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12-28-2011, 08:18 PM
Watching the news tonite, BIG headlines all over the US. CNN, MSNBC, and FOX are all reporting that December has been the biggest month for new gun purchases in years. They said exactly how long, but I was changing a diaper and only half listening. Why do you think that is?

I will post the first answer to my own question.

BECAUSE! We are Dang nabbed sick and tired of being pushed around, made victims of, and saying.... "Well, if I only had a gun."....... I am calling Bull $h!t. I am not asking anyone to come on my property and do me harm and I will not be done harm on public property. All I hear about is "Neighborhood door kicked in by gang members, 2 dead, news at 9." or "Border violence up by 200 percent, see how many dead at 10." And the worse thing..... is if someone feels threatened in a situation and slips a 38 in his pocket, the cops find it, he is in more trouble than the people who caused him to want a gun in the first place.

I know this is a rant and I hope I do not offend anyone, but Really, MSNBC.... FOX... Why the hell do you think?

12-28-2011, 08:35 PM
Well for one reason , guns are still a Bargain and people are waking up to the fact that dialing 911 may not be an option in a moment in time...People are fed up with crime and an out of control Government. ( Some just found out how good wild game really is ! lol)

12-28-2011, 08:46 PM
Well, I guess they are welcome to buy guns, I'll see them at the range then. It's no mystery to me, I live out in a small town. A lot of people assume they can do anything they want in a real small town especially, if they can drive back into the city to live.

Now, black bears and cougar are overpopulating in the next state (NM). We have possums, skunks and rattlesnakes here. Even had a mountain lion sighting right here in town.
I'm not surprised when Americans own guns, I'm surprised when they don't (some people don't???).

Stephen Cohen
12-28-2011, 08:55 PM
Just be thankfull ,you live in a country that gives you the choice

12-28-2011, 09:35 PM
Well, I guess they are welcome to buy guns, I'll see them at the range then. It's no mystery to me, I live out in a small town. A lot of people assume they can do anything they want in a real small town especially, if they can drive back into the city to live.

Now, black bears and cougar are overpopulating in the next state (NM). We have possums, skunks and rattlesnakes here. Even had a mountain lion sighting right here in town.
I'm not surprised when Americans own guns, I'm surprised when they don't (some people don't???).

I live in NM and it drives me nuts every time I hear some animal rights activist running their mouth about how it is wrong to hunt bears and cougars.

Meanwhile they come into neighborhoods for food and occasionally mall a kid or eat pets.

12-28-2011, 09:38 PM
As the NRA so aptly put it, "Wild animals ARE NOT public pets!"

12-28-2011, 11:40 PM
Well shoot, I am on the wrong end of that equation , I have been selling a few, Transmission rebuild and new alternator and other expenses.

smoked turkey
12-28-2011, 11:49 PM
I was just talking with a friend tonight about the slow response time from the county sherrif here. In a neighborhood watch meeting the sherrif is telling the people that they are short staffed due to tight county budgets and due to limited personnel on duty it takes on average 20 minutes for a response to a 911 call. I think more and more people are becoming aware that if the family is to be protected they are better served by taking measures to protect themselves. This is not a slam against the local lawmen that are under paid and over worked. It is just the times we are in.

12-28-2011, 11:58 PM
"When seconds count the cops are just minutes away!"

12-29-2011, 02:24 AM
I mentioned elsewhere, that when I was fishing Sunday, I heard gun fire all around me, from close to far. I figured everyone got a new gun for Christmas, which is not at all surprising in this area.

12-29-2011, 02:32 AM
I mentioned elsewhere, that when I was fishing Sunday, I heard gun fire all around me, from close to far. I figured everyone got a new gun for Christmas, which is not at all surprising in this area.

I was in Dallas this evening at a (indoor) range where us and the DEA used to steal away to practice/qualify.

There are twenty handgun bays and seven rifle bays--and there was a waiting list to get on a bay. On a Wednesday evening!

In chatting with the owner, a man I've known for over twenty-two years, he said he's been packed ever since the first day after Christmas, with everyone telling him they got a new gun for Christmas.

