem is, I haven't been able to find Marla to get any more of that special wax. Guess I better make this batch last as long as I can.

Now, see Ben? That's how *I* woulda told it.


01-06-2012, 11:52 PM
I like the Reclise version enter.

I also want to know how Recluse met his wife. Is it flashbacks we are hearing or just a faint dream?

01-07-2012, 11:09 AM
Okay Recluse ,,, that has to be a literary classic here on this site .... love it ,should make that tale a sticky unto it self .
The lap top almost fell on the floor while I was reading , we need more like that one.
Will be trying to visualize "Marla" for the rest of the day.......:rolleyes:

01-07-2012, 11:19 AM
I like the second story A LOT better. In fact, Ben, you need to consider renaming your stuff to...

Marla Loob.

01-07-2012, 12:19 PM
I also want to know how Recluse met his wife.

Actually, I met my wife in jail.


01-07-2012, 02:10 PM
You are just gonna leave us hanging, aren't you?

In jail? No ore details than that?

01-07-2012, 07:43 PM
Actually, I met my wife in jail.


Hey, me too! :D

41 mag fan
01-08-2012, 02:17 PM
I bet he was answering ads in the "women looking for men paper", while he was in jail!

Flashback.....I needed one of them papers, while sitting in Austins jail back in '88 for drinking, my butt kept puckering due to "BUBBA" staring at me and licking his lips. :holysheep
THAT was a very horrible feeling

Two questions Recluse.....

We all know that alcohol make a woman look lots purtier......especially in the morning when you wake up sober......don't ask me how I know.

You sure that Marla wasn't 300 lbs and that dental floss bikini wasn't a XXXL?

And are you sure the girls college wasn't a weight watchers seminar??? Flashback.....don't ask me how I came up with that one.....Waco....1988....

01-09-2012, 09:37 AM
Recluse :

Check and see if someone is slipping something into your coffee..................

01-09-2012, 11:07 AM
I like the Recluse version enter.

Yeah me too!

01-09-2012, 09:41 PM
This thread is getting to be fun .... wanna hear another version .....
Amazing how this lube comes about ! ....:veryconfu

Just might have to link this one to one of the busy forums just for ducks .....[smilie=1:
(just teasing !)

01-10-2012, 04:22 PM
Or should I say Don Wirth? I've been wondering what happened to you. You write just like him.

01-10-2012, 09:12 PM
Or should I say Don Wirth? I've been wondering what happened to you. You write just like him.

Who is Don Wirth?

I grew up reading Lewis Grizzard of the Atlanta Constitution Journal back when he was a columnist. Have every single book Grizzard wrote/published and actually met him, briefly once.


01-10-2012, 09:56 PM
Don Wirth wrote the Harry and Charlie adventures in the BassMaster Magazine for a long time. Your story reminded me of that style.

01-11-2012, 03:30 PM
the way I herd it, his wife wuz the warden

Love Life
01-11-2012, 08:33 PM
Now that was a good story there!

01-12-2012, 08:18 PM
That story is disturbing! That's all I'd better say on a family forum.:veryconfu:bigsmyl2:

02-01-2012, 06:39 PM
You are a sick man Recluse, but you surely do have a knack for writing. Love your 45/45/10 mixture for tumble lubing by-the-way.

Forrest r
02-01-2012, 10:41 PM
This has been a good recipe for the loads that I shoot anymore. The Ben’s red was easy to make & reheat to fill my Lyman 450. I really like the way it sticks to the bullets, its fills the grease grooves easily in the 4 different bullets I’d lubed/sized so far.

Most of my pistol loads are target loads for the 38spl, 44spl & 45acp & I try to keep them in the 800fps to 900fps range, nothing hot. The Ben’s red has worked flawlessly on all of those loads with no leading & a nice star pattern on the muzzle. I did work up a plinking load for the 44mag with the 429421 Lyman bullets. I did come up with an excellent plinking load (6.5g hp-38) for a 10” contender bbl.

