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View Full Version : simply incredible

Jack Stanley
12-11-2011, 05:41 PM
I was watching an auction the other day for a set of S&W diamond center magna grips . They looked in nice shape for a set of grips that's been around longer than I've been out of school .

I'd seen a set some time back sell for just over a hundred thirty bucks and I thought maybe this set might go for one forty or so . Wow !!! was I ever wrong on that ! The bid went from one nineteen to one sixty to the final bid of over two twenty .

I'm guessing somebody really wanted to fix up their old Smith .


12-11-2011, 05:45 PM
Argh...I have five or six pair, that I just might have to hunt up and sell down river.

12-11-2011, 06:00 PM
I've got several pairs of those in my "grip box". Maybe I should list them on one of the auction sites and turn the cash into guns..............


Lloyd Smale
12-12-2011, 08:47 AM
you even have to watch for cloned diamond grips now. People are making them and trying to pass them off as originals. Kind of kick myself in the but. Years ago I gave away a few sets of them because they were so miserable to shoot with.

Jack Stanley
12-12-2011, 07:33 PM
I think the magna style grips shoot a little better with a Tyler T-grip adapter . A department I belonged to had T-grips on some K-frames and they worked pretty good . I wonder if it works the same on the "N" frames ?

I've shot the bigger diamond center grips on a "K" frame that I think is original to a four screw gun . They feel pretty good the few times I shot it but it wasn't on a heavy recoiling gun like an "N" frame can get .
