View Full Version : ? what is the difference CCI 300 &350?

12-16-2011, 10:00 PM
I am wondering if you fine folks could shed some light on the mag non mag primer issue ....I am loading for a .44mag 1894ss with 265gr ranch Dogs and H110 powder I was thinking that I could reduce the charge and slowly work up again?
am I way off ??
I just recived a full brick of mag large pistol as a sort of payment and I would like to use them if I can!

Thanks so much for your time and knoledge

12-17-2011, 02:32 AM
Which way are you going? If you worked up the load with mag primers (350s) and are
going to substitute normal primers (300s) there should be no problem. If you worked up the
load with 300s and want to start using 350s, you should back off and develop the load again
to avoid added pressure that might occur with the hotter 'sparkplug'.


12-17-2011, 10:59 AM
thank you for your time
I worked the loads up with 300's and thought that I would be able to use the 350's if I baced off 10-15% ....but I was not sure so I had to ask!!

thanks again Jonathan

12-17-2011, 07:28 PM
You should compare the accuracy that you get with the two. Some have reported better
accuracy with H110/W296 with std primers than with mag primers. Personally, I have
seen Unique and 2400 produce fliers and worse groups with mag primers, but I have not
tested the std primers with H110/W296 loads, just have always used the usually recommended
magnum primers.


12-17-2011, 08:26 PM
What Bill said, for sure.

12-17-2011, 08:34 PM
Some large pistol magnum primers (Wolf) apparently were made with tougher cups and no more oomph.. In many cases I have found magnum primers to actually produce lower velocities than standard. I Have found this with rifle stuff a lot. A chronograph is a wonderful piece of equipment that every handloader should have if they are gonna get serious.

12-17-2011, 09:31 PM
thanks folks, I had a chrony..but I lent it to a cop friend of mine and it went the way of the dodo bird!..ah long story
back to the primers ...I got 1000 of them from a friend for some bullets I made for him and around here it is a no go trading them with a store and I don't know anyone that shoot with them so...ya I am stuck with them lol
I have used the 300 std primers so far and I am getting great groups with them I was thinking that I might me able to reduce the loads a bit and work back up but hearing that they are known to give lesser accuracy I might just use them for my very light unique loads that I load up for the wife and kids to shoot with the plain base 265gr Ranch Dog bullets
thanks again for all your input again!

12-19-2011, 01:44 AM
Never assume because someone else got better or worse performance that you will
necessarily get the same result. Believe it that each gun is a thing unto itself.

The only way to know is to try it for yourself. The only real exception to this is where
safety is involved.


12-19-2011, 10:38 AM
very true MtGun44,
I am thinking I will buy 1 box(100) and try them out before opening the 1000 box andthat way if I don't like them I have not broken the seal on them and it might be easier for me to trade them!

12-19-2011, 09:16 PM
Since nobody else has pointed it out- the most obvious difference between a CCI 300 and 350 primer is 50.

As for mag vs std primer- try em. If you both both, try both. What does your gun like better with that load. Our ill find some here will be hard core on the side of one or the other. Go with what your gun seems to like better. It is ypur confidence in the gun and load that matters, not the views off people here.

12-19-2011, 11:24 PM
Btroj, very true...I am new to pisol loading so I thought I would ask first!

12-20-2011, 03:07 AM
I just shot a test load of H110 with cci350 and cci300s today. The cci350s actually were more accurate in my gun. I have more loads to test in the coming days. With unigue the cci300s seem to do better.

12-20-2011, 06:15 AM
Like has already been said, it's all about finding what the gun likes.

12-20-2011, 06:17 AM
thanks again folks great info

12-20-2011, 12:50 PM
1kshooter, I believe you will find the CCI 350's very compatible with H110. As has been said, just work up your load with them. I have done a lot of work with H110/WW296 using both 300's and 350 primers in the 45 Colt in pistols and rifles. I have been able to get quite acceptable loads with both primers. However, if you do any shooting in really cold weather, you may find the 350's to be preferable. My data seems to show that the velocity variations with 300's are significantly greater than those with 350's when the temperature gets into the 30's or lower.

12-20-2011, 02:00 PM
thanks for the insight...it is -20 here and I plan to use this gun for some coyote/wolf work in the next little bit so that might be the saving grace!