I went to the range today to do some test loads & thought I’d bring along the contender with the 10” bbl in 44mag & shoot some hot loads over the chronograph to see how the Ben’s red did with the hotter loads. I loaded up the 20 429421 bullets with 12g of Herco pushing them. The chronographed out at 1300fps & actually didn’t group too bad, 1 ½” @50ft. That’s about as fast as I would want to push any of the pistol bullets that I use/shoot.

The Ben’s red worked flawlessly with the 20 1300fps Herco loads. The bbl cleaned up with a couple of wet (Hoppe’s) patches. This lube really shined with these loads, I never planned on pushing the bullets that hard. The bullets are cast out of hill picking from the range & aren’t that hard.

Soft bullets loaded hot & no leading=excellent lube

Thank you for your recipe Ben, it’s easy to make, easy to apply & has produced accurate loads with 4 different bullets so far in 6 different pistols.

02-01-2012, 11:28 PM
Forrest r :


Your results pretty much mirror mine.

Glad the lube has worked well for you.


02-02-2012, 02:25 PM
Ben how has the Ben's blue done?

02-06-2012, 11:18 PM
I'm still testing and shooting the Ben's Blue. I can't find anything really wrong with it, BUT....at the same time, I can't say that it shoots any better than Ben's Red.

For whatever my reasons, I seem to be leaning a little bit more towards the Ben's Red.

02-07-2012, 12:02 AM
copy that ---if aint broke do not fix it I guess--thanks for you good work and sharing

02-07-2012, 02:49 AM
Welcome to the boolit crowd here Forrestr , love the 586 ....seems when you get a decent load it can be very accurate revolver.
Currently shooting a 125 gr hp and a 158 gr hp that I picked up in the group buys from Mihec , one of our sponsors here , beautiful molds as I am using them both in the 38's at the moment
The 586 likes them a lot ...;)
Hey there Ben ...back when I mixed your concoction together I tried to be as accurate as possible with a measuring cup and it came out more of a tan color ( Ben's tan) ....
consistency is on par with other brands ... tad sticky .
using it in my lyman 45 with a heater plate at about 75 degrees or so ...
My loading is just occasional these days as my work has picked up these last couple months so it comes and goes ....just sneak out to the man cave when nobody is looking when I can ...[smilie=1:

thanks guys ...... digger

I made my first two batches of "bens red" today and the first turned out the tan/brown color your talking about. I believe my issue was to much heat to fast burning the grease/additives causing the tan/brown color.

So I tried again, 1. cooking slower and 2. also I had the Bee's wax melted first then added the already measured (but not melted ingredients).

My results were dead on with the second batch (nice red color).

Cant wait to try it out in the gun. My S&W .45 LC is leading a little with my current set up of 5.2grains of clays and a 225 grain RN. lubed with "Lee Alox lube" in the stick form and also tried some Orange Majic. The lee Alox was the better of the two but still had minor leading. Hopfuly the "Bens red" will let me use this clays powder because i just got about 5LBS given to me:-o

02-07-2012, 09:14 AM
This comment isn't directed at any one person, it is a generic comment offered to anyone that can benefit from the remarks below :

I read a lot of comments here on the forum that go like this.." I have a certain pistol, a certain bullet, am shooting a certain load, etc. But I'm experiencing leading."

I just want to say that Ben's Red. or BO Flow's or Suzzies , etc. can get blamed for leading when bullet fit and bullet dia. are too small. Poor choices in alloy, a bullet mold that are throwing sub sized bullets, etc. can contribute to leading. Causes for leading can generate a lengthy list of culprits.

So, . . . . even if Ben's Red, or Brand X bullet lube , isn't living up to your expectations, it may be time to look at other variables in your casting / loading procedures.

Even if a person has a negative experience with a store bought or home made lube, that experience may be a reflection of more than just the performance of the lube.

With that said, I continue to have great faith in Ben's Red as it has been a very dependable performer for me in a wide variety of pistol and rifle loads.



For anyone who would like the directions for making Ben's Red, here is the thread :


02-07-2012, 09:47 AM
I concur with Ben.

