View Full Version : A public apology to Love Life

12-29-2011, 10:06 PM
Recently, there is/was a discussion about a soldier who pawned one of his Purple Hearts, ostensibly to make (financial) ends meet.

Opinions varied, with some thinking the military enlisted are paid plenty and others recalling how dismal they/we were paid in our day.

The discussion became heated. I stepped out of line and out of bounds with a new member that I personally like, respect and admire.

That would be Love Life.

I said things that went beyond the pale of civil, adult discussion and allowed a dark side of me to surface, and in doing so, wrote things that I regret, did not mean, and am remorseful for having said/wrote.

I apologize to you, Love Life, in the sincerest way I know how--publicly, for all fellow members to see.

Veterans' causes and issues have once again become very important to me, for reasons that are my own. There are three veterans charity organizations that I give to generously, two of which I work with by way of giving more than by simply donating money. I work face-to-face with certain veterans, vets who for reasons I personally understand and relate to, are having tremendous struggles.

There are veterans here in the Cast Boolits family that I have pitched in to help, some publicly, some privately and of which our dealings with each other are between ourselves.

The discussion over the soldier pawning his medal, earned through the shedding of his own blood triggered something in me that allowed me--not caused, but ALLOWED (ie, MY fault, nobody else's)--to feel, think and write things that were hateful.

I apologize with no reservations and no conditions. I was wrong.

Love Life is an asset to the United States Marine Corps, his nation, his God, his family and the membership here at Cast Boolits. I treated him unfairly, and to Love Life, I ask you for your forgiveness.


12-29-2011, 10:09 PM
your a good man. i talked to love life the other day on chat, i think we all like him alot. hopefully he reciprocates lol

12-29-2011, 10:21 PM
Takes a big man to admit when he is wrong, especially when its an impassioned debate.

Good on you.

high standard 40
12-29-2011, 10:38 PM
That's mighty good of you Recluse. Takes a big man to own a mistake like that.

12-29-2011, 11:02 PM
think no more of it

12-29-2011, 11:13 PM
I didn't read the thread, so don't know anything about it.

Recluse, that was truely an apology from your heart. A snappy hand-salute to you, sir!

12-30-2011, 01:29 AM
I didn't follow the thread either, and it doesn't matter. Like members of all families, we sometimes let feelings get the better of us and say things we regret later. But you, Recluse, have shown how familes stick together by making things right again, and not ignoring problems. My hat's off to you.


Love Life
12-30-2011, 01:31 AM
Wow. I am floored. No apology was necessary Recluse. These things happen. I have to agree with GearGnasher.

I am the one who should apologize. I also said many things that were neither warranted nor appropriate in an adult discussion. I am glad we can put this behind us because I respect you as well.

I have deleted the same line about 50 times trying to compose an apology to match yours, but the words are just escaping me right now. I will say back at you and now we can move on to trash non NRA members together!

I also want to apologize to anybody who got stuck in between our grudge match there.

12-30-2011, 02:00 AM
Wow. I am floored. No apology was necessary Recluse. These things happen. I have to agree with GearGnasher.

I am the one who should apologize. I also said many things that were neither warranted nor appropriate in an adult discussion. I am glad we can put this behind us because I respect you as well.

I have deleted the same line about 50 times trying to compose an apology to match yours, but the words are just escaping me right now. I will say back at you and now we can move on to trash non NRA members together!

I also want to apologize to anybody who got stuck in between our grudge match there.

Thank you. Your understanding means a lot.

Best regards,


12-30-2011, 08:09 AM
Still wondering about my question.

Recluse, which strata do you wish to put me into?

12-30-2011, 09:01 AM
Very mature of the both of you. You have my respect and admiration, Gentlemen.

12-30-2011, 09:53 AM
After being in the position I was in my hats off to both of you. Its done it's over with we move on stronger and better than before. steve k

smoked turkey
12-30-2011, 10:50 AM
Just another reason to like this place. Two big men here. Good examples to follow.

12-30-2011, 10:59 AM
See Jim - I told you we could play nice!!

Ever wonder what the world would be like if everyone had similar values. Reason number one why I love this place.


12-30-2011, 11:02 AM
.....so nice......

gray wolf
12-30-2011, 11:11 AM
Once again the cream rises to the top
Good men are good men and that's all there is to that EH.
Proud to be a member, proud to be an American

12-30-2011, 11:19 AM
Amen..... Romans 2:1 says it all! ... felix

12-30-2011, 12:35 PM
And things like this keep me posting here. We may not agree on stuff but we can still be adults about it.

Kudos to both parties. :)

12-30-2011, 08:42 PM
'Way back in set school my class leader was a one-striper (like me) but had 5 rows of ribbons and wore the Tommy-Gun shoulder patch of the Marine Raiders. He had a lot of stories to tell, and I wasn't sure how much to believe - until one time I saw him coming out of the showers, and noticed purple spots on his back, and a leg that looked like someone had carved chunks out of it ("...3 31 caliber Jap bullets went through my leg..."), and then I started believing everything Jack said. Among other things, he said that he had sold all 5 of his Purple hearts - "$25 worth of gold in each one". As far as I'm concerned, he could do anything with them he wanted to.

Love Life
12-30-2011, 08:46 PM
This is not the thread to discuss what strata you are in as a veteran, or what a veteran can and cannot do with the purple heart. Take those to the actual thread. Seriously people.

12-30-2011, 09:08 PM
This thread has served it's purpose. I will lock it, and leave it here as a good example.