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01-01-2012, 02:02 AM
I was wondering if there was a such thing as scent free lube. As much as I love reloading and shooting cast, frankly, I miss the smell of straight gunfire. The lube just really kills it. I usually shoot on state land alone, so I dont get to smell that lovely aroma.

Specifically, I was looking for a pistil lube.

01-01-2012, 02:21 AM
Winchester powders smell gunpowdery no matter the lube.

I put clove oil in Felix lube once, made it smell a little like punkin pie when fired.


01-01-2012, 03:05 AM

01-01-2012, 12:27 PM
He, he, :p
You might try Lyman's Orange Magic.

All kidding aside. It is a good lube and it doesn't have that Alox smell.


01-01-2012, 04:32 PM
I use Carnuba Red, I don't notice a lot of smell... But then again, I've done so much shooting on the military side I think my sense of smell has been "burned" by the hideous smell of that military powder. Smells like degraded powder when it goes off... Very acidic smelling sometimes... Go figure the army would use bad powder ;)

01-01-2012, 09:58 PM
I was wondering if there was a such thing as scent free lube. As much as I love reloading and shooting cast, frankly, I miss the smell of straight gunfire. The lube just really kills it. I usually shoot on state land alone, so I dont get to smell that lovely aroma.

Specifically, I was looking for a pistil lube.

If you have this thing about aroma then you really have to shoot black-powder loads. Hey, that sulfury smell nothing to beat it. just the same as the old steam trains before they all changed to diesel or electric. Sigh, sigh, sigh.

Best regards und happy New Year to everyone,

Adrian, Germany.

01-02-2012, 12:40 AM
you'll have to look for scent free ingredients to start with.
carnuba red smells like licorice to me.......
parrafin wax for a carrier, and maybe felix's mix of castor and mineral oil for the lube.
that'd be about the most scent free lube i can think of.
i have made some that smelled bad when made and worse when shot.

01-02-2012, 01:15 AM
Least offensive to my nostrils is Chargar's beeswax and vaseline mix, or one of the ones made from mostly organic ingredients.

Bullet Caster
01-02-2012, 01:51 AM
Not to hijack the thread, but I've always heard about the smell of cordite in the morning. Just what is cordite? Or is all gunpowder (except BP) cordite? Inquiring minds want to know. BC

01-07-2012, 03:00 PM
Cordite was an early smokeless powder extruded in to long strings. Fill the case with the strings of cordite, seat the bullets. I think it was an English development.

01-07-2012, 03:25 PM
Yes, it was. It's downfall is the very high nitroglycerin percentage. Too high for the total benefit from its use at the time. HighVel#2, and others unknown, were eventually taken off the market for the same reason. Far too hot burning for the pressure required to maintain low extreme spreads. ... felix

Bullet Caster
01-07-2012, 05:21 PM
Thanks guys. I still read of pilots talking about smelling cordite when they would fire the six fifties mounted in the wings of airplanes during WWII. So it must have been used during WWII. And then in "Apocalypse Now" I believe it was Bobby Duval that said he loved to smell cordite in the morning. And that was supposed to be in Vietnam. So the army must have still used cordite even in Vietnam. But then that was just a movie. BC

01-07-2012, 05:45 PM
Thanks guys. I still read of pilots talking about smelling cordite when they would fire the six fifties mounted in the wings of airplanes during WWII. So it must have been used during WWII. And then in "Apocalypse Now" I believe it was Bobby Duval that said he loved to smell cordite in the morning. And that was supposed to be in Vietnam. So the army must have still used cordite even in Vietnam. But then that was just a movie. BC
Poetic license. US made ammo, even under contract to the UK, NEVER used cordite. Yet every idiotic author, when describing gunfire, uses the term. Ignorance is bliss, and they're pretty happy.

BTW, cordite looks just like spaghetti strands, same yellowish color.

Alan in Vermont
01-07-2012, 05:53 PM
Duval said he lived the smell of NAPALM in the morning. Napalm and gunpowder are not the same thing.

Chicken Thief
01-07-2012, 06:13 PM
Get a nose piersing and a "Wunderbaum" hanging from it.

01-07-2012, 06:18 PM
I put Peanut oil in my hot loob.

Smells like Peanut Buttah! :holysheep ;)

01-07-2012, 06:38 PM
Cordite was an early smokeless powder extruded in to long strings. Fill the case with the strings of cordite, seat the bullets. I think it was an English development.

Nothing like the smell of burned cordite on the tank range! M60 tank that is. Yea, I'm old. I call it cordite because that's what everybody else did. Probably just nitro-cellulose. Looked like black rabbit pellets (food).

01-07-2012, 06:44 PM
Duval said he lived the smell of NAPALM in the morning. Napalm and gunpowder are not the same thing.

Napalm does have an acrid odor. Nasty, nasty stuff . . . but effective.

Bullet Caster
01-07-2012, 08:56 PM
Oh yeah it was NAPALM he smelled in the morning. Sorry 'bout that. My memory sometimes fails me. LOL. BC

01-08-2012, 09:17 AM
I took apart a few 303 that were store bought.
They had cordite in them.
But they were not made in USA.:redneck:

41 mag fan
01-08-2012, 09:30 AM
I used fish oil gel caps in my lube once. Everytime I fired off one of those purty 429 boolits, I smelled fish. Reminded me of my ex.

I need an avatar with a clothespin on the nose.

01-08-2012, 10:51 AM
Next up - scent free shooter!

01-08-2012, 12:44 PM
some newer ammo is made with powder that looks similar to the spaghetti strands cordite looked like.
i have seen 303 and x39 with it.

01-08-2012, 01:49 PM
I wondered how many tried masking agents like the clove that was mentioned. I wonder about menthol, or cinnamon oil. Perfume/cologne? You can get cinnamon oil where baked goods are sold, wintergreen or spearmint as well. Vicks vapo rub, ben gay, that sort of thing.

01-08-2012, 01:50 PM
Menthol bullets, kills faster and smells better than cigarettes ever could.

01-09-2012, 10:55 PM
My favorite lube is beeswax, lard, olive oil. When fired with black powder it sort of smells like breakfast downwind of the porta-potties. I once laced some with patcholi oil just to confuse everybody but without the armpit and fish oil aromas it just wasn't right.

01-10-2012, 12:37 AM
Wish I could get some straight skunk juice. Lol, I like keeping the range to myself. heh heh heh.

01-10-2012, 04:29 PM
Mercaptoethanol is close enough. Not only have the range to yourself, probably have the house to yourself too when SWMBO discovers what you are up to. This is the odorant used in propane (at very low concentration). Technical grade is a rough customer. http://www.chemspider.com/Chemical-Structure.1512.html

01-10-2012, 08:40 PM
lol, I'm single, free from domestic terrorism.

01-11-2012, 01:35 PM
I believe that I just wouldn't die if I got shot with anything that wasn't scented with a slight hint of lavender LOL.