No leading is really based on three primary aspects:

1) Bullet alloy - needs to be soft/hard enough for it's speed down the barrel
2) Sizing - needs to be a proper size for your bore, or #1 isn't going to do it's job.
3) Proper bullet lube - #3 isn't going to fix issues with #1 and #2. The lube provides lubrication for the trip down the pipe. It also needs to be the right softness/hardness for the purpose. The concept is that the lube will flow to the back of the grease grooves during firing, and leak out the back of the grooves, filling any slight gaps with lube.

I'm not sure if I would put #1 as more or less important as #2, or vice versa. However, #1 and #2 are much more important than #3, and have to be right to allow #3 to do it's job properly.

I would also mention that one of the purposes of a gas check is to make up for slight issues with #1 and #2. For non-gas checked bullets, #1 and #2 are all the more important.

Ben's Red is an awesome lube, when used properly.

02-08-2012, 12:51 PM
Do you think I'd get good results if I were to make this without the Dexron II and STP Oil treatment? Could I just get beeswax, Lucas grease, and JPW and then maybe just do a 50/40/10, or some other mix? I am debating making my own versus just buying some White Label Lube stick lube to begin with. I plan to cast for the first tme this weekend now that my thermometer showed up, though I have to hope my sizer and top punch show up before the weekend, otherwise I'll just be casting and not sizing.

Forgot to mention, I'm loading for pistol: .45 ACP, 9mm, and .40 S&W.

02-09-2012, 12:43 AM
bsczar1 :

There has got to be a " 1st " for everything.

Why don't you make about 8 oz. of it as per your description and try it out and report back.
It may shoot just fine ? ?


02-09-2012, 02:11 AM
I agree fit and alloy are key.

my boolit comes out of the sizer at .4515 to .452

I have tried boolits with three difference hardness's 10.5BHN 15.0BHN and a way over hard 21BHN. The best ive come up with is the 10.5BHN

The lee alox was an impressive improvement from what i was using. So i think worse case scenario ill lower the powder charge.

Is it possible that the powder (clays) is making it harder to stop the leading due to a fast burn rate?

02-09-2012, 10:01 AM

http://www.lasc.us/Fryxell_Book_Chapter_3_alloySelectionMetallurgy.ht m

Glenn has a pretty good write up on this subject.
"Obturation is the plastic deformation of the bullet metal in response to the applied pressure (from the burning powder)."

There's no doubt in my mind that how fast a powder comes up to pressure will have an effect on the ability of the properly cast boolit to Obturate properly. However, you really need to stick to scientifically developed and published load data for a specific powder for a given bullet. That is to say, if your boolit is too hard to obturate properly, do NOT take it upon yourself to try a faster powder for the sake of making it work. You'd more likely be much better off (safer) changing the alloy to make it work well with any of the published powders.

So, if your alloy (hardness) is fine, and your sizing is fine, and you are using a proper lube, Clays should give you excellent results (no leading.)

BTW, some excellent lube info in this Glenn Fryxell piece:

02-09-2012, 11:55 AM
bsczar1 :

There has got to be a " 1st " for everything.

Why don't you make about 8 oz. of it as per your description and try it out and report back.
It may shoot just fine ? ?


I will make a small batch, try it, and report back. The beautiful thing is I can add the STP and Dexron later if I need to. I am new to this, so I wasn't sure what purpose those items served, but I found the section on LASC site that explains all the different components. I'm just trying to keep it simple. I suppose just buying stick lube would be the simplest way to go, but I already ordered the beeswax.

On another note, does anyone know what TC Bore Butter in the yellow tube is made of? That stuff smells really good; it almost makes me salivate everytime I smell it.....

41 mag fan
02-09-2012, 06:47 PM
bsczar1 :

There has got to be a " 1st " for everything.

Why don't you make about 8 oz. of it as per your description and try it out and report back.
It may shoot just fine ? ?


remember here awhile back, I pm'd you asking about the STP...if it was oil or gas treatment??
Well after using the STP GAS treatment and not the oil treatment I lubed up about 600 196gr 45 ACP's with it. Shoots just fine, no problems.

