View Full Version : Babies grow fast.

12-30-2011, 02:42 AM
Figured I should post an update. As many of you have read, my wife and I had our second child on Memorial Day this year. Pregnancy was a bit rocky, delivery was perfect. My daughter, Allison, had a blocked tear duct for many months but has finally opened up and is just fine. Family-wise, all four of us are doing well. I work second shift, my wife works days, so I get to spend all day with her and have been the one getting up with her at night. She is definitely a Daddy's girl; she's even got hazel eyes like me. Her big brother, Mason (5yo), helps out when he can and where he can, as he's in kindergarden full days. Besides Allison, the only time I get to spend with family is the weekends.


12-30-2011, 05:25 AM
Beautiful child, cherish the time you have with her, it passes all too soon. We are enjoying our great-grandson now. He is four months old and already has a great personality.

12-30-2011, 05:44 AM
My youngest son retired from the US Air Force several years ago as a Major.
My oldest son has a computer business. Busier than he wants to be.
Enjoy them while you have some control and influence. I did.
My sons visit my place to spend quality time with the old man. I like it too.
Grand children are where it's at now.
Glad to hear everything is good with your family. Really cute little girl.

Life is good

Stephen Cohen
12-30-2011, 06:08 AM
She is a beatiful child. whos the proud dady

12-30-2011, 09:09 AM
Beautiful! Enjoy them as much as you can now. Time will pass so quickly. My youngest daughter is 45!

12-31-2011, 11:32 AM
+1 on all of the above!

My kids started going along hunting and shootin' barely outta diapers next thing I knew we were shooting ducks and geese and dragging their 1st deer . Drivers license,prom,grad night,whoosh 3 corners of the country.

Cherrish every minute .

12-31-2011, 01:05 PM
Spend every minute you can with your children. They do not stay little very long and you never get a second chance to enjoy their youth.
Not to mention that it is wonderful when you can count your children and wife as being your best friends.
My "baby boy" turns 31 in April, his son just turned 5. It seems like a blink of eye since they were little...