View Full Version : new smith&wesson shoots low

12-18-2011, 01:12 AM
just bought my wife a new M&P 9mm compact.
shooting federal american eagle FMJ 115gr ammo.
the gun with this ammo shoots like 7-8" low at 10 yards.
would 147gr fodder hit closer to POA?
the gun has no sight adjustment for elevation ,just windage.
the gun is set up with 3 dot sights,(which i loved on my glock)
kinda bummed it shoots so low......
thought maybe the gun was set up for a heavier slug?
am i on the right track here or not?
what do you guys think?

12-18-2011, 01:52 AM
Any possibilty that she is pushing the gun when she breaks the trigger? Try a few ball and dummy drills to isolate that particular issue.

12-18-2011, 02:09 AM
Heavier boolits hit higher with revolvers. Try 124 first and then 147s. You can shorten
the front sight, also.


12-18-2011, 11:22 AM
IMO i would talk to S&W about your problem and have them send you a lower front sight and possibley a higher rear sight to correct your problem .
I dont think changing bullet weight will help you at the distances you are shooting , been there & done that a few times myself.

12-19-2011, 11:55 AM
I'd recommend trying it from a stable rest before anything further!

12-19-2011, 02:20 PM
Boolit wt is a very big factor in shooting high or low with revolvers due to the high bore
line above the grip. Variations is grip strength and arm position will move rounds up and
down more with revolvers than with autos - again bore height.

Light boolits shoot low, heavy boolits shoot high. Fast is low, slow is high. It is barrel
time while the barrel is recoiling upwards.


12-19-2011, 02:31 PM
Please bear with me and this will pay dividends for you in many ways

Try this.
Draw a proper sight picture on a sheet of paper.
Then let your wife see the paper.
Tell her the three things sticking up are like a picket fence,
All level and even spaced.
Then draw a circle on top of the middle picket.
Tell her this is the pumpkin

Now set up a large circular target.
Give her an unloaded gun
Tell her to put the pumkin on the fence and GENTLY squeeze the trigger
Have her do this with an unloaded gun twice
Then have her start shooting

Please report back your results

p.s. and later when she gets the hang of this, have her concentrate
on the center picket.

p.s.s. Yes heavier slower bullets will print higher

12-19-2011, 09:23 PM
Why the revolver comments? Isn't the gun in question a semiauto pistol?

shooting on a shoestring
12-19-2011, 10:02 PM
Why the revolver comments? I'll guess there's some folks on here, like me, who don't own or shoot autos. However, there is some commonality between the two platforms. The question of how high will POI move with heavier boolits, well that's on the borderline. A revolver, which I can speak of from experience, will move its POI up significantly with heavier boolits. Will an auto? Don't know for sure, but I can see the barrel is lower in the hand, and with the moving slide clouding the issue, I can't absolutely say, but I think there would be only a slight effect.

So why the revolver comments? Probably due to folks voicing experience with what they shoot.

Thats my guess. Good question though.

12-19-2011, 11:10 PM
Or he could be confusing the new M&P auto with the original M&P revolvers...

12-19-2011, 11:39 PM
Has she been used to using a 6 o'clock hold with other guns?

12-19-2011, 11:53 PM
The front sight would have to be lowered a whole 1/8th inch to raise POI by 8 inches at 10 yards, which is going to leave you with a stub for a front-sight, if anything; I strongly doubt that it's the pistol. My guess, like some of the other fellers here, would be a slight flinch.

12-20-2011, 12:38 AM
I would have an experienced pistol shooter try it out. I find that my handguns that can't seem to hit anything, behave very well for others. It CAN'T be me! ;o)

12-20-2011, 02:37 AM
I would have an experienced pistol shooter try it out. I find that my handguns that can't seem to hit anything, behave very well for others. It CAN'T be me! ;o)

Or use a rest.

12-20-2011, 02:39 PM
I did think he was talking about a revolver - - - forgot that S&W was recycling the M&P
name. It used to mean only one gun. . . . .


12-20-2011, 04:08 PM
Come on fellas, He stated

just bought my wife a new M&P 9mm compact.

Auto for sure

12-20-2011, 04:37 PM
I belive this thread went way off track. It's an auto - we resolved that already. I can't recommend enough: shoot from a supported rest to see where the GUN (not the person) is actually hitting. If that's off then we know there's a gun issue. My estimation is that it will reveal the actual problem.

then the solution is: dry fire lots. That should fix it.

All above suggestions are made respectfully, of course.

go get 'em :Fire: and be sure to let us know how it goes.

12-20-2011, 04:42 PM
Thanks for the input guys. I'll take all the advice to heart and give it a try.
I'll report back after next trip out to the woods.

Greg in va
12-20-2011, 04:58 PM
This is a common problem with the M&P line of semi-autos, but that low at that distance is likely something else also....there are several makers of adjustable sights for this line of weapons, my M&P does not hit POA POI either and its a barrel problem so I'm waiting for barsto to release their new barrrel to fix that problem.

01-08-2012, 05:27 AM
nothing wrong with gun, shooter error.
rested gun off the truck, hit the bullseye.
imagine that!lol

01-08-2012, 08:32 AM
That's what it sounded to me like. I shoot regularly and I seen a lot of new shooters at my club which is open to the public. Last week I watched a woman hit the ground repeatedly while aiming at a 15 yard target. It was obvious that she was one not using a good sight picture (if any) and was also jerking the trigger so badly that I could see her do it. As I was the range officer I stopped her from shooting and tried to discuss proper sight picture and trigger control with her but she just got embarrassed and packed up and left. That was an extreme case but I see a lot of people who hardly know how to aim and fire a hand gun every week. They usually get better if they get a little instruction and are walked through a few rounds. But some people are just know it all's and are satisfied with mostly keeping there shots on a full silhouette target at 15 yards so that it looks like it was hit with several charges of buckshot with no discernible group.