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12-25-2011, 04:08 AM
Here are two must read stories from the CMP Forum.

Bastogne Christmas Tribute: 8 Days, 8 Rounds

Bastogne Christmas Tribute 2010

A fitting tribute to the greatest generation with the "Greatest battle implement ever made."

The first was posted in 2009 the second in 2010 we will see if there is a third.

Yes there is a third post!

Bastogne Christmas Tribute "3" 2011


12-25-2011, 10:05 AM
What a few of us did yesterday ... Christmas Eve.





12-25-2011, 12:29 PM
I hope he does write a third. Great stories.

Merry Christmas, everyone.


12-25-2011, 11:22 PM
Man, it's good to see that many old "pogo sticks" in one pile again.

My brothers in the 101st did their jobs well under almost impossible conditions at Bastogne. It was under "do or die" conditions and I'm sure glad that I wasn't there.

I've seen a copy of the original McAuliff message of "Nuts!" He really had a way with words.

Tomorrow was the liberation. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank my older brothers from the 101st Airborne for their sacrifice for their country at Bastogne./beagle

12-25-2011, 11:35 PM

12-26-2011, 02:22 AM
I had never seen that and it was some good reading, thanks for posting.

Bullet Caster
12-26-2011, 03:54 AM
That was a great post. I just joined the CMP forum 'cause they got a lot of info for the M1 Garand. I really enjoyed reading the two posts on that forum about the Battle of the Bulge. My wife's father was in the 29th Infantry that stormed Omaha beach on June 6, 1944, and never even got a scratch. They were the first wave to hit the beach. Before his death he told me about that day in June. There were so few left from the 29th that they had to join the 1st Infantry division. Later her dad went on to drive for Gen. Patton. I just wish I had recorded all that he had to say. My wife's uncle Grover was shot in the head during the Malmedy massecre by Jochin Peiper's men from Kampfgruppe Peiper. He managed to live and got about 12 men back to the US lines in Bastonge. He was with the 285 forward observation batallion that was surprised on the road from St. Vinth to Malmedy and taken prisoner by Kampfgruppe Peiper. I have some old VHS tape that I taped when I saw a program on the History channel--From D-day to VE-day and the old captured German movie that they made that day. It plainly shows my wife's uncle Grover with his hands up after the capture. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this. I had to play it back for my wife and she verified that it was, in fact, her uncle Grover. He would never take a compensation for his injuries during WWII saying that he just did his duty. He never went to the VA. He died in the 1980's from the same thing that Jim Henson from the Muppets did, pneumonia. He was a fine Christian man and I miss him as much as my wife does. Oh well, memories... BC

12-26-2011, 11:11 AM
Never had much interest in garands, but that pic of a rack o garands was nice.
Was in a shop the other day and saw two what looked like brand new garands, price $1295.00 EACH. Wow, had no idea they were that high. Are they making them again?

The proprieter didn't say they were repros when he pointed them out to me, just that they were in the best condition he had seen. They were pretty.

Let's see, collect ruger single actions, collect S&W revolvers, collect Marlin lever actions, collect anything what is unusual or long outta production, why not garands?

I understand they are a bit touchy to load for?

Maybe after the first of the month I may stop over to the shop again, but then he did have that nice Winchester 25-20.....and that Winchester big bore 375 Win...and I really liked that Marlin 45-70 cowboy....never enough cash and always too many 'wants'.

I thank God He provides abundantly for our needs and even many of our wants. I am also grateful that His Spirit moves me to engage in ministry to others with some of our disposable income.

I guess I really don't 'need' three gun safes full of neat toys, but I surely am grateful to Him who provides them, would rather have my money tied up in guns than many of the financial instruments of today.

I guess I diverged off-topic here, sorry, I seem to do that more and more the older I get.

Blessing to all you on the day after Christmas.

12-26-2011, 11:44 AM
Never had much interest in garands, but that pic of a rack o garands was nice.
Was in a shop the other day and saw two what looked like brand new garands, price $1295.00 EACH. Wow, had no idea they were that high. Are they making them again?

Blessing to all you on the day after Christmas.

No, they are not making them again.
And they are making damned few of the sort of men who carried them during World War II,
Not to mention there has been a descent politician since Churchill and Eisenhower died.

I grew up with guys who fought on both sides in the battle of the bulge. One gentleman from Germany who was there fighting was asked if he was going to see the then new movie - "the Battle of the Bulge" when it came to town. His reply "not likely, saw the play, the Germans lost, the movie will have the same ending..."

My thanks goes to those brave souls who risked all so we can keep the freedoms we enjoy.
And I hope there are enough men like those around when our legislators decide that we no longer need those freedoms.

12-26-2011, 11:58 AM
Agree with Patton! Cut my teeth in the Corps with a Garand!

12-26-2011, 12:24 PM
"And they are making damned few of the sort of men who carried them during World War II,

I wholeheartedly agree

"Not to mention there has been a descent politician since Churchill and Eisenhower died."

I kinda liked Ronnie

12-26-2011, 12:34 PM

Skip the gun store and buy directaly from the CMP. They have made it much easier to qualify than it used to be. They did away with the one rifle in a lifetime and you can now buy up to 12 rifles per year. You need to be a member of a CMP affiliated club and there are lots of them or your state association or join the Grand Collectors Club you can do that on line for $25. If you are over 60, ex military, or a number of other special classes it is even easier. They can ship you rifles direct, no FFL needed, except for New Jersey. They sell ammunition at their e-store so cheap you almost don't need to reload but just load to standard M2 Ball military specs and it will work in a Garand the CMP Forum has a reloading section if you need help.

Probably what you were seeing at the gun store were CMP Special Grade M1 Garands or service grade specials.. They are completely rebuilt and refinished with new stock and new barrel and look like they just came from the factory. If you want a shooter that's a good way to go, comes with a case, sling, en block clip, and instruction book for $995 + $22.95 shipping via Fed EX express to your door or pick up at Fed Ex store. If you want collector grades they have those also as well as lower grades.

Here is the link to their rifle sales page:

While at the site check the Eligibility Requirements, E-Store, and Forums amoung others.

They have announced that a price increase is comming but not when and said if they have an order in house they will honor the old price. So get your orders in. My order is tracking and due tomarrow.


12-26-2011, 12:51 PM
Man! I am of a rather labile temperament - I went through about a dozen Kleenex's reading those...

01-03-2012, 01:24 AM
There was a third posting Yesterday! I added it to the OP.

Bastogne Christmas Tribute "3" 2011


smoked turkey
01-03-2012, 12:59 PM
What can be said. I'm having some trouble seeing the keys to type. My wife in the other room wouldn't understand the deep emotion these postings bring to the top. Thanks for sharing this.

01-04-2012, 12:41 AM
My uncle has been MIA in that area since Dec. 25th, 1944. RIP Unca Bill.

DIRT Farmer
01-04-2012, 03:12 AM
My Dad was real glad to see the 101st come to town. He said they had just set up a mess hall in an old factory building and were starting to line up for chow when the 101st came through, he said they handed their mess kit to them. Dad said they looked cold and miserable, but they were glad to see them.