View Full Version : Snow

Love Life
12-15-2011, 12:10 PM

12-15-2011, 12:15 PM
Just now? I thought you guys would have gotten hammered when we did Monday.

12-15-2011, 12:22 PM
We had a little on Nov.7/11 and it went away. Last night we got about 2" but the forcast is for above freezing temps by Sat. I don't mind the snow---but I can easily live without it!

12-15-2011, 01:27 PM
Woke up to snow this mornin' here as well. Bout' 3". Net forecasts completely missed it including NOA. Wife's got the truck with good tires and she's out of town ...:roll:

mold maker
12-15-2011, 01:42 PM
I don't know what all the hoopla is about. It was 67 yesterday and a repeat today. T shirt weather with sun screen is saving my gas bill.
I hate snow. I like to see it falling, as long as it doesn't hang around.
With 4 driveways to shovel snow is an unwelcome PIA.

12-15-2011, 01:56 PM
Send a little our way. We have just set a record for the driest Dec. on record around Puget Sound. I want our well to keep running. Our ski's are parked on the front porch getting dusty.

12-15-2011, 02:02 PM
I got 22 inches last week and another 4 this week. This was supposed to be a dry winter. So much for La Nina and global warming!

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7142/6466741989_6c041ee3ea.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/cjhollic/6466741989/)


12-15-2011, 04:17 PM
It's a little late in the season, but it is finally here! You can tell by the number of smilies that I love the snow.

I HATE snow days. Of course where I'm at they call school before it even starts.

12-15-2011, 04:46 PM
We had a little earlier this week, not a big thing any more, used to enjoy surfing in the morning, then up to the mountains to play in the snow & if I wanted down to the desert to play in the sand. Used to love driving the ATV's in the snow..:bigsmyl2:

12-15-2011, 06:00 PM
As much as you want. NM isnt supposd to get that much snow.

12-15-2011, 08:04 PM
You want to box some of that snow up and send it my way Crawdaddy?

When it starts to snow here you are welcome to stay here for free as long as you clear the walk and the driveway! :bigsmyl2:

12-15-2011, 10:22 PM
Ha! I'm on the Ski Patrol here. This Saturday we're doing our on the hill medical refresher. We've only got about a foot of snow. We're already past the normal opening date.

Let it snow... Let it snow... Let it snow...

Bad Water Bill
12-15-2011, 11:59 PM
Let it snow... Let it snow... Let it snow...

To most of the folks that want snow and can sweep a foot of the stuff away with a corn broom come over to Chicagoland and see what shoveling snow is all about.

A shovel full of snow weighs about the same as a shovel of well mixed mortar. Sure builds back muscles for the young folks but a real pain for us seniors.

12-16-2011, 10:06 AM
I secretly like the snow. My wife openly hates it especially driving in it.

12-16-2011, 11:31 AM
My snow plow guy said he could not do the plowing any longer. It finally gave me the excuse to go buy a snow blower. Sears Craftsman 24" 2 stage.
2 cars wide x 100' long driveway.
Love to do the snow blowing during the blinding New Hamphsire blizzards! The only thing better is casting during a blizzard in the heated shed.
The joys of home ownership!
Bring it on!

12-16-2011, 03:25 PM
I don't mind the snow much, and I'm sure that comes from living in places where the amounts are nominal and remain more charming than annoying. What's scary to me is California drivers from L.A. enroute to Las Vegas at 80-90 MPH in full-on blizzards across Cajon Pass (yesterday for me). Locals stay the h--l off the freeways at such times, but I had little choice yesterday. Whatta passel of fools. California freeways in snowy weather are like a mosh pit slam dance conducted with Nissans.

12-16-2011, 05:41 PM
I'm glad somebody likes it, you all can have that stuff! I just got back from two weeks in SW Colorado and experienced the first and second snow storms of the season there, about 4" each. It's very pretty to look at and fun to play in while on vacation, but I would hate to live with it day-to-day.


41 mag fan
12-16-2011, 06:02 PM
I'm glad somebody likes it, you all can have that stuff! I just got back from two weeks in SW Colorado and experienced the first and second snow storms of the season there, about 4" each. It's very pretty to look at and fun to play in while on vacation, but I would hate to live with it day-to-day.


I'm with you gear, around here it snows it gets cold, due to the moisture in the air.
Plus the snow makes a miserable mess in the yard to try to walk around in.
If it's going to get cold, I'd much rather have it -0 all winter. That way it pushes the moisture further south.
Seems the older I get the less I like the cold and the snow. It's really dawned on me the last couple of yrs why retirees move to Florida.
Sad too, I've still got 20 yrs left before I retire.

12-16-2011, 08:09 PM
I'll say one thing about high places in the winter, it's sure different than lower altitudes. I live at 1600 feet, about 200 miles from the Gulf coast, and when it's 50 degrees I'm a miserable, shivering mess due to the dense air and high humidity. When it's below freezing, it's absolutely intolerable, even in quality cold-weather clothing. But at 11,000 feet, even in a 5 mph blizzard and 18 degree ambient temperature, I spent half an hour installing and adjusting snow cables on all four wheels wearing a tee-shirt, bluejeans, thin leather boots and a ball cap, and the only thing that got cold was my ears and face. Otherwise I was quite comfortable. Altitude, wind speed, and humidity make all the difference. I've also been at 10-14,000 feet when it was 75 degrees and it was incredibly hot to me, and I'm used to working outside in 108 degree summers with 80+ percent humidity.


