View Full Version : Evil-bay dies

12-04-2011, 11:37 PM
What's up with the swagig dies on e-bay? Item number: 390367624570 Has anyone used or purchased any? if so can brass be swaged in them or are they just for cast? Just asking.

12-06-2011, 05:21 PM
I don't have that particular die, but I have that Vendor's de-rim die for 22 cal. My understanding from review of his materials is that the die will swage lead to the bullet size. Might be able to do so with copper jackets, but I would be cautious about using this die to swage full brass jackets. Best option, contact the vendor and ask him if he will recommend for that use or not and if he will warranty a broken die. For the record, I like his de-rim die design, but his punch was so hard that it shattered when accidentally knocked off the work bench. My fault, but still, I was disappointed that things were so brittle.