View Full Version : Diverticulitis

The Dove
12-29-2011, 09:34 AM
I have had some stomach issues in the past years and the Doc says I have Diverticulitis. Well, about 3 weeks ago I made some ham, fried okra and black eyed peas. I cramped up like a woman giving birth and boy's I'm telling you that ain't no fun! I guess no more okra for me...... That makes me sad cause I love fried okra with a scoop of Black eyed peas and BEP juice over it.

Any body had any issues with this?

The Dove

12-29-2011, 10:34 AM
Daughters father in law has it, fiber is your friend from now on, nuts are bad when you have it.

12-29-2011, 10:36 AM
It's a bitch when she comes to visit.
My last bout was over a year ago.

Fiber is your freind and stay away from little nuts and sesame seeds.

Rick N Bama
12-29-2011, 06:20 PM
Metamucil can be your best friend, not just when it hits but every day.

I started taking it in earnest over 2 years ago & haven't had an attack of it since.


12-29-2011, 06:34 PM
Yup, good ol' Metamucil, don't forget to take it every day.

I miss my popcorn.

Rick N Bama
12-29-2011, 08:54 PM
Yup, good ol' Metamucil, don't forget to take it every day.

I miss my popcorn.

My Dr. says that nuts/seeds etc have nothing to do with the disease & I have to agree with him. I eat some on occasion with no ill effects & I even have a bit of Popcorn from time to time.

I take 2 heaping soup spoons full of the Metamucil into a glass of water about an hour before bed time every night.


12-30-2011, 12:38 AM
Rick I think the problem with nuts is the roughness of them not that they have anything to do with the problem, they are just to harsh for the system.

12-30-2011, 07:04 AM
I had emergency surgery for it several years ago. Since then I've had 4-5 episodes where I got stomach cramps. By the time I get to see a doctor the cramps have passed OR I pay the ER a visit. I still have not been able to get a definitive answer as to what the cause is.

The first time around I was doubled up in pain, and I think I have a high threshold. Not Fun!!

The Dove
12-30-2011, 09:38 AM
Thanks for the information guy's.

My Doc said in 18 years of practice, he has never seen where a seed has been trapped in a gut when he has conducted 100's of colonoscopies. However, he still recommends staying away from them.

I've been eating raisin bran cereal about 3 or 4 mornings a week and that seems to be helping. I'll try the metamucil as well.

The Dove

12-30-2011, 09:54 AM
Take it seriously. 5 years ago now I ruptured my colon from Diverticulitis and ended up with a colostomy for 4 months, then a reversal, then a staph infection, then a hernia etc etc etc. If you can keep it from getting to the stage where it goes really bad with diet, it is far far and away preferable to the alternatives.

Rick N Bama
12-30-2011, 05:32 PM
Thanks for the information guy's.

My Doc said in 18 years of practice, he has never seen where a seed has been trapped in a gut when he has conducted 100's of colonoscopies. However, he still recommends staying away from them.

I've been eating raisin bran cereal about 3 or 4 mornings a week and that seems to be helping. I'll try the metamucil as well.

The Dove

Fiber One Cereal will also help if you can stomach it. Get on the Metamucil as soon as you can, I'm surprised your Dr. didn't recommend it.


Suo Gan
12-30-2011, 05:57 PM
I have had some stomach issues in the past years and the Doc says I have Diverticulitis. Well, about 3 weeks ago I made some ham, fried okra and black eyed peas. I cramped up like a woman giving birth and boy's I'm telling you that ain't no fun! I guess no more okra for me...... That makes me sad cause I love fried okra with a scoop of Black eyed peas and BEP juice over it.

Any body had any issues with this?

The Dove

Yes, In my mid thirties I had it. I could not even eat a small steak. I used acidolphilus and meta mucil and have never had any issues since. I eat whatever now and nothing bothers me. I take three or four acidolphilus tablets a week now and four or five glasses of fiber. My grandma had it and had to have it corrected with surgery. I swear by the acidolphilus.

01-03-2012, 11:04 PM
Can one (meaning me) actually eat popcorn safetly with this malady if taking meta mucil?

01-04-2012, 09:11 AM
Not if you are smart jc. The problem is you get small side pockets off the intestine that trap material. The longer it takes to dissolve that material, the more likely infection or inflammation is to set up and cause worse problems. Seeing as the hull on popcorn lasts basically forever, if you happen to trap one in one of those small pockets, you'll likely pay a dear price. You may get away with it for awhile, but sooner or later, it'll catch up to you. That is why they say avoid small seeds and popcorn etc.

01-04-2012, 11:07 AM
Thanks for the reply, was hoping differently as I like popcorn so much. Oh well, I'll continue to just stay away from it.

Wayne Smith
01-04-2012, 11:23 AM
Yes, the clear sheath covering the corn kernel is non-digestible but popcorn is one we can eat with care because the sheath becomes brittle and breaks up into small pieces. Other common non-digestible items are tomato peels and apple peels. They should not be eaten. Nuts are dangerous because pieces inadequately chewed pass through whole and can be caught in a pocket. Chew nuts thoroughly and they are not a problem. I tend to avoid sunflower seeds because they can slip through without being chewed too easily.

Any corn with the whole kernel is dangerous to us. Anything that can get through the stomach and small intestine in pieces - i.e. seeds, are dangerous. Chew thoroughly and take care of your teeth and avoid those things that do not digest and you should be OK.

Yes, I just got off antibiotics for my latest episode. I'm also missing a molar at the moment, with an insert healing.