View Full Version : M die too long?

12-02-2011, 09:42 AM
I bought a new Lyman M die for 308. I bought the .30 long because Midways description listed 308 winchester for this die. With the die body just touching the shellholder, I cannot get the expander adjusted deep enough to get both steps unless I take off the locking ring. If I take off the locking ring, it's not going to stay put where it needs to be obviously. As it is I can get it locked in place and get just enough of a flare to start the boolit without shaving, but to get the two steps as per design, not happening.

Am I doing something wrong? Is Midway's description to blame [should I have bought the short .30]?? Maybe something slipped through QC at Lyman???

I need the .30 short M die anyway for 30/30. Does anyone use the short die for 308 Win?

I'm thinking I'll hop on the lathe tonight and make me a spacer about an eighth inch thick and use it to shim the expander down deeper in the die body.

Baron von Trollwhack
12-02-2011, 09:50 AM
I under stood there were two 30 caliber M dies, one long, one short. The description may have been wrong. Check the Lyman site.


Calamity Jake
12-02-2011, 09:54 AM
I use the 30 short with a long stem for everything from 256 WM to 8MM Mauser.

You can shorten yours and be good to go or buy the 30 short.

Lefty SRH
12-02-2011, 10:16 AM
Whats an "M die"? Ive never heard of an M die before. Whats it used for?

12-02-2011, 11:46 AM
I use the long M-2 die body to size from .30-30 up to .30-'06.

12-02-2011, 12:10 PM
I use the 30 short with a long stem for everything from 256 WM to 8MM Mauser.

You can shorten yours and be good to go or buy the 30 short.

Well frickin' duhh! I didn't think of shortening the die body, especially being as it does nothing on the bottom end.

Thanks Jake, that's what I'll do.

12-02-2011, 12:14 PM
I under stood there were two 30 caliber M dies, one long, one short. The description may have been wrong. Check the Lyman site.


There are two, and I double checked Lymans site. The one for 30/30 is not the same for 308. Evidently, Midway was right [not that I doubted them much]

12-02-2011, 12:15 PM
I use the long M-2 die body to size from .30-30 up to .30-'06.

I don't doubt your word, but based on what I got, I don't see how.

12-02-2011, 12:16 PM
Whats an "M die"? Ive never heard of an M die before. Whats it used for?

It creates a step in the neck to guide cast boolits in straight without shaving any lead.
I't a godsend when it's used proper.

12-02-2011, 01:02 PM
I don't doubt your word, but based on what I got, I don't see how.

Try this:
1. Remove the expander stem from the die body.
2. Install a case in the shell holder and run the ram all the way to the top.
3. Screw the die body down till it touches the case, then tighten the lock ring.
4. Install the expander stem and screw it down till the plug touches the case.
5. Lower the ram, adjust the expander stem, and raise the ram till you get the desired expansion, then tighten the expander stem lock nut.

Most likely, you will find that both the die body and expander stem will be screwed in almost to the ends of their threads.

12-02-2011, 02:45 PM
Most likely, you will find that both the die body and expander stem will be screwed in almost to the ends of their threads.

RIGHT. So much so that the locking ring for the expander is being held by one thread at best.

12-02-2011, 03:27 PM
Well, we tried.

One last thought: What if you install the lock ring from the bottom of the die?

12-02-2011, 05:15 PM
Well, we tried.

One last thought: What if you install the lock ring from the bottom of the die?

Good idea, but that won't help. The die body is already bottomed out on the shell holder. It's the locking ring for the expander that's the issue. I have to screw it down into the die too far.

I'll take a pic tonight.

12-02-2011, 06:24 PM
For the experienced M Die users in this thread, would you please take a gander at the thread I have on setting up a progressive for rifle and cast boolits? I'm betting you have an answer for my questions.

I've used the M die on pistol boolits in the past and like it. I wish another manufacturer had the profile in their powder through case activated expander setups.

12-02-2011, 07:36 PM
I bought an M die for my 45/70 awhile back and later I bought me a 454/45Colt and when I tried to use the 45/70 M die, it of course too long. Amazingly enough, the Lyman M expander rod screwed right into my RCBS 45 Colt expander die. Works like a free M die. :D

Baron von Trollwhack
12-02-2011, 08:42 PM
The Lee powder through expander dies have almost universal application in caliber (diameter) also. BvT

12-02-2011, 08:43 PM
"It's the locking ring for the expander that's the issue."

Oops, mis-read post 11.