12-16-2011, 10:33 PM
Very true, Gear. Humidity is the bugbear, at all temp ranges. Winds at higher speeds will rob you of heat, though--even when high and dry. Wind chill would be better expressed as "hypothermic potential", methinks.

41 mag fan
12-17-2011, 07:13 AM
I'll say one thing about high places in the winter, it's sure different than lower altitudes. I live at 1600 feet, about 200 miles from the Gulf coast, and when it's 50 degrees I'm a miserable, shivering mess due to the dense air and high humidity. When it's below freezing, it's absolutely intolerable, even in quality cold-weather clothing. But at 11,000 feet, even in a 5 mph blizzard and 18 degree ambient temperature, I spent half an hour installing and adjusting snow cables on all four wheels wearing a tee-shirt, bluejeans, thin leather boots and a ball cap, and the only thing that got cold was my ears and face. Otherwise I was quite comfortable. Altitude, wind speed, and humidity make all the difference. I've also been at 10-14,000 feet when it was 75 degrees and it was incredibly hot to me, and I'm used to working outside in 108 degree summers with 80+ percent humidity.

That's the way it is here, 50 degrees with a humidity is fairly cold, and 85 degrees with humidity is stinkin hot. We're only a few hundred feet above sea level and it's either hot or cold. Very seldom inbetween. If it is, it's not for very long.
If it's 10 degrees here, I'm bundled up like the kid on Christmas Story, but we go to N MN to my inlaws and it's -10 out, I'll be outside bringing in wood for the fireplace, in a short sleeve shirt and not get cold. Total different style of weather.


Just what I love. Snow and elevation! One of the highpoints of my life was cresting white peak at 14,242 feet. I thought I was on top of the world until my buddy piointed across the way and said "My. Whitney is about 200 feet higher."

It's ok though. Whitney is next.

I'd get 20' from the top and slip and my fat a** would roll all the way back to the bottom

12-17-2011, 10:05 AM
Done deal!! Wait. How long is your walk and driveway?

The walk and porches aren't much maybe 25' total, the driveway is 2 cars wide and about 120' but the fun part is the middle section of driveway with no place to throw it off to the side! I do have an nice 8HP 2 stage snow blower though, but the wind usually wants to blow it right back at you.

My other gripe is that most people around here forget how to drive in the stuff even though it is very common occurrence.

12-17-2011, 10:29 AM
I like brown ground till the lakes get enough Good ice to drive on. Then you can let it snow. This year the ground is just dusted with snow. An the weatherman said the next 2 days should be in the 30's an 40's. Ive only seen houses an ATV's on the lakes so far.
My driveway is 1/4 mile long. And the wife an I have fun clearing it with our ATV.

Charlie Two Tracks
12-17-2011, 10:50 AM
No snow yet in Northern Ill. and I'm very happy to have it that way. I used to like winter in my younger days and worked and played outside all the time. Now that I'm over 60, the cold just doesn't feel good. I will retire Jan. 1st 2013 and that will be the end of plowing snow off the roads. It wouldn't hurt my feelings if the winter of 2011-2012 was the warmest on record. Let's have this global warming for at least this year and it can just be in Henry county. Since the coyotes showed up around here quite a few years ago, the hunting of quail, pheasant and rabbits has taken a dramatic down turn. Stinkin coyotes..........

12-17-2011, 11:13 AM
I'm glad it does not snow here, the locals don't know how to drive in the rain much less.
We have roads that would make a Lemans driver drool

Bad Water Bill
12-17-2011, 11:18 AM
Charlie I will keep my fingers crossed also. Down by the worlds biggest limestone pit the snow seems to get heavier every year. Also the drivers seem to get stupider with every passing year.

OOPS just looked out the window and saw that some vandals have spray painted the whole place with WHITE paint. Guess I will wait a couple hours before I go shopping so that the dumbies can have their accidents then I will leave.

By the way I can not remember how long ago since I saw one of those rockets shooting from under my feet. Probably at least 30 years or so.

12-17-2011, 12:03 PM
I'm sort of missing snow these days after a couple of years in the low country. But as I'm heading back to Maine for the rest of this winter I suppose I'll get over that.

12-17-2011, 07:08 PM
When it snows it is casting season.:Fire::Fire:

12-17-2011, 10:35 PM
My casting, smelting, loading, and shooting season lasts 12 months, with only a few days too hot and a few too cold, wet, and windy. It would be tough to live where shooting sessions were impractical for several months at a time. If I did, I'm imagining an immediate need for a heated shooting shack, or at least a "Shuetzenvagon" I could drive to the range.


12-26-2011, 01:12 AM
Been snowing here for a couple of days. Snow is waist deep, the temperatures is well below zero and dropping since noon. The wife has been staring through the kitchen window since early this afternoon. Do you think I should let her in?

12-26-2011, 07:50 AM
She have warm bedding and plenty of fresh water?

12-26-2011, 10:57 AM
She have warm bedding and plenty of fresh water?

The water keeps freezing within minutes and I let her have a couple of last years straw bales earlier this fall...
Ah, what they heck, she can come into the house if she wants to...