View Full Version : Lead @ $2.05/lb (including surgery)

12-10-2011, 01:50 AM
Merry Christmas, 12/10/11

I have been lucky enough to pick up 1200 pounds of smelted wheel weight lead at the local scrap yard over the last three months. Priced at $0.50 per pound I figured this was a good deal. Then there is the $0.13 per pound in LP gas to smelt the lead into ingots (I need to make my smelting setup more efficient). Lastly there is the $1700 for the hernia surgery done two days ago making my cost per pound $2.05. I figure even with the surgery the cost per pound isn't too bad. But to make matters worse I limped over to the scrap yard today and bought another 200 pounds. Too bad I won't be able to lift it out of the car for another two or three months till I heal. But I still say I am not addicted and can quit at any time.

best wishes- oldandslow

12-10-2011, 01:58 AM
That is some REAL cast boolit sickness ....:mrgreen:

12-10-2011, 02:44 AM

There must be some sort of cast boolits award for those who go above and beyond all reasonable measure to enjoy our hobby/sport !!!


Love Life
12-10-2011, 03:05 AM

There must be some sort of cast boolits award for those who go above and beyond all reasonable measure to enjoy our hobby/sport !!!


A silver boolit?

12-10-2011, 05:51 AM
A silver boolit?

I'm thinking there ought to at least be some cash-in reward for the frequent poster miles. A DIY lead-level test kit, package of "cast boolit" hand wipes, complimentary burn salve or band-aids with the cast boolit logo... Something! :D

Dan Cash
12-10-2011, 08:02 AM
If the stuff is in the back of your car, you are set for driving on snow packed roads.

12-10-2011, 10:51 AM
Look at the positive side on ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the money you save casting.

12-10-2011, 11:12 AM
I love that story. Reminds me of the time I got an old axe head for a few bucks, and decided to put a new handle on it, thinking of what a great deal I was getting on a good old quality axe. Well, it bit me and after the tendon repair surgery that axe cost me over $1000. I havent touched it since.

12-10-2011, 11:22 AM
I'm thinking there ought to at least be some cash-in reward for the frequent poster miles. A DIY lead-level test kit, package of "cast boolit" hand wipes, complimentary burn salve or band-aids with the cast boolit logo... Something! :D


12-10-2011, 09:59 PM

12-10-2011, 10:09 PM
If y'all boolit molds would put your state in the location space, somebody might help you get the lead out of the trunk. Just a thought.


12-10-2011, 10:13 PM
I bought a 150'ish pound lead weight off of a guy locally. Now in the presence of another man, my alpha strength kick in and I picked it up and dropped it in my truck rather effortlessly.

Once home it was game over. That hunk might as well have been welded to the trunk floor. A week later I finally got up the steam to pull it out of the trunk and then drag it to the garage. I hope nobody saw me getting my butt kicked by this relatively small piece of metal.

12-10-2011, 10:28 PM
If the stuff is in the back of your car, you are set for driving on snow packed roads.

Unless he drives a front wheel drive car.

12-10-2011, 10:50 PM
My question is:

Where can you get hernia surgery for only $1700?

12-11-2011, 12:16 AM
Would you mind sharing the identity of your Vetenarian with us ? (just in case)

John Boy
12-11-2011, 12:22 AM
oldandslow, did you ever think about using a hand cart?

12-11-2011, 12:56 AM
$1700 is probably his Obama care deductible.

12-11-2011, 02:29 AM
Thanks to all for the well wishes- 12/11/11

Answers to a couple of the questions and comments.

Ron- my location is about 9,000 miles west of you. I do appreciate the thought of someone helping me unload my latest 200 lb. stash. I can always unload the lead a few pounds at a time. As long as I can still get around some I will do my own work (which is a result of my depression-era parent's upbringing). When I can't do my own work what's the use in hanging around.

To 454 and Jeff- the $1700 was just my part of the procedure for the deductables and copays. And my surgeon gave me a big discount since he is a shooter also.

And the few days recovery time has been well spent. I modified my propane smelter setup to lose less heat and I reloaded 300 9mm cast boolits ( one of Tom's AccurateMold molds) on my Dillon Square Deal B. I also cleaned five pistols and started doing my taxes. I got a lot of stuff done-I should get operated on more often.

merry Christmas- oldandslow

Charlie Two Tracks
12-11-2011, 10:48 AM
BAND-AIDS with the Cast Boolist logo on it! That is a great idea Rangefinder! I'd buy some for sure.

12-11-2011, 11:04 AM
Merry Christmas, 12/10/11

I have been lucky enough to pick up 1200 pounds of smelted wheel weight lead at the local scrap yard over the last three months. Priced at $0.50 per pound I figured this was a good deal. Then there is the $0.13 per pound in LP gas to smelt the lead into ingots (I need to make my smelting setup more efficient). Lastly there is the $1700 for the hernia surgery done two days ago making my cost per pound $2.05. I figure even with the surgery the cost per pound isn't too bad. But to make matters worse I limped over to the scrap yard today and bought another 200 pounds. Too bad I won't be able to lift it out of the car for another two or three months till I heal. But I still say I am not addicted and can quit at any time.

best wishes- oldandslow

My experience exactly.

I calculated that with the waste, not counting the labor and propane. NOt counting going to get them and hauling them home. If I can buy wheel weights at 65 cents. It is cheaper to just order the pre-processed ingots from members here and pick them up ON MY FRONT PORCH.

I hear people talk about 50 cents but 65 is the cheapest I have seen in years.

12-11-2011, 11:31 AM

There must be some sort of cast boolits award for those who go above and beyond all reasonable measure to enjoy our hobby/sport !!!


How about a "Purple Boolit" for injuries suffered? (In no way is this meant to denigrate the Purple Heart awarded for injuries in a combat zone!).

12-16-2011, 03:58 AM
As long as you don't get a purple finger
setting your lead down on the floor, or
dent your vehicle with it, it's all good.
I've found WW's when I didn't have a bucket,
just dumped 'em on a tarp in the trunk.
Unloaded 10 or 20 lbs at a time in buckets then
vacuum the trunk.
Have 2x4 spacers on the spare tire to support the
flimsy particle-board trunk floor.