Even better, he said there were a lot of FIRST TIME gun-owners out there shooting. The staff was helping and instructing these new shooters, and he (owner) said he'd already sold over forty new NRA memberships just since Monday afternoon alone.

And yet, Fox, MSDNC and the other lamestreet media folks just don't get it. . .:violin:

Me? I loved it. I came home with a LARGE bag of once-fired brass in virtually every handgun caliber you can imagine. It'll take me several weeks to get it sorted and tumbled and stored!


12-29-2011, 02:37 AM
20+ YEARS OR SO AGO, the lady & her 2 sons from across the street, came home to find a burgler inside. They ran to my house & we called the city PD. #0 min. later 2 squad cars pulled up. City of 27,000, 3p.m. less than 4 mi. from police station.
pretty sad response time , burgler got away.

Unfortunately it has gotten worse.

I have found myself in the same situation as frKelly74 and have sold most of my guns over the last 20+ yrs. You do what you have too to keep the family going.
Some of my friends have also had to sell all their guns .:Fire::Fire:

Wish I could be buying a few.

12-29-2011, 10:54 AM
"I'd carry a cop but they're too danged heavy and cut into my donut allowance".

My wife realized she likes to shoot after we had a cold break-in last December. After 15 years of 'no, we don't need a gun' it went to 'when can we go to the range next?'

white eagle
12-29-2011, 10:57 AM
nothing beats handling your own problems

12-29-2011, 03:53 PM
My DIl's mother got a Ruger LCP and lessons for concealed carry for Christmas, lives in the Homestead, Fl. area.

12-29-2011, 03:56 PM
Well, speaking slightly off topic, but from PERSONAL experience. Don't you ever, ever, ever leave your tube of preparation H on the lavatory next to the toothpaste! And NO I did not put toothpaste on my backside, it was just the opposite.

12-29-2011, 05:41 PM
In a neighborhood watch meeting the sherrif is telling the people that they are short staffed due to tight county budgets....

That's the oldest trick in the liberal/public union book. Get folks worked up about no cops or firefighters so they'll beg for higher taxes and more spending.

Rick N Bama
12-29-2011, 09:06 PM
I mentioned elsewhere, that when I was fishing Sunday, I heard gun fire all around me, from close to far. I figured everyone got a new gun for Christmas, which is not at all surprising in this area.

You would have heard a fair amount of shooting around here as well Sunday Morning.


Bullet Caster
12-29-2011, 10:08 PM
Danged straight. I've got a CCW permit and now the wife wants one. I have all the guns and she has a 9 shot .22 revolver that she's shot since she was a kid.

I'm not surprised that folks are buying guns. It just takes too long for the police to respond to a 911 call.

I had an incident several years ago in which two thugs tried a home invasion. Me and my 1911 .45 acp thawarted the invasion, 'cause I went outside and met the thugs before they could get out of the car. I ended up shooting one of them's thumb off and the driver kept coming at me with my 1911 leveled at his head. After a little prayer that I didn't want to kill the SOB, he finally stopped and I didn't have to kill him. During this time my wife called 911 and reported it and the cops finally showed up about 30 minutes later. Had I known that they (the thugs) would leave the scene I would have gotten my M1 Garand out and chambered an AP and shot their engine block so they couldn't leave. The cops told me that I should have killed the driver as he was a known thug and had a rap sheet about an arm's length. Come to find out he lived in our neighborhood. Go figure. BC

12-29-2011, 10:18 PM
[QUOTE=x101airborne;1521133] I was changing a diaper and only half listening. Why do you think that is?

so you wouldnt stick a finger in it.:kidding:
that is my quess[smilie=s:

12-29-2011, 10:27 PM
A couple of kids stole my neighbors landscaping lights this summer. As they sped away, I called the cops. They said that my neighbor would have to call in that something was stolen before they'd come out. Huh? So there I was midnight knocking on her door. An hour later they showed up. The kids were in college by then. lol So if I'm on vacation I guess they won't come out, till I get back. What a waste...

