View Full Version : IMPORTANT Public Safety Warning for South TEXAS Hunters.

12-07-2011, 03:27 AM
IMPORTANT Public Safety Warning for South TEXAS Hunters. I hunt South of Asherton TEXAS.

Gang I feel compelled to give this bit of warning to others that may hunt South Texas that was given to me by a TEXAS DPS officer that pulled me over just checking things down that way last weekend. He informed me that armed drug guards are on the rise coming into South Texas to help with the drug smugglers. And they have been caught armed with full auto rifles as well as look outs with 50 BMG barrets. So please be careful and keep on your toes. Also please do not go alone and have some form of communication if you are separated from others in your hunting party.

Sorry again one more thing. If you do run across anything that may be subject please keep handy the local TEXAS DPS office number. Contact them do not contact Boarder Patrol. I do not wish to go on a rant for this but there is a very good reason behind it. Please just believe me. Thank You for the public safety Message.

12-07-2011, 12:08 PM
That is sad, what else can you say? ( with out the rant)

12-07-2011, 02:32 PM
The TEXAS DPS are there to protect U.S. Citizens. Really that is enough said on that matter.

12-07-2011, 04:02 PM
Today on the news was reported the feds have issued threats to Alabama law enforcment of what they'll do if State and local officers tried to enforce AL imigration laws.

Who'd of thought our government would ever be in the slave and drug trade. Again.

12-08-2011, 10:48 AM
It's good advice to be situationally aware when you're out off the blacktop anywhere. The midwest was running rampant with guys cooking meth and may still be, but a lot of them were doing it in mobile labs out in public woods and such. You just don't want to be the guy that stumbles on someone doing something they'd rather not have witnesses to when you're a long way from help, drug runners, poachers, whatever, there are bad folks out there, fortunately, not that many of them.

Thanks for posting this, a good reminder for all.

12-08-2011, 06:56 PM
Sadly, I think this is the type of environment we all hunt in now (your case is an extreme example, of course). It's a shame but spending time on public land has become less relaxing than it used to be. Now I have to worry about stumbling into a booby-trapped or guarded stash, grow op, or meth lab instead of enjoying some good 'ol dirt time. Even on private land, I have to deal with poachers. If I wasn't so hard-headed I'd probably just leave them alone rather than risk encountering one who would try to put me in the ground than risk being reported.

12-09-2011, 01:59 AM
Things have probably changed, but for years there were some crusty old ranchers down in that country, that might have sent them back across the border.

12-09-2011, 02:49 AM
Not sure how many Ranchers are left. As those little towns now look like trailer parks. Since they are drilling for oil every place down there. The burn off fires light up the night. Of which bugs me when I see the price of gas.

12-09-2011, 12:49 PM
thats just clean natural gas and propane and stuff.
you'll wish they weren't burning that stuff like that later, but the oil pays the bills right now and that gas stuff is cheap.

12-09-2011, 02:00 PM
They have way more natural gas in texas than they have a viable market for, most big oilfields do. In east texas it was stored in salt domes for years before it started leaking out and they had to burn it off. There is usually still ranches, just with oil wells on them, but I suspect most of the old ranchers have moved on.

12-09-2011, 02:05 PM
that is sickening. I'm from Missouri but if they are sniping with 50 BMGs now if they hit you you will not need any com devise your days on this earth are over.

Suo Gan
12-09-2011, 04:51 PM
Been living with this here too. The marijauna growers are getting more violent and in the past few years local ranchers have been beaten and threatened at gunpoint on their own property. Some places are worse than others of course. In my exact area, I would say that there is a couple percent chance of running into some very bad people. The possibility is always there though. Where I hunt they bust a couple dozen pot farms a season. The protocol for the growers who are mostly Mexican nationals is to set up camp a distance away from the actual farm. They find a reliable source of water, pack in plastic pipes, small motorized pumps and set up shop. From what I understand they used trail cameras and other lo tech means to determine if the fuzz or a pot thief is onto them.

I don't think most of the actual growers want a fire fight, I think they just abandon their operations if they are discovered mostly. I am certain that if I came upon a vehicle being loaded with a couple million dollars worth of marijauna as I cruise around a corner interesting things would happen.

The fact of the matter is that the wild west is not dead, the bad guys are still out to make a buck and if you get in the way, who's gonna know???

If the Sheriffs would buy a couple trail cameras themselves maybe they could actually catch some of these guys that ALWAYS get away. Next year there is a pot farm right where they busted one last year. Like any government agency, there seems to be a lack of leadership. There are some smart people in law enforcement, it just seems that the implementation of common sense, coupled with the typical government employee attitude of "Not in my job description" means that we will keep seeing these things kicked down the road, and we will get plenty of defensive reaction, but little to no proactive public safety measures.

Makes you feel good about taking kids out and enjoying the great outdoors.

12-09-2011, 06:43 PM
About 22 years ago there were several burros loaded with dope shot, in south western nm and southeastern az. These were apparently shot with a 45/70 as I knew a couple guys that were known to shoot long range with them that were questioned. It seemed like they were more interested in catching the shooter than they were the ones hauling the dope in.

12-10-2011, 03:22 PM
I just came back from an shortened muzzleloader hunt on the SW Washington Coast.
Because the timber companies (Weyerhauser) have made most of their logging roads non-motorized access only, camping spots in the woods are limited now. Where I camped I suddenly found myself surrounded by crews of illegals harvesting (read that stealing) spruce boughs and other branches for the Xmas wreath trade. They were also shooting deer and butchering them there to feed themselves. Hunting alone, I definitely did not feel safe so bailed out. Be aware, hunters. This problem is everywhere.

12-11-2011, 07:05 PM
This is something I take very personally and very seriously, so please excuse my rant.

I will not tolerate... at any level..... drug dealers, illegals, poachers, trespassers, fence cutters, stock thieves, felons, violent or rude people. I do not seek them out, but I will not run from one for any reason. Discretion is the better part of valor, and so is a well laid out plan of attack. This is also coming from someone who single handedly ran a high school football team out of a restraunt for yelling out obscenities in front of my wife and my mother. I understand that we all need to try to get along with each other, but these people are not trying to get along. They are looking to make someone a victim and get ahead by any means necessary. I dont want to become a statistic, I have too much to live for. But I REFUSE to turn around and walk away.

12-11-2011, 11:44 PM
Hear,hear for you x101 airborne!
Good on ye!

12-12-2011, 10:52 PM
Well you have to know when to stand and know when to run, if you are armed with a double barrel 12, or a muzzle loader and they are armed with 50 cals, The best plan is to retreat and regroup.

12-13-2011, 03:22 AM
Good morning x101Airborne
You would make one fine neighbor !
Mike in Peru

12-13-2011, 10:08 AM
like I said.... Discretion being the better part of valor.

OR........ You could take that double 12, force an agressive response, close the distance before they can deploy those 50's, neutralize the threat from close range where those 50's are useless and too heavy / big to maneuver. just depends on how you look at things.

MT Gianni
12-14-2011, 11:31 PM
Not sure how many Ranchers are left. As those little towns now look like trailer parks. Since they are drilling for oil every place down there. The burn off fires light up the night. Of which bugs me when I see the price of gas.

In most of Texas the Nat gas and Propane are piped. Some of the well gasses are volitile enough that they ignite when they hit air. Lots of those "appear" to be burned at the wellhead. When they are burning you know where they are, when they don't burn you are using monitors or guessing. I'd rather see them burn.