View Full Version : Derim stage questions

12-26-2011, 04:12 PM
I have had the Corbin reloading press 22 cal dies for at least 25years. It was a lot of trouble getting everything to work. Eventually I got it all sorted out and made enough to wear out the drim die and the final die. The derim die only lasted for a couple of thousand and I had to make myself a new one and new punch too. They now work good. Now for the question. How are you guys deriming in one stroke? As is or annealed I could not get them through the derim die . I use a Rock Chucker and It would take just about all I have to derim in one pass. I finally resorted to adjusting the die to derim only at the end of the stroke. This made it easy but brings on another problem. Sometimes the now derimed case comes off the punch . Leaving it stuck in the die .The next case can push it through. Sometimes the case sticks on the punch and pulls out of the die and needs to be ejected off the punch. There is no way to predict this and it gets to be problem. So how is it done with you guys?

12-26-2011, 04:37 PM
I derim on my swage press. in swage mode so I think I have a lot more power than you may have. but you can raise your work so it de-rims at cam-over and then get a helper punch to stick in there and push it the rest of the way out. to keep them from sticking on my punch i lube the heck out of it.

12-26-2011, 05:38 PM
Relaod is right on. Lube your 22 cases with your swageing lube , the punch also.

12-26-2011, 09:48 PM
I de-rim then anneal. I do not have a Corbin de-rim die but I have a few others including my home made dies. I like a die that has a fairly short sizing area. That way the jacket clears the business part of the die with a short stroke. And that allows you to use the power part of the stroke where the ram toggle cams over. And as stated above I lube each case.

12-27-2011, 05:36 PM
Thanks guys. I will make some more effort and give what you said a try. I also pollished the punch with some 2000 grit sandpaper. Maybe that and lube on the punch will do it. I do like the short and long punch Idea. It deserves consideration.