View Full Version : How Long Does Your Brass Stay Shiny?

12-02-2011, 03:58 PM
I don't tumble my brass but instead give them a citric acid bath. The brass cleans up good and has a bit of a shine to it but it is not bright. Within a few weeks though it loses most of its shine. To those that tumble their brass to a bright sheen, how long does it say bright?

12-02-2011, 06:41 PM
I sometimes user lemishine to clean brass and what you are seeing is normal. Citric acid will remove tarnish but, there's nothing in it it to protect the surface so it will just just oxidize again.

I've got brass that was tumbled in walnut, with Nu-Finish and mineral spirits almost a year ago tha still has the just from the tumbler shine.

Another thing I do is put freshly tumbled brass in plastic coffee / snack containers with a silica dessicant packet.

There are usually a couple good size packets in the boxes of new data center equipment that Dell sends us at work so I grab them.

Just about everything's got in its packaging nowadays. They usually have "DO NOT EAT!" Printed on them in big bold letters.

12-02-2011, 07:17 PM
I tumble mine in corn cob 20/40 grit from DrillSpot with a capful of liquid auto polish, most any brand will work but Nu-Finish seems to be very popular. Cases stay shinney for a couple of years or longer stored in shotgun shell boxes, no zip-lock bags or anything. The auto polish deposits a light coating of polymer onto the cases inhibiting tarnish.

12-02-2011, 08:19 PM
Mine stay shiny until the extractor pulls them from the freshly fired chamber. I use walnut and liquid car wax in a Dillon vibratory tumbler. I story them in ammo cans with a good seal. Some of the rounds were loaded 4+ years ago.

12-02-2011, 08:34 PM
Years ago, I stored my brass in open bins on shelves. Tarnished fairly quickly. Started storing in ziplocks and tupperware tubs and it stays bright for years now.

12-03-2011, 10:08 AM
I also tumble my brass , i use water with bb gun bbs and joy dish washing detergent and some lemon juce , the cases are like new and shiny but they dull out in time if i dont vibrate or tumble them in corn cob / with polish added to put a protective coating on them .

12-03-2011, 11:48 AM
Years ago, I stored my brass in open bins on shelves. Tarnished fairly quickly. Started storing in ziplocks and tupperware tubs and it stays bright for years now.

I keep mine in ziplock bags as well. Cheap and it keeps it's shine as long as it's sealed up.

12-03-2011, 01:18 PM
Can't say I notice if it is still bright or not. I don't mind a slight tarnish as long as it isn't green or black corrosion.
I like clean brass, shiny isn't needed.

12-03-2011, 01:27 PM
A lot depends on how much it is handled, and if your hands are dry when handling, and if it has been on the ground etc. I tumble all my brass each time I load because it is more habit than necessity. I agree with clean, shiny looks good, is nice, but not necessary.