View Full Version : anyone have a baked bean recipe using dry beans

Lloyd Smale
12-22-2011, 08:00 AM
Ive been using one online to make them with pinto beans but it tastes flat almost starchy. I get alot of dry pinto beans for free and like canning them so when i want some i dont have to fool with them.

C A Plater
12-22-2011, 10:28 AM
I've pressure canned pintos before. I don't have the recipe handy but I recall I used the Ball Blue Book canning guide. IIRC it was soak the beans until fully plumped, drain, pack and cover with water followed by pressure canning for the recommended time. They came out dryer than factory canned and still had a little texture left. Never had a problem making re-fried beans come out though The pints seemed to have about twice the amount of beans as the steel can.

Lloyd Smale
12-22-2011, 01:17 PM
I can make pretty good refried beans out of them but im looking for something a bit like b&m baked beans. Ive tried adding bacon, molasas and brown suger but the beans still taste bland. Dont know if im not adding enough or if the pinto beans are going to taste bland no matter what i do

12-22-2011, 01:24 PM
Add some dry mustard,garlic and seasoned salt. Clint ps Sweet relish helps to

12-22-2011, 01:29 PM
Soak the beans in beef broth and some garlic powder and liquid smoke instead of water, then add the other ingredients when cooking.

12-22-2011, 01:32 PM
I think its the pinto beans ... I love em. but I have never made them into baked beans. I always took the lazy way and got a can o pork n beans added brown sugar and bbq sauce bacon and pop em in the oven.

But I know that is no help to you I guess. Watching with great anticipation because i love baked beans.

Rick N Bama
12-22-2011, 02:05 PM
This is by far the best Baked Beans we've ever made. For even more flavor, try making them in your smoker/grill.



Lloyd Smale
12-22-2011, 09:02 PM
I think this may be my downfall. Ive discused it on another website and the overall consensous is that pinto beans are not what to use that navy beans are the proper bean and no matter what you do pintos are going to be to firm and starchy tasting.
I think its the pinto beans ... I love em. but I have never made them into baked beans. I always took the lazy way and got a can o pork n beans added brown sugar and bbq sauce bacon and pop em in the oven.

But I know that is no help to you I guess. Watching with great anticipation because i love baked beans.

Lloyd Smale
12-22-2011, 09:06 PM
Ill will make another attemp with your recipe. Bottom line is even the ones i make are eatable. I mostly do it to store food for an emergency anyway and in a situation like that id imagine even mine would be pretty delicious when they were all you had to eat.
This is by far the best Baked Beans we've ever made. For even more flavor, try making them in your smoker/grill.



12-23-2011, 01:50 AM
If you add salt as you cook pintos, they soften.

Lloyd Smale
12-23-2011, 09:03 AM
thanks ill try that too. I had read somewhere just the oposite so i didnt add salt till i canned them.

12-23-2011, 12:23 PM
You can soften the pintos by doing the quick soak pressure cooker method.

put cleaned dry beans in cooker, cover with water, bring to boil with lid off, put lid and weight on, cook at pressure for your elevation for 3 minutes or steady rocking of weight. quick cool under cold water to release pressure. Drain and rinse. Then you can use in your recipe like any other beans that have been soaked.

To speed the cooking step cover with water and a little salt and cook for 30 minutes at a slow rocking of weight or at correct pressure for your elevation. You can get everything else set and ready to go so all you have to do is warm up the other ingredients mix when beans are done and bring all to same temp and eat.

I also works to soak beans as one normally would and right before you are going to make your baked beans use the 3 minute pressure cook to soften them up. you can put a pinch of salt in the cooker also.

I do this quite a lot with navy beans and red beans, can make some killer red beans and rice in about 45 minutes that tastes like it has been slow cooked for hours. We use it for pinto beans also.

Never fill the cooker more than the max fill line and use a base plate so that bottom beans don't burn. My mom uses just a tad bit of vegetable oil on the water in the cooker to keep foam down. I can get by with not doing that.

here is a link to the quick soak

12-23-2011, 06:51 PM
I don't know about canning beans, but as far as baked beans go, I prefer 1/2 pintos in my baked beans. I use Ranch style beans and pork and beans in equal amounts. Even the cheapest pork and beans, as I add a bunch of other stuff like onion, brown sugar, bacon, molases, mustard, BBQ sauce, then smoke them.

If you add extra water and then cook them back down far enough with enough sugar containing ingredients, they come out like B & M beans. I would almost call them candied beans.

Dark Helmet
12-23-2011, 07:11 PM
Does Ball canning have a forum where you could ask?

12-24-2011, 12:33 AM
Try adding a teaspoon of baking soda to the beans as they soak it speeds up the process.

Lloyd Smale
12-24-2011, 08:12 AM
thanks Jim ill try that too.

C A Plater
12-25-2011, 07:04 PM
I've made this recipe Some Serious Baked Beans (http://acookinglife.typepad.com/a_cooking_life/2008/07/some-serious-baked-beans.html) on A Cooking Life blog that came out very well. The last time I canned baked beans was a long time ago but my recollection is that I just filled the jars 3/4 full with the leftovers and processed them according to the canning guide. Navy were the bean of choice.

01-12-2012, 11:15 PM
4# dry beans, black and pinto
2# bacon chopped
2 lg red onions
12 oz tomato paste
2 c. brown sugar
2 c. molasses
1/4 c. black pepper
6 tsp. salt
8 cloves garlic
1/2 c. mustard
3/4 c. Kentucky Bourbon

1 Disposable Turkey pan will hold this recipe.

Soak dry beans 48 hrs. Chop onions and bacon and cook in large pot, covered, over medium heat till the onions turn translucent. Remove from heat. There will be a lot of moisture, this is good. Mix all other ingredients into this.
This recipe was designed to be cooked in a pit (underground, wrapped in burlap) and that is the only way I've done it. It should stay underground at least 10-12 hrs, I like to leave it 18 my self. I also put it in the hottest part of the pit.
No reason it can't be baked in an oven at 300 F overnight, 10-12 hrs.
It's also easy to divide the amounts given above into fourths to make a smaller batch.

Lloyd Smale
01-13-2012, 06:45 AM
just got 6lbs of beans yesterday so im going to give it another try using Ricks recipe. Ill let you know how it worked. This time ive got 2 bags of great north white beans and one bag of pintos.

01-13-2012, 11:16 AM
I dont know if it will help or not but I am with every one saying to salt your beans it does at least make them taste better LOL. The way I always go about dry beans anymore is a Crock pot. Just look your beans dump em in fill with water put on low and forget about it. You have good cooked soft beans in less than a day and your not constantly having to check for water. after I had the beans cooked if I wanted to turn them into baked I would use the recipe 375 gave

Lloyd Smale
01-13-2012, 08:59 PM
beans are in the oven. Sure smell good!

01-13-2012, 11:58 PM
The recipe I use I swiped from the book Cache Lake Country, and modified it a bit. I haven't tried it with pinto, maybe I should.
2 cups white, or Navy beans
I soak them over night, then drain, and put in fresh water
about a teas of salt, and simmer them on the top of the stove til the skins start coming loose.I drain them, then I take about 1/2 lb bacon, cut it into pieces and poke it into the beans. I cut up a medium onion, and mix it in the beans.I pour about 2/3 cup of molasses into them, cover them, and bake them, in the oven, at 350 for about 1 1/2 hrs.
www.ohiocampcooks.org forums may have other recipes

01-14-2012, 09:11 PM
This is my absolute favorite baked bean recipe. I must admit that some of the other recipes you all have posted do intrigue me. I guess I'll just have to try them all! Just for the sake of science, mind you.
