View Full Version : Finally got it shooting

12-06-2011, 08:50 PM
Today I finally got my Handi rifle to shoot a group rather than a pattern. I have had the rifle for over a year an have been working off an on trying to get my handi to shoot cast bullets to a 3" moa group at 50 yards. Occasionally I would get a good couple of shots but then the fliers would start. Most times I was lucky to keep 4 shots on a 9" by 11" sheet of paper at 50 yards. And I know that isn't anywhere good enough for coyotes. I probably went through 100 jacketed bullets, 200 cast bullets, polishing the bore twice, and changed the stock an forearm once
I was just about ready to start trading it off for a different rifle. The only thing I haven't changed on the Handi was the scope that I purchased with the rifle. I had an old tasko that won't focus on the higher powers in a drawer in my basement. I put the tasko on the rifle never even bore sighting it shot 2 shots at 15 yards to see where it hit. Went to 25 yards shot 2 rounds to get point of aim close to to point of impact. Moved the target to 50 yards, 4 shots were vertically strung in 2 inch's by 1/2 inch.
Can you guess where that new Konus scope is going. Back to the manufacturer with a nasty letter.

12-06-2011, 09:10 PM
I went through the same with a Simmons. After a scope switch, it started shooting much better (22 Hornet).

What caliber were you working on? And, how tight is your forearm on the rifle?

12-07-2011, 01:25 AM
I've got one in 243 with Hornady ammo it'll do one hole at 100 yards from a rest.

12-07-2011, 02:54 PM
I had the same thing happen with steel sites. The bullets were going all over the paper and I couldn't understand it because I had recently put 10 rounds through the same hole at 100 yards. One day after a really frustrating time at the range I laid the rifle down in its case and the back aperture piece fell off. Yup, it had been loose and swinging around on my .45-70 for months. I now check that piece every time I shoot.

What a waste of ammo and time. rats......

12-07-2011, 05:59 PM
OBXPilgrim it is a .223 with a standard barrel

12-07-2011, 10:13 PM
Not sure if you've seen the FAQ on graybeards site for the Handi's, but it can be very helpful.


Even though you have the rifle shooting better, it should be capable of much better and I think the vertical stringing has to do with your forearm/front handguard. Some try shooting groups without the forend on at all to help troubleshoot it - not sure if you already knew that. Just pop the forend on without the screw to open it and after you load it and snap it closed, just pull the forend off. If your group sizes drop, it was related to the forend.

12-11-2011, 03:29 PM
I'm really stumped now! The Tasco scope was (is) shooting good. So I decided to put the Konus scope back on the rifle to give it (the scope) one last try before I send it back for a replacement.
I had 17 rounds made up 12 rounds had a 60gr cast bullet, the remaining 5 rounds had a 55gr cast bullet. All powder weights were the same 10gr/2400, primers were all WSRP.
First shot was at 10yards for Zero. Second shot was sight adjustment at 25Y. I moved the target to 50Y to test for group.
First 6 shots with the 60 grain bullets made a group 5.5" by 4.5" an the group center was 4" high above the aiming point.
Next 11 rounds (last 6 of the 60gr bullets an all of the 55 gr bullets) made a group of 2.25" by 1.30" with the center of the group dropping .75" below the aiming point. To date that is the best group I have shot with the gun an Konus scope.
All shots were continues slow fired so as not to heat up the barrel.
This afternoon I'll try to get downstairs an load another batch of ammo an see how the gun shoots again. Kevin

Chicken Thief
12-11-2011, 04:34 PM
Loose rings?

12-11-2011, 04:48 PM
Sorry CT all rings an bases were checked before an after each scope change.
Well I'm headed downstairs now to load some more ammo. Hopefully I will get outside before dark.

12-11-2011, 05:44 PM
Well it just gets worse. Same load same distance same shooting form. The only thing I changed was the shooting sequence. This time I shot 5 rounds then I went forward an marked each shot.
4 rounds, 5 shots each round.
round 1 5.5" by 3.75" 1 round just nicked the paper
2 7.25" by 1" 2 rounds lost off of paper
3 4.5" by .75 1 round lost off of paper
4 6.6" by 3" 1 round lost off of paper
Next weekend I will change the scope back to the Tasco an see what happens

12-11-2011, 05:50 PM
Mine's not a std. contour, it's the heavy, but it'll shoot pretty good. 8) Using a Leaper's 4x32 Mil-dot now, but thick reticles make it hard to get detailed at 100 yards. Does great at lesser ranges though. 8)


12-12-2011, 11:51 PM
You might try removing the forend and placing an O-ring on the post where the forend screw goes. This has been used to increase accuracy. Check out the Greybeard outdoor site.

Jim Flinchbaugh
12-13-2011, 08:32 PM
One word of caution about Graybeard.
you better read the fac and have it memorized or surely you will chastised for asking a question that is already in there. There's a lot of info there, but not easy to navigate till you figure it out

12-13-2011, 09:01 PM
Luvtn it's already been done. Previously I shot without the forearm, changed both butstock an forearm from wood to synthetic. Nothing helped with the Konus scope. I have used 4 different powders and nothing seemed to help.
Heck I even tried J bullets

12-19-2011, 08:33 PM
A chamber cast will probably show you what the problem is. Off center throat I would bet.