12-30-2011, 06:21 AM
Took the neighbor boy, 15 to the range and he shot the AR 15 thirty shots on Christmas day. His first time shooting a centerfire rifle. This teen ager has read and knows and loves guns and his mother got him an airsoft M14 for christmas. The kid does really well with gun handling. His family is cash disadvantaged.
I will give him a bolt action .22 rifle if it is ok with his mom.

Life is good

cajun shooter
12-30-2011, 08:24 AM
First, Please allow me to say that all people have to do is look at the numbers of police officers and the population.
I'm a 15 year veteran that told everyone that if I drive by your home once a night, the chances of me being there if something happens are slim and none.
We had a 600 man force and that includes all personal not just street cops. You have jailers, warrant division, office personal and communications division. We had an area with 500,000 people to protect; give me a break.
You may make all the donut jokes you want and I started in 1975 making $580 a month. The only way to make ends meet was to work extra duty jobs after working my 8,10 0r 12 hr shifts.
As far as new guns go for Christmas it certainly was not me. My wife and I had a home design (drafting building plans) business that has not done anything since 2007 in Louisiana.
I have sold over 35 guns among bigger ticket items to keep our business and noses above water to no avail. We had to close the business after over 20 years due to no more funds to keep the doors open.
Some of those guns have been owned by me since coming home from the Army in 1968.
If you want protection in today's world then depend on no one but yourself and your family.
Remember the saying by Thomas Jefferson about what happens to those who turn the guns into plows. Take Care David

12-30-2011, 10:13 AM
The police (Law Enforcement) is their to protect the public and not the individual.
Most respones are after the fact.
My home is protected.


12-30-2011, 10:57 AM
I live in SW Michigan. With the economy being what it has been here in my state, about every police force has had to downsize significantly; AND because of the economy a lot of folks are hurting financially. On top of these things, the gangs and criminals from many larger cities have been going to rural areas to find their prey. Home invasions have been in the news at least every other night with some deaths resulting. I am well taken care of in the firearms department, but until recently, I rarely carried unless I was going to travel. Now I carry whenever I leave home because I don't want to be in a victims position. Personally I know I can't even hope to have a police officer here fast enough to help me so I choose to take care of myself.

In conversations with a friend who happens to be a LEO, he has mentioned several times recently that he has seen an increase in ownership of firearms. He doesn't view this as a bad thing considering his department is now at less than 60% of its original staffing it was 3 years ago.


01-02-2012, 11:25 AM
There is much blame here regarding what society today has become mostly because of the media, victim meantality, P.C. etc. Polite society has become (in a large number of cases) an IN YOUR FACE society. Gun ownership is a target for the anti's, the liberal media, the un-informed, and blue state city dwellers. It is a target for liberal legislators, liberal judges, etc.etc.etc. The need for police downsizing due to economy factors is just a reality. The need for sevility,politness, courtesy, respect, etc. on the part of American society is an obvious. If these things were to make a comeback, we probably wouldn't need the number of police that are required today. People buy guns for many reasons, and one of them today (in addition to all of the others), is that they are good investments.

01-02-2012, 11:55 AM
I talked with a friend last night who said he was in a Scheels after Christmas and all the gun racks were empty. My wife and I went to Cabela's yesterday and every person in the store was standing at the gun counter. The paperwork people were doing backgrounds checks as fast as they could.

Personally, I don't think it is crime as much as people are frightened about the next election, and I don't blame them. Likely, the election will be Obama v. Romney. Both liberal, both anti-gun.

I think it is great! The gun industry is the only part of the American economy that seems to be thriving. May it continue to be so.


01-02-2012, 12:16 PM
My 54 year old boss is a former marine (Desert storm) and former county deputy sheriff.
Another co-worker of mine was also a deputy county sheriff that worked with my boss.
Both quit being cops because of all the political BS in the job.

Both are firm believers in Concealed Carry.
They get upset when anyone in the news starts preaching about gun control and anti-concealed carry.

Have heard some interesting stories from these two.

With all I've heard from these 2 and from other leos over the years, I can positively say "You couldn't pay me enough to be a cop".