I will make a small batch, try it, and report back. The beautiful thing is I can add the STP and Dexron later if I need to. I am new to this, so I wasn't sure what purpose those items served, but I found the section on LASC site that explains all the different components. I'm just trying to keep it simple. I suppose just buying stick lube would be the simplest way to go, but I already ordered the beeswax.

On another note, does anyone know what TC Bore Butter in the yellow tube is made of? That stuff smells really good; it almost makes me salivate everytime I smell it.....

bsczar1.....read what I just piut up to Ben, it should answer your question. The rest of the Ben Red I had I remelted and added the STP Oil treatment.
But I didn't leave out the Dexron.

02-09-2012, 07:20 PM
41 mag fan


I certainly do remember. Ben's Red is a good lube and it is pretty forgiving.


41 mag fan
02-09-2012, 07:27 PM
41 mag fan


I certainly do remember. Ben's Red is a good lube and it is pretty forgiving.


Yes it is forgiving......It forgave me for mixing up what STP to use!!

02-09-2012, 07:44 PM
I concur with Ben.

No leading is really based on three primary aspects:

1) Bullet alloy - needs to be soft/hard enough for it's speed down the barrel
2) Sizing - needs to be a proper size for your bore, or #1 isn't going to do it's job.
3) Proper bullet lube - #3 isn't going to fix issues with #1 and #2. The lube provides lubrication for the trip down the pipe. It also needs to be the right softness/hardness for the purpose. The concept is that the lube will flow to the back of the grease grooves during firing, and leak out the back of the grooves, filling any slight gaps with lube.

I'm not sure if I would put #1 as more or less important as #2, or vice versa. However, #1 and #2 are much more important than #3, and have to be right to allow #3 to do it's job properly.

I would also mention that one of the purposes of a gas check is to make up for slight issues with #1 and #2. For non-gas checked bullets, #1 and #2 are all the more important.

Ben's Red is an awesome lube, when used properly. Orv, You can't say it any better than that, kinda sums it all up.

02-12-2012, 07:44 PM
got some .451 and .452 boolits loaded up today with some bens red. Hopefully i will get in some trigger time tomorrow. Ill post my results but im expecting good results.

I just broke off some chunks and put it in the sizer. I did like how easily it flowed through the phelps lubrisizer.

thanks to every one on here i am learing more and more everytime i get on here

lots of good info

02-14-2012, 01:37 AM
I am very happy with this lube. It is far better then anything else i have used and easy on my ole phelps


02-29-2012, 05:45 PM
Shot 50 .452 through my 1911 today, first time out with this lube. I gotta say the clean-up was impressive- no leading anywhere along the bore ( I usually had a couple streaks with tumble lube) and 2 wet/2 dry patches and that was it for cleaning. I was going to run some through my Marlin lever gun, but the wind was so high it was blowing the plates over on the plate rack...figured it might have been a tad windy for rifle work.

Thanks for sharing an excellent lube, Ben.

02-29-2012, 05:50 PM
I personally like the line randy rat sells but I have the stuff to try Bens red and I might give it a shot

41 mag fan
02-29-2012, 06:46 PM
I personally like the line randy rat sells but I have the stuff to try Bens red and I might give it a shot

You wont be dissapointed. I've got enough mixed up for easily 50k boolits

02-29-2012, 06:50 PM
I didn't read the whole post but does it work well in a pretty warm climate like tx in the summer also is a heater needed for a lube sizer

41 mag fan
02-29-2012, 07:09 PM
No heater needed. I got mine right now in my shop. I keep it at 78-80* all winter. (Insulated that good), to help keep the humidity at bay.
The heaters barely 5 feet from my lube in my pyrex and it's not even close to melted. I got lubed boolits in boxes no problems.

Now if you was to leave it in the sun when it's blasting hot in the summer, then it might melt.

02-29-2012, 07:18 PM
Well I keep everything inside till I head to the range so I am sure things would be fine I am gonna make some as soon as I get home Thanks for the help

41 mag fan
02-29-2012, 07:39 PM
Well I keep everything inside till I head to the range so I am sure things would be fine I am gonna make some as soon as I get home Thanks for the help

Your quite welcome. I'm sure you'll be quite satisfied with the results. I have been so far.
Good Luck!!
And keep us posted how it works for you. I'm sure Ben would love to hear your results.

02-29-2012, 07:45 PM
Owe yeah I'll post results for sure that's what makes this forum so great all the info that's hear

02-29-2012, 07:46 PM
Sounds like your results with Ben's Red are mirroring mine.
Good shooting and enjoy using the lube.

Best to all of you,


03-07-2012, 05:47 PM
Just got thru trying to make some. Couldn't get the grease to melt completly. Lots of little pieces in the mix. Had the hot plate as high as I could get it.

Pretty big mess right now.

03-07-2012, 06:01 PM
Did you put the grease in 1st or last ?

In the many times that I've made Ben's Red, I've never got every bit of the grease to melt, I pour the mixture through a clean T Shirt to filter it whether all the grease is melted or not. The " lumps " are filtered out of the mixture. Shoots just fine.

41 mag fan makes it, maybe he can offer some help also.


41 mag fan
03-07-2012, 06:49 PM
I found not to turn the heat up on my hotplate. It takes me close to 40-45 minutes to complete a batch.
What I do is melt my beeswax till it's almost totally melted. Then I add the Lucas, JPW and STP. I'll add these last 3 in and once the beeswax is melted, I use a wooden spoon to get everything broken up. Once it's broken up and in little chunks, I switch over to a whisk.
After the beeswaxis fully melted, I'll stir pretty much the whole time.
What the whisk dont break down further, i'll sometimes switch back to my spoon, smashing the chunks up against the side of the pan.
Thought about my next batch, buying my wife a new mixer and trying it to see how it mixes it up.

If it starts to smoke, I turn down the heat.
After it's melted and mixed as best i think it can be, I put it into a bucket with a t-shirt rubberbanded around it. I take the wooden spoon and squeeze any chunks I have left thru while filtering.
After that I pour it into a pan and let set and cool. I found no need to place in freezer, let it set up at room temp, it'll pull away from the edges of the baking pan I use.

Hope this helps you Rockrat and anyone else wanting to try making a batch up.

03-07-2012, 06:54 PM
I used a screen filter that body shops use to filter the paint into the cups. They can be picked up pretty cheap from an Auto Parts store.


03-08-2012, 10:58 AM
Yeah, that helps. Put the Lucas in last and probably heated about 30 min. May have been too cold out in the barn to get the mix warm enough. Will try the whisk idea or even a cheap mixer.


41 mag fan
03-08-2012, 07:19 PM
Yeah, that helps. Put the Lucas in last and probably heated about 30 min. May have been too cold out in the barn to get the mix warm enough. Will try the whisk idea or even a cheap mixer.


I'd offer my wifes mixer...but I got first dibs on it. :bigsmyl2:

Good luck Rockrat. I'd like to hear how it works if you use a mixer. That way I might not have to buy my wife a new one!

03-08-2012, 07:49 PM
Went to wally world to look for an inexpensive mixer, none to be had. Mentioned using wifes mixer; Have you ever had that "look" from your wife, that makes you start to sweat and think your life is in imminent danger? Thats what I got!!
At least I picked up a cheap whisk.

41 mag fan
03-08-2012, 07:53 PM
Have you ever had that "look" from your wife, that makes you start to sweat and think your life is in imminent danger? Thats what I got!!
At least I picked up a cheap whisk.

Worse...I got the evil eye from the old battle axe once.........I peed my pants.

That was 10 yrs ago and I haven't looked her in the eyes since. In fact I forgot what color her eyes are now!

03-09-2012, 08:42 PM
Worse...I got the evil eye from the old battle axe once.........I peed my pants.

That was 10 yrs ago and I haven't looked her in the eyes since. In fact I forgot what color her eyes are now!