View Full Version : Roofing silicone as gas check

12-22-2011, 09:48 PM
Afternoon Gents- had an idea pop into my head (this can be dangerous) was melting some scrap roofing lead that had silicone stubbornly attached. The silicone doesnt melt at lead melting temps (it can take much more heat than molten lead) and it holds on tenaciously to lead. Putting the two facts together and combining it with my recent musings on gas checks,would you guys think that a light smear of roofing silicone applied to the base of the bullet (then left to set) could work as a type of ' smear on' gas check. you could put bullet into a cut to size bullet case ( for a type of guide) so that you could consistently smear on the silicone and cover over bullet base (and bevel ) to take silicone to outside bullet diameter. Silicone is pretty tough,resilient stuff and has a high melting temp. Any thoughts? ( apart from the fact that I obviously have too much time on my hands)--cheers zodd

12-22-2011, 10:06 PM
Why don't you try it and see what you get, and let us know your results?

12-22-2011, 11:45 PM
another thought

could you just make plugs out of it using a case as a plug cutter?

would not work for bottle neck cartridge unless it was full, but straight walled cases may be OK.

12-22-2011, 11:56 PM

One of the things the gas check does is offer an excellent seal to powder gases that are trying to " blow by " the bullet's base.

I simply cannot see silicone doing this in like manner like a conventional gas check.

Maybe you'll prove me wrong.


12-23-2011, 02:58 PM
How about cutting plugs out of one of the silicone baking sheets?

Ozark Howler
12-25-2011, 12:13 AM
I don't believe you would see any benefit using silicone, the idea of the gas check also allows the base of the bullet to act like jacketed bullet (forming to the lands and grooves), thus reducing leading, silicone just won't do the trick.

01-10-2012, 06:19 AM
I’m sure it would deform to make a great gas seal to the lands, plastic sabots sure do and I use them to load 200g .308” for 50bmg sometimes. My "wonder" on the idea is I wonder can silicone withstand the pressures AND temperature togather without just turning to mush. It’s worth checking out if a guy has the time to play . . . I’d try high temp automotive RTV silicone first with the plug cutting method if I were inclined to play.

01-12-2012, 04:26 PM
In the not to distant past card board wads were used under the boolit (some were glued on) to eliminate leading for a softer boolit!

01-15-2012, 12:09 PM
How about cutting plugs out of one of the silicone baking sheets?

Mama ain't gonna be happy wif holes in her baking sheets.. :shock:


Personally, I'm pretty careful about what blows down the bore of my rifle.
Took me a lot of pondering before I tried aluminum gas checks.
Before you smear "Henry's" on your boolits, consider the MSDS about it's melting point.
Then figure out what it will take to scrub the baked on goo out of your barrel. It probably won't be worth the aftermath you will be dealing